This repository contains UNET network for automatically detecting soaring birds by weather radar, developed by Schekler et al. at the University of Haifa, Israel.
For details, see our publication:
This code has been implemented in python language using Keras libarary with tensorflow backend and tested in colab. following Environement and Library needed to run the code:
- Python 3
- Keras - tensorflow backend version 1.x
We could only share the PPI images created from the original h5 radar files (and not the h5 files). For running a demo with our data (radial velocity images) follow the bellow steps:
1- Download the train and test data from this link
2- Open 'UNET_Soaring birds_model_f.ipynb'
3- Copy the zip folder of the data to the colab files area and run the code
4- Run 'evaluate_performance_f.ipynb' for performance evalution with the best epoch from the previous code
For prediciting your data with our trainned model,follow the bellow steps:
1- Create from your h5 radar files PPI images with 'creating_ppi.R' (in the 'prepare_data' folder). The model uses 2 previous images for each image we want to detect flocks in, so you have to have consecutive images.
2- Download our best epoch from this link
3- Run 'evaluate_performance_f.ipynb'
In case you want to add more data for the training follow the bellow steps:
1- Create PPI images with 'creating_ppi.R' in the 'prepare_data' folder.
2- You need to tag the images. We used labal- studio
3- In case you did used label-studio, the program creates a few images if you tag the same image a few times (for adding/ correcting previous tag) and in addition, the mask name do not get the name of the origin image. The code in the 'prepare_data' folder concatanate masks of the same image and in addition, conact the image and mask names by their file names.