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Imaging ONEWORLD covers topics including sample preparation, labelling strategies, experimental workflows, and ‘how-to’ image and analyse. The webinars examine inspiring new scientific ideas and facilitate collaborations, with speakers also available for questions and answers. The organisers, core facility and research staff from the MRC-LMB, ICR/Royal Marsden Trust, Brunel University, University of Gothenburg, University of Jena and École Normale Supérieure, are also able to continue the discussion and provide advice on your imaging projects.

Scientific Organisers

    Kirti Prakash       Nabanita Chatterjee        Christian Franke         Nick Barry            Fei Xia

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Upcoming lectures and archives


16th January 2023 - Advanced light microscopy for studying the structure and dynamics of the cardiovascular system by Guy Malkinson, Collège de France, Paris, France. Lecture not available on YouTube.

23rd January 2023 - Lecture cancelled.


12th December 2022 - DNA-PAINT single-particle tracking (DNA-PAINT-SPT) enables extended single-molecule studies of membrane protein interactions by Kristina Ganzinger, Tenure-Track Group Leader, AMOLF, Netherlands.

5th December 2022 - BaSiCPy: an accelerated python program for uneven illumination correction of microscopy images by Dr. Tingying Peng, Young investigator Group Leader at Helmholtz AI, Germany and Dr. Yohsuke Fukai, Researcher at the RIKEN Centre for Biosystems Dynamics Research, Japan.

[Lecture on Youtube](

28th November 2022 - Customized, modular, multiscale microscopy inside and outside the optics lab by Jan Huisken, Georg-August-University Göttingen, Germany. Lecture available on YouTube here.

21st November 2022 - Computational Microscopy for Breaking Fundamental Imaging Barriers by Sjoerd Stallinga, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands. Lecture available on YouTube here.

14th November 2022 - Pulsing, far and small: studying mammalian neuronal circuits with correlative light, X-ray and electron microscopy by Carles Bosch, Francis Crick Institute, UK. Lecture available on YouTube here.

7th November 2022 - One-nanometer Expansion Microscopy by Silvio Rizzoli, University Medical School Göttingen, Germany. Lecture available on YouTube here.

31st October 2022 - In-chamber fluorescence microscopy imaging to guide cryo-electron tomography sample preparation by Dr Katherine Lau, Business Unit Owner, Delmic Cryo, Netherlands. Lecture not recorded.

24th October 2022 - Developments in modern microscopy, 1903-1984 by Colin Sheppard, University of Wollongong, Australia. Lecture not recorded.

17th October 2022 - Dr Carsten Marr. Lecture available on YouTube here.

10th October 2022 - Super-multiplexed vibrational imaging for 3D spatial biology by Lixue Shi, Postdoctoral Researcher , Columbia University, NY, USA. Lecture available on YouTube here.

26th September 2022 - Real Time Widefield TCSPC based Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging by Dr Graham Hungerford, Principal Scientist, HORIBA. Lecture available on YouTube here.

25 July 2022 - Africa Microscopy Initiative by Leong Chew, Advanced Imaging Center (AIC) at Howard Hughes Medical Institute Janelia Research Campus, VA, USA. Lecture not recorded.

18 July 2022 - Machine learning for microscopy with less training data by Anna Kreshuk, Group Leader in the Cell Biology and Biophysics Unit, EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany. Lecture available on YouTube here.

11 July 2022 - High-speed super-resolution structured illumination microscopy based on fiber optics by Professor Thomas Huser, Bielefeld University, Germany. Lecture available on YouTube here.

27 June 2022 - Exploring gene transcription mechanisms using single-molecule fluorescence imaging in vitro and in vivo by Professor Achillefs Kapanidis from the University of Oxford, UK. Lecture not recorded.

20 June 2022 - Data fusion in localization based super-resolution microscopy by Professor Dr Bernd Rieger, Department of Imaging Physics at the Faculty of Applied Sciences, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. Lecture available on YouTube here.

