Guiying Li, Peng Yang, Chao Qian, Richang Hong, and Ke Tang: Stage-Wise Magnitude-Based Pruning for Recurrent Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS), 2022. Early access
This code is the implementation of the paper "Stage-wise Grouping for Recurrent Neural Networks Pruning". In this project, we will provide the download links for preprocessed data, original model and the pruned model. Then, we will provide scripts to run the pruned model to inspect the performance of pruning w.r.t to the number of connections pruned and the performance change on the dataset. Finally, we will provide a demonstration of how to prune the neural network models by the project, using the language model as example (The scripts for NMT pruning is also provided, but it need nearly a week to run the script, so that we do not suggest the user to run it for just a demonstration).
- Firstly, the user needs to install anaconda.
- Then, check the
in the project folder. - Install the python environment by:
$> conda env create -f requirements.yaml -n SiPO-env
$> conda activate SiPO-env
$> pip install -i -r requirements.txt
- The environment is installed.
you can run the
To Be Finished.
Penn Treebank Dataset (PTB) for language model (LM)
raw data download:
data used in this project: Check the folder
under the project.
WMT14 EN-DE for neural machine translation (NMT)
raw data download:
Pre-processed data used in this project: BaiDu Drive, Google Drive
The structure of folder should be:
/SiPO |--/SiPO/data |----/SiPO/data |------/SiPO/data/penn |--------/SiPO/data/penn/train.txt |--------/SiPO/data/penn/valid.txt |--------/SiPO/data/penn/test.txt |----/SiPO/wmt14 |------/SiPO/wmt14/ |------/SiPO/wmt14/ |------/SiPO/wmt14/ |------/SiPO/wmt14/en-test.txt |------/SiPO/wmt14/de-test.txt
Original models for LM and NMT
Pruned models of LM and NMT
Note: put the downloaded models into the