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EasyCircR combines the detection and reconstruction of circular RNAs (circRNAs) with the exon-intron split analysis (EISA) by the means of miRNA response element (MREs) prediction.

Starting from RNA-seq data, it uses CIRI-full for the reconstruction of full-length circRNAs and EISA for the detection of genes which are post-transcriptional regulated. In order to combine the two results, miRNA response elements (MREs), with respective binding miRNA, are predicted using TargetScan for each circRNA.
The relationship miRNA-gene is retrieved using MultimiR package and results are then filtered by genes which where previously found post-transcriptional regulated.

The pipeline is divided in 6 major steps.

  1. Measure changes across different experimental conditions to quantify post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression (EISA).
  2. Reconstruct and quantify full-length circRNAs with CIRI-Full.
  3. Differentially expressed analysis of detected circRNAs (with limma).
  4. Predict MREs from the full sequence of circRNA using TargetScan.
  5. Finally, connecting circRNA to genes.
  6. Further analysis and visualization with Shiny app.


We prodide two ways to download and install EasyCircR package:

  • Installation from R
  • Installation with Docker

Installation from R

The package relies on several dependencies of libraries and tools that must be installed before proceeding with package installation including:

Ubuntu users need to install also:

  • libpoppler-cpp-dev
  • libgit2-dev

Once that all the dependencies are installed EasyCircR can be installed from github using "devtools" package.

# install devtools package

# install EasyCircR

Installation with Docker

The package is also available inside a dedicated docker container. Follow the following links to install Docker on Linux, Windows or macOS, and follow the on-screen instructions.

To pull the EasyCircR docker image run the following command:

docker pull savesani/easycircr

An example on how to run EasyCircR analysis with docker is provided at the Example of analysis with docker section.

Testing dataset

Tests were performed using the data described in: Analysis was performed on 6 RNA-seq samples (pair-end) of TMD8 cell line collected form diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) cells treated with DMSO (control) and PQR-309 (treatment). The script used to download and index reference genome and annotation files is available on the supplementary branch.

NB: Before running CIRI-Full make sure to index the genome with bwa.


In order to use as input the fastq files, their path must be stored in a tab separated file with three named columns like the one present in the supplementary branch.
For each sample you need to indicate the two pair-end fastq files and a sample name.

EasyCircR requires a significant amount of disk memory to store temporary files that will be removed at the end of each pipeline step. It is recommended to start the analysis having at least 200 GB of free disk space.

FileName1	FileName2	SampleName
fastq/S1_DMSO_4h_R1.fq.gz	fastq/S1_DMSO_4h_R2.fq.gz	S1_DMSO_4h
fastq/S2_PQR_4h_R1.fq.gz	fastq/S2_PQR_4h_R2.fq.gz	S2_PQR_4h
fastq/S3_DMSO_8h_R1.fq.gz	fastq/S3_DMSO_8h_R2.fq.gz	S3_DMSO_8h
fastq/S4_PQR_8h_R1.fq.gz	fastq/S4_PQR_8h_R2.fq.gz	S4_PQR_8h
fastq/S5_DMSO_12h_R1.fq.gz	fastq/S5_DMSO_12h_R2.fq.gz	S5_DMSO_12h
fastq/S6_PQR_12h_R1.fq.gz	fastq/S6_PQR_12h_R2.fq.gz	S6_PQR_12h

Since many of the steps in the pipeline are very long (even 5/6h per sample) we store the final results in a folder EasyCircR, in the same directory of the code.
The final structure of EasyCircR is something similar to this:

├── circRNA
│   ├── CIRI-Full
│   │   ├── countMatrix.rds
│   │   ├── predictedCircRNAs.rds
│   │   ├── S5_DMSO_12h
│   │   │   └── CIRI-vis_out
│   │   ├── S1_DMSO_4h
│   │   │   └── CIRI-vis_out
│   │   ├── S3_DMSO_8h
│   │   │   └── CIRI-vis_out
│   │   ├── S6_PQR_12h
│   │   │   └── CIRI-vis_out
│   │   ├── S2_PQR_4h
│   │   │   └── CIRI-vis_out
│   │   └── S4_PQR_8h
│   │       └── CIRI-vis_out
│   ├── miRNA
│   │   ├── circ_mirna.txt
│   │   └── circRNA_sequences.txt
│   └── trimmed_fastq
├── geneMirnaCirc
│   └── geneMirnaCirc.rds
└── postGene
    └── postGene.rds

The three major folders (circRNA, geneMirnaCirc, postGene) contain each one or two .rds file storing the results of the pipeline, e.g. countMatrix.rds contains the counts of circRNA found or postGene.rds the results of get_postregulated_gene. The CIRI-Full folder contains a folder for each sample in which are stored all the circRNAs in a pdf form.
Most of the functions in the package also work as a loading function, checking if there is the respective .rds file and returning it, instead of recomputing it.
With these functions we can be bypass this behaviour with the parameter force=TRUE.


Eisa requires a samples_file, the genome with its annotations and the vector condition.

samples_file <- "samples.txt"
genome_file <- "genome/hg38.fa"
genome_annotation_file <- "genome/hg38.gtf"
condition <- factor(rep(c("DMSO", "PQR"),3))

Important to note that in condition, the i-th position represents the i-th sample in the tab separated file.

The constrat matrix for the DE in eisa is build automatically by eisaR based on the condition vector defined as secondLevel - firstLevel.
In this case we do not need to change the level order of the PQR and DMSO since we want to PQR - DMSO.