13 June 2022 - 3D Imaging at different scales using single-objective light-sheet microscopy by Dr. Jean-Baptiste Sibarita, Group Leader at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique, France. Lecture available on YouTube here.

6 June 2022 - Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy (CLEM): Combining Ultrastructural and Molecular Imaging by Jesse Aaron, Applications Scientist from the Advanced Imaging Center, HHMI Janelia Research Campus, VA, United States. Lecture available of YouTube here.

30 May 2022 - Overcoming physical resolution limits of fluorescence microscopes with sparse deconvolution by Professor Liangyi Chen from the Peking University in Beijing, China. Lecture available on YouTube here.

23 May 2022 - Imaging how bacteria sense and repair DNA damage at the single-molecule level by Professor Stephan Uphoff from the Department of Biochemistry at Oxford University, UK. Lecture available on YouTube here.

9 May 2022 - Super-resolution microscopy in biomedical research: Challenges and potentials By Dr Christian Eggeling from the University of Göttingen, Germany. Lecture available on YouTube here.

25 April 2022 - Quantitative imaging of the spatio-angular architecture without label by Dr. Shalin Mehta from Chan Zuckerberg Biohub in San Francisco. Lecture available on YouTube here.

4 April 2022 - Molecular memories in C. elegans nematodes by Professor Oded Rechavi from Tel Aviv University, Israel. Lecture not available.

28 March 2022 - Looking ever deeper – an introduction to three-photon microscopy by Dr Christian Wilms from Scientifica Ltd, UK. Lecture available on YouTube here.

21 March 2022 - Correlative super-resolution microscopy technique to probe living Neuronal synapses by Dr V. V. G. Krishna Inavalli from the Center for Cancer Immunology (CCI), University of Southampton, UK. Lecture available on YouTube here.

28 February 2022 - Microscopy reproducibility for the real world: building interactive tools to document light microscopy experiments based on community specifications by Dr. Caterina Strambio-De-Castillia from the University of Massachusetts Medical School, MA, USA. Lecture available on YouTube here.

21 February 2022 - Imaging cytoskeletal dynamics in invading cancer cells by Professor Maddy Parsons from the King's College London, UK. Lecture available on YouTube here.

14 February 2022 - Super-resolution expansion microscopy by Professor Markus Sauer from the University of Würzburg, Germany. Lecture available on YouTube here.

7 February 2022 - Metal and grahene induced energy transfer imaging by Professor Jörg Enderlain from the Georg August University, Germany. Lecture available on YouTube here.

31 January 2022 - Pictures at an exhibition: why and how you should publish your image data - Dr Matthew Hartley of EMBL-EBL, UK. Lecture available on YouTube here.


13 December 2021 - Smart Microscopy for Everyone: the OpenFlexure Microscope by Dr Richard Bowman of the University of Bath. Lecture available on YouTube

29 November 2021 - Illuminating the Biochemical Activity Architecture of the Cell by Dr Jin Zhang, UC San Diego

22 November 2021 - Organization of translating secretome mRNAs on endoplasmic reticulum by Dr Heejun Choi, Janelia Research Campus. Lecture available on YouTube

15 November 2021 - From images to information: enhancing resolution and improving accuracy by Dr Susan Cox, King's College London. Lecture available on YouTube

8 November 2021 - Quantitative 4D microscopy gives unique insights into immune cell function, cellular infection and cell death mechanisms by Dr Kelly Rogers, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research. Lecture available on YouTube

1st November 2021 - Modelling and determining 3D supramolecular structure from single-molecule localisation data, despite many missing localisations by Dr Alistair Curd. Lecture available on YouTube

25 October 2021 - Publishing methodological developments in imaging and microscopy by Rita Strack, Nature Methods

18 October 2021 - Motion of single molecular tethers reveals dynamic subdomains at organelle contact sites by Dr Chris Obara, Janelia Research Campus. Lecture available on YouTube

11 October 2021 - Finding the needle in the haystack with 3D correlative light and electron microscopy by Dr Lucy Collinson, Francis Crick Institute. Lecture available on YouTube

