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ANNZ v2.3.0

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@IftachSadeh IftachSadeh released this 03 Apr 10:04
· 7 commits to master since this release

For users:

  • Changed the optimization method for generating regression PDFs. The new default method (denoted in the output as PDF_0) is now generated based on a simple random walk alg. The previous versions of the PDF are now denoted as PDF_1 and PDF_2. While currently available, the deprecated PDFs are not guaranteed to be supported in the future. In order to derive the deprecated PDFs, set:

    glob.annz["nPDFs"] = 3
    glob.annz["addOldStylePDFs"] = True
  • (1) Two new job options corresponding to PDF_0 have been added: max_optimObj_PDF and nOptimLoops (see and scripts/ for details). (2) The default value of excludeRangePdfModelFit has been changed from 0.1 to 0. (3) Added several job options for plotting, to control the extent of underflow and overflow regions in the regression target: underflowZ, overflowZ, underflowZwidth, overflowZwidth, nUnderflowBins, nOverflowBins. (See src/myANNZ.cpp for details.) (4) Added a variable, nZclosBins, to control the number of bins used for optimization-metric calculations in regression. (See src/myANNZ.cpp for details.) (5) ROOT scripts are no longer stored by default for each plot. Set savePlotScripts to choose otherwise.

  • Added a wrapper class, which allows calling the evaluation phase for regression/classification directly from python. This can be used to integrate ANNZ directly within pipelines. The python interface is defined in py/, with a full example given in scripts/ (See for details.)

  • Bug fix in a few python scripts, where the example for the weightInp_wgtKNN option had previously been set to numerically insignificant values.

  • Changed the interface to turn off colour output (see

For developers:

  • Major revamp of the Makefile, including adding a step of precompilation of the shared include/commonInclude.hpp header.

  • Reorganization of shared namespaces.

  • Created a new Manager class as part of include/myANNZ.hpp, src/myANNZ.cpp.

  • The new random walk alg for generating regression PDFs is implemented in ANNZ::getRndMethodBestPDF(), which has been completely revamped. The old version of this function has been renamed to ANNZ::getOldStyleRndMethodBestPDF(). It is now used in order to derive PDF_1 and PDF_2.

  • Added a wrapper class for e.g., python integration, implemented in include/Wrapper.hpp, src/Wrapper.cpp and py/

  • Completely rewrote ANNZ::doEvalReg() to comply with pipeline integration. Added new interfaces for regression evaluation, as implemented in src/ANNZ_regEval.cpp.