#[1] "DMSO" "PQR"

The following runs eisa on the fastq files. This will also return non statistically significant genes. So we should filter them based on FDR.

post_gene <- get_postregulated_gene(samples_file, genome_file, 
                                    condition, aligner="Rhisat2", 
                                    force=FALSE, n_core=1)

post_gene <- post_gene[post_gene$FDR <= 0.1,]

                     logFC    logCPM        F       PValue          FDR
ENSG00000083845  1.123991 10.977869 119.44677 5.834036e-09 6.069731e-05
ENSG00000188846  1.335570  9.392296  85.82574 6.176369e-08 2.554220e-04
ENSG00000127824 -2.588764  6.016761  83.68345 7.365108e-08 2.554220e-04
ENSG00000156508  1.434746 12.825495  73.82974 1.744079e-07 3.506286e-04
ENSG00000137154  1.149152 10.647291  72.52710 1.968497e-07 3.506286e-04
ENSG00000117395 -1.183689  6.821934  72.24068 2.022080e-07 3.506286e-04

2. CIRI-Full

Since CIRI-Full relies on CIRI-AS, which was developed before CIRI2, it cannot process sequencing reads with different lengths.
The function run_ciri_full accept the parameter trim_reads_length which can take a number that define at which length reads must be cutted. Reads smaller than that size are discarded and longer are trimmed.
In order to keep most of the reads and as long as possible, the function plot_readlen_hist can help.
In the dataset all the reads have already been trimmed and the function returns the length of the reads.

#All the reads have the same length: 122 bp

Otherwise it would have returned an histogram like the following:


Where the blue dotted line represents at which length cutting the reads will result in keeping 80% of all the original reads.

We can now run CIRI-Full with the following functions.

run_ciri_full(samples_file, genome_file, genome_annotation_file, 
              trim_reads_length=130, force=FALSE)

After CIRI-Full has finished we can read the output using:

circ <- read_ciri_output(samples_file, chrMT = T)
#[1] "circ_df"  "circ_mtx"
circ_df <- circ$circ_df 
circ_mtx <- circ$circ_mtx

chrMT parameter can be set to FALSE if the user wants to exclude circRNAs detected on MT chromosome. It returns two objects: circ_df and circ_mtx.
circ_df contains information like the chromosome, the start and end of the back-spliced junction (BSJ), the length of the reconstructed circRNA and the reconstructed sequence.
circ_mtx is the count matrix of circRNAs.

3. circRNA DE

EasyCirc provide the function de_circrna to perfom the differential expression (DE) analysis on circRNAs with limma.
The user can of course use any other program he might prefer.

First of all we create the design and constrast matrix.

design <- model.matrix(~0+condition)
contr <- limma::makeContrasts("PQRvsDMSO"  = conditionPQR - conditionDMSO, levels = colnames(design))

A guide to creating design matrices for gene expression experiments

Than we run the DE analysis with the following:

circ_de <- de_circrna(circ_mtx, condition, design, contr, lfc=0, p.value=0.05,
                      voomWithQualityWeights=FALSE, min_num_samples=2, plotVoomResult=FALSE, ...)

This function also perform filtering based on the parameter min_num_samples, removing all the circRNAs that are not present in at least a specified number of samples.

We filter circ_df only for DE circRNAs.

circ_df_de <- circ_df[circ_df$bsj_id %in% rownames(circ_de), ]

4. miRNA binding

get_mirna_binding accept a data.frame of circRNAs and for each of them predicts the possible MREs by the means of TargetScan.

circ_mirna <- get_mirna_binding(circ_df_de, force=FALSE)


             a_Gene_ID          miRNA_family_ID
 12:116230533|116237705:-:13      miR-101-5p
 12:116230533|116237705:-:13      miR-105-5p
 12:116230533|116237705:-:13      miR-10b-3p
 12:116230533|116237705:-:13      miR-1180-5p
 12:116230533|116237705:-:13      miR-1184
 12:116230533|116237705:-:13      miR-1205

The result is a data.frame that associates each circRNA to one or more miRNA families.

5. Interaction between circRNAs and genes

The final step requires to join the predicted relations circRNA-miRNA with known/predicted miRNA-gene interactions. The miRNA-gene relation is downloaded using mulitMiR from predicted and validated miRNA–target interactions databases and/or from not validated ones.

gene_mirna_circ <- connect_circ_gene(circ_mirna, post_gene, only_significant_genes=TRUE, force=FALSE, tabletype="validated")

tabletype parameter can be set to validated to retrieve only validated miRNA-gene interactions or all to retrieve all the potential interactions. The parameter only_significant_genes does not make any difference if in the first step of eisa we filtered post_gene by FDR.

6. Further analysis and Shiny

EasyCirc provides a Shiny app to visualize the connection between circRNA-miRNA-gene. The app includes multiple types of filters, the ability to save filtered results in csv/excel and the possibility to further investigate reconstructed circRNAs.

launch_shiny(shiny_host ="", shiny_port = 3838)

We can also show the circRNA structure directly from R without launching the Shiny app using plot_circ


That shows the results of CIRI-vis, which is part of the CIRI-Full algorithm.

Finally we can plot the regulatory nerwork.


Example of analysis with docker

We provide in the supplementary branch an R script called EasyCircR_test.R that could be downloaded, modidified and executed inside the docker container. Remember that to run the pipeline, is necessary to have the reference genome indexed.


Docker container can be used to run directly the script:

# run container
docker run --rm -p 9000:3838 -v /volume_dir:/volume_dir/ savesani/easycircr Rscript EasyCirc_test.R 

Or we can run the docker container in the interactive mode and execute each step of the analysis individually

# run container in the interactive mode
docker run -ti --rm -p 9000:3838 -v /volume_dir:/volume_dir/ savesani/easycircr  

After that the analysis is completed, Shiny app can be run keeping the container active and open the following link in a browser page:

Shiny App functionalities video

Follow a short video showing the main functionalities of the Shiny web app.



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