4 October 2021 - Using Affimers and finding patterns in super-resolution images by Professor Michelle Peckam, Leeds University. Lecture available on YouTube

27 September 2021 - How do human cells divide? Developing microscopy methods to extend the frontiers of imaging photosensitive samples by Professor Viji Mythily Draviam, Queen Mary, University of London

20 September 2021 - New single molecule methods to study protein dynamics on membranes by Professor Petra Schwille, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry. Lecture available on YouTube

6 September 2021 - Exploring molecular organization and orientation in living cells using fluorescence anisotropy imaging by Professor Jitu Mayor, National Centre for Biological Sciences

13 September 2021 - High-speed 3D imaging with Multifocus Microscopy by Asst Professor Sara Abrahamsson and PhD Candidate Eduardo Hirata, Baskin School of Engineering, University of California

26 July 2021 - Quantification of cell shape and intracellular flows based on DIC object detection by Dr Chaitanya Athale, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research

19 July 2021 - Deep Learning in Microscopy by Professor Udo Birk, Institute for Photonics and ICT

12 July 2021 - Cryo Super-Resolution Fluorescence Microscopy for Correlation with Cryo-EM by Professor Rainer Kauffman, University of Hamburg

28 June 2021 - Enhanced FIB-SEM: Large Volume Whole Cells and Tissues Imaging at Fine Resolutions by Dr Shan Xu, Janelia Research Campus

21 June 2021 - Discerning how actin regulatory proteins give rise to filopodia using multi-channel timelapse imaging and quantification by Dr Jenny Gallop, Cambridge University

14 June 2021 - Adaptive optics for microscopy: the past, the present and the future by Professor Martin Booth, University of Oxford. Lecture available on YouTube

7 June 2021 - Horses for the courses: strategic adaptation of super-resolution microscopy modalities to solve the structural basis of cell signalling by Dr Izzy Jayasinghe, The University of Sheffield

24 May 2021 - Spatially Modulated Illumination Microscopy: Application Perspectives in Nuclear Nanostructure Analysis by Professor Christoph Cremer, Ruprecht-Karls-University, Heidelberg

17 May 2021 - Novel Molecular and Computational Tools for Studying Organelle Dynamics by Uri Manor, Salk Institute for Biological Studies

10 May 2021 - Using the Mesolens for optical mesoscopic imaging with sub-cellular resolution by Professor Gail McConnell, University of Strathclyde

26 April 2021 - Automatic whole cell organelle segmentation in volumetric electron microscopy by Aubrey Weigel, Janelia Research Campus

19 April 2021 - How do you build a wall? Using and developing advanced live cell fluorescence microscopy to understand how bacteria divide by Seamus Holden, Newcastle University

12 April 2021 - Emerging imaging technologies to study cell architecture, dynamics and function by Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, Janelia Research Campus

22 March 2021 - Gaia: ESA's Two Billion Star Map of the Milky Way by Nicholas Walton, University of Cambridge

15 March 2021 - 3D Imaging of Cells by FIBSEM with Correlation to Cryo Fluorescence Microscopy by Harald Hess, Janelia Research Campus

8 March 2021 - Protein-protein interactions at the cellular interface: Biophotonics approaches to quantitative FRET measurements by Simon Ameer-Beg, King's College London

1 March 2021 - Biological Discovery from Large-Scale Imaging Data by Heba Sailem, University of Oxford

22 February 2021 - GPU-accelerated 3D image processing for everyone by Robert Haase, Technische Universitat Dresden

15 February 2021: Primed Conversion: The New Kid on the Block for Photoconversion by Periklis Pantazis, Imperial College London

8 February 2021: DNA Based, Monofunctionalized quantum dots for single particle BioImaging of proteins in living cells by Dhiraj Devidas Bhatia, Indian Institute of Technology

1 February 2021: The Power in your Pocket - Your Smartphone as a Super-Resolution Microscope by Benedict Diederich, Leibniz Institute for Photonic Technology

25 January 2021: Deep learning-based point scanning super resolution imaging by Linjing Fang, Salk Institute for Biological Sciences

11 January 2021: Monitoring CRISPR-Cas target search in live bacteria using single-molecule localisation microscopy by Johannes Holbein, Wageningen U&

2023 Lectures

16th January 2023 - Advanced light microscopy for studying the structure and dynamics of the cardiovascular system by Guy Malkinson, Collège de France, Paris, France. Lecture not available on YouTube.

