Photo upload tutorial using React.js & Node.js
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
You are going to need Node.js and npm installed on your machine.
How to properly install and configure this repository to work on your machine. Cloning the repository git clone ...
Enter cloned directory cd file-upload/
Enter Backend directory and do npm install cd file-upload/backend && npm install --save Enter Frontend directory and do npm install cd file-upload/frontend && npm install --save
You will need to run Backend & Frontend seperately, ports are already configured, make sure you don't conflict them if you change anything. Enter Frontend directory and do npm start cd file-upload/frontend && npm start Enter Backend directory and do npm start cd file-upload/backend && npm start
Now you can load localhost:3000 in your browser and use the app.
- React - Frontend javascript library
- Node - Backend framework
- Express - Node.js web application framework
- Injung Kim - Secure Storage work