Simulator management system, developed for X-Plane simulators as a thesis project in VUT, FIT, Brno.
This application is not used at the moment, and probably, as every thesis project, will never be used.
However, the application provides you with awesome capabilities of visualizing your flight information from X-Plane, persisting your flight information to the database for further analysis. The application provides capabilities of visualizing the persisted flight information data, so that in future you could take a look at this information and say (wow, what a great/awful pilot I once was!).
The Simulator Manager was built on a technology stack of Java, Vaadin, Javascript, HTML5. The last time the project was updated was at the end of May, 2015
For the Simulator Manager to function, you need to install AWCom plugin to X-Plane which is developed by AeroWorks team in FIT VUT, Brno. This plugin is not publically available.