23rd January 2023 - Lecture cancelled.

2022 Lectures

12th December 2022 - DNA-PAINT single-particle tracking (DNA-PAINT-SPT) enables extended single-molecule studies of membrane protein interactions by Kristina Ganzinger, Tenure-Track Group Leader, AMOLF, Netherlands.

5th December 2022 - BaSiCPy: an accelerated python program for uneven illumination correction of microscopy images by Dr. Tingying Peng, Young investigator Group Leader at Helmholtz AI, Germany and Dr. Yohsuke Fukai, Researcher at the RIKEN Centre for Biosystems Dynamics Research, Japan. [Lecture on Youtube](

28th November 2022 - Customized, modular, multiscale microscopy inside and outside the optics lab by Jan Huisken, Georg-August-University Göttingen, Germany. Lecture available on YouTube here.

21st November 2022 - Computational Microscopy for Breaking Fundamental Imaging Barriers by Sjoerd Stallinga, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands. Lecture available on YouTube here.

14th November 2022 - Pulsing, far and small: studying mammalian neuronal circuits with correlative light, X-ray and electron microscopy by Carles Bosch, Francis Crick Institute, UK. Lecture available on YouTube here.

7th November 2022 - One-nanometer Expansion Microscopy by Silvio Rizzoli, University Medical School Göttingen, Germany. Lecture available on YouTube here.

31st October 2022 - In-chamber fluorescence microscopy imaging to guide cryo-electron tomography sample preparation by Dr Katherine Lau, Business Unit Owner, Delmic Cryo, Netherlands. Lecture not recorded.

24th October 2022 - Developments in modern microscopy, 1903-1984 by Colin Sheppard, University of Wollongong, Australia. Lecture not recorded.

17th October 2022 - Dr Carsten Marr. Lecture available on YouTube here.

10th October 2022 - Super-multiplexed vibrational imaging for 3D spatial biology by Lixue Shi, Postdoctoral Researcher , Columbia University, NY, USA. Lecture available on YouTube here.

26th September 2022 - Real Time Widefield TCSPC based Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging by Dr Graham Hungerford, Principal Scientist, HORIBA. Lecture available on YouTube here.

25 July 2022 - Africa Microscopy Initiative by Leong Chew, Advanced Imaging Center (AIC) at Howard Hughes Medical Institute Janelia Research Campus, VA, USA. Lecture not recorded.

18 July 2022 - Machine learning for microscopy with less training data by Anna Kreshuk, Group Leader in the Cell Biology and Biophysics Unit, EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany. Lecture available on YouTube here.

11 July 2022 - High-speed super-resolution structured illumination microscopy based on fiber optics by Professor Thomas Huser, Bielefeld University, Germany. Lecture available on YouTube here.

27 June 2022 - Exploring gene transcription mechanisms using single-molecule fluorescence imaging in vitro and in vivo by Professor Achillefs Kapanidis from the University of Oxford, UK. Lecture not recorded.

20 June 2022 - Data fusion in localization based super-resolution microscopy by Professor Dr Bernd Rieger, Department of Imaging Physics at the Faculty of Applied Sciences, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. Lecture available on YouTube here.

13 June 2022 - 3D Imaging at different scales using single-objective light-sheet microscopy by Dr. Jean-Baptiste Sibarita, Group Leader at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique, France. Lecture available on YouTube here.

6 June 2022 - Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy (CLEM): Combining Ultrastructural and Molecular Imaging by Jesse Aaron, Applications Scientist from the Advanced Imaging Center, HHMI Janelia Research Campus, VA, United States. Lecture available of YouTube here.

30 May 2022 - Overcoming physical resolution limits of fluorescence microscopes with sparse deconvolution by Professor Liangyi Chen from the Peking University in Beijing, China. Lecture available on YouTube here.

23 May 2022 - Imaging how bacteria sense and repair DNA damage at the single-molecule level by Professor Stephan Uphoff from the Department of Biochemistry at Oxford University, UK. Lecture available on YouTube here.

9 May 2022 - Super-resolution microscopy in biomedical research: Challenges and potentials By Dr Christian Eggeling from the University of Göttingen, Germany. Lecture available on YouTube here.

25 April 2022 - Quantitative imaging of the spatio-angular architecture without label by Dr. Shalin Mehta from Chan Zuckerberg Biohub in San Francisco. Lecture available on YouTube here.

4 April 2022 - Molecular memories in C. elegans nematodes by Professor Oded Rechavi from Tel Aviv University, Israel. Lecture not available.

28 March 2022 - Looking ever deeper – an introduction to three-photon microscopy by Dr Christian Wilms from Scientifica Ltd, UK. Lecture available on YouTube here.

21 March 2022 - Correlative super-resolution microscopy technique to probe living Neuronal synapses by Dr V. V. G. Krishna Inavalli from the Center for Cancer Immunology (CCI), University of Southampton, UK. Lecture available on YouTube here.

28 February 2022 - Microscopy reproducibility for the real world: building interactive tools to document light microscopy experiments based on community specifications by Dr. Caterina Strambio-De-Castillia from the University of Massachusetts Medical School, MA, USA. Lecture available on YouTube here.

21 February 2022 - Imaging cytoskeletal dynamics in invading cancer cells by Professor Maddy Parsons from the King's College London, UK. Lecture available on YouTube here.

14 February 2022 - Super-resolution expansion microscopy by Professor Markus Sauer from the University of Würzburg, Germany. Lecture available on YouTube here.

7 February 2022 - Metal and grahene induced energy transfer imaging by Professor Jörg Enderlain from the Georg August University, Germany. Lecture available on YouTube here.

31 January 2022 - Pictures at an exhibition: why and how you should publish your image data - Dr Matthew Hartley of EMBL-EBL, UK. Lecture available on YouTube here.

2021 Lectures

13 December 2021 - Smart Microscopy for Everyone: the OpenFlexure Microscope by Dr Richard Bowman of the University of Bath. Lecture available on YouTube

29 November 2021 - Illuminating the Biochemical Activity Architecture of the Cell by Dr Jin Zhang, UC San Diego

22 November 2021 - Organization of translating secretome mRNAs on endoplasmic reticulum by Dr Heejun Choi, Janelia Research Campus. Lecture available on YouTube

15 November 2021 - From images to information: enhancing resolution and improving accuracy by Dr Susan Cox, King's College London. Lecture available on YouTube

8 November 2021 - Quantitative 4D microscopy gives unique insights into immune cell function, cellular infection and cell death mechanisms by Dr Kelly Rogers, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research. Lecture available on YouTube

1st November 2021 - Modelling and determining 3D supramolecular structure from single-molecule localisation data, despite many missing localisations by Dr Alistair Curd. Lecture available on YouTube

25 October 2021 - Publishing methodological developments in imaging and microscopy by Rita Strack, Nature Methods

18 October 2021 - Motion of single molecular tethers reveals dynamic subdomains at organelle contact sites by Dr Chris Obara, Janelia Research Campus. Lecture available on YouTube

11 October 2021 - Finding the needle in the haystack with 3D correlative light and electron microscopy by Dr Lucy Collinson, Francis Crick Institute. Lecture available on YouTube

4 October 2021 - Using Affimers and finding patterns in super-resolution images by Professor Michelle Peckam, Leeds University. Lecture available on YouTube

27 September 2021 - How do human cells divide? Developing microscopy methods to extend the frontiers of imaging photosensitive samples by Professor Viji Mythily Draviam, Queen Mary, University of London

20 September 2021 - New single molecule methods to study protein dynamics on membranes by Professor Petra Schwille, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry. Lecture available on YouTube

6 September 2021 - Exploring molecular organization and orientation in living cells using fluorescence anisotropy imaging by Professor Jitu Mayor, National Centre for Biological Sciences

13 September 2021 - High-speed 3D imaging with Multifocus Microscopy by Asst Professor Sara Abrahamsson and PhD Candidate Eduardo Hirata, Baskin School of Engineering, University of California

26 July 2021 - Quantification of cell shape and intracellular flows based on DIC object detection by Dr Chaitanya Athale, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research

19 July 2021 - Deep Learning in Microscopy by Professor Udo Birk, Institute for Photonics and ICT

12 July 2021 - Cryo Super-Resolution Fluorescence Microscopy for Correlation with Cryo-EM by Professor Rainer Kauffman, University of Hamburg

28 June 2021 - Enhanced FIB-SEM: Large Volume Whole Cells and Tissues Imaging at Fine Resolutions by Dr Shan Xu, Janelia Research Campus

21 June 2021 - Discerning how actin regulatory proteins give rise to filopodia using multi-channel timelapse imaging and quantification by Dr Jenny Gallop, Cambridge University

14 June 2021 - Adaptive optics for microscopy: the past, the present and the future by Professor Martin Booth, University of Oxford. Lecture available on YouTube

7 June 2021 - Horses for the courses: strategic adaptation of super-resolution microscopy modalities to solve the structural basis of cell signalling by Dr Izzy Jayasinghe, The University of Sheffield

24 May 2021 - Spatially Modulated Illumination Microscopy: Application Perspectives in Nuclear Nanostructure Analysis by Professor Christoph Cremer, Ruprecht-Karls-University, Heidelberg

17 May 2021 - Novel Molecular and Computational Tools for Studying Organelle Dynamics by Uri Manor, Salk Institute for Biological Studies

10 May 2021 - Using the Mesolens for optical mesoscopic imaging with sub-cellular resolution by Professor Gail McConnell, University of Strathclyde

26 April 2021 - Automatic whole cell organelle segmentation in volumetric electron microscopy by Aubrey Weigel, Janelia Research Campus

19 April 2021 - How do you build a wall? Using and developing advanced live cell fluorescence microscopy to understand how bacteria divide by Seamus Holden, Newcastle University

12 April 2021 - Emerging imaging technologies to study cell architecture, dynamics and function by Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, Janelia Research Campus

22 March 2021 - Gaia: ESA's Two Billion Star Map of the Milky Way by Nicholas Walton, University of Cambridge

15 March 2021 - 3D Imaging of Cells by FIBSEM with Correlation to Cryo Fluorescence Microscopy by Harald Hess, Janelia Research Campus

8 March 2021 - Protein-protein interactions at the cellular interface: Biophotonics approaches to quantitative FRET measurements by Simon Ameer-Beg, King's College London

1 March 2021 - Biological Discovery from Large-Scale Imaging Data by Heba Sailem, University of Oxford

22 February 2021 - GPU-accelerated 3D image processing for everyone by Robert Haase, Technische Universitat Dresden

15 February 2021: Primed Conversion: The New Kid on the Block for Photoconversion by Periklis Pantazis, Imperial College London

8 February 2021: DNA Based, Monofunctionalized quantum dots for single particle BioImaging of proteins in living cells by Dhiraj Devidas Bhatia, Indian Institute of Technology

1 February 2021: The Power in your Pocket - Your Smartphone as a Super-Resolution Microscope by Benedict Diederich, Leibniz Institute for Photonic Technology

25 January 2021: Deep learning-based point scanning super resolution imaging by Linjing Fang, Salk Institute for Biological Sciences

11 January 2021: Monitoring CRISPR-Cas target search in live bacteria using single-molecule localisation microscopy by Johannes Holbein, Wageningen U&


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This lecture series features academic talks and is not intended for commercial presentations.


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