This is an in-browser image converter for the Sharp Memory Display LCDs. It assumes you're using the 400x240 display and allows you to download a data file that's either thresholded or error diffused using the Floyd-Steinberg algotithm.
This was written in Javascript using the P5js framework.
- If you're using PROGMEM, be aware of accessing the data with pgm_read_byte_near() or you'll probably crash your micro. Not using PROGMEM means the data will be in RAM.
- If you don't pad to the screen width, then the width of the line will be the nearest multiple of 8 that can enclose the image.
- Final image dimensions are included in the output file as a comment for your convenience.
- This has been tested with Adafruit's GFX DrawBitmap(), although you may need to invert your data for this to look right.
- Due to web security features, the resulting .h file with also have .txt appended - so you'll probably want to remove that.
This is fully open-source under the MIT License. Although I'd love for you to contribute to it, make some beautiful CSS, add features, fix problems, and generally make it better; you can do whatever you like with it. Print it out and eat it, wear it as a hat, send it as Morse code, use it as a drum track for a synthwave jam. Just use your common sense and don't come crying to me if it ends in financial ruin, divorce, outbreak of war, or some other malady.
If you'd rather not deal with the source code yourself, the current version is hosted by GitHub and available to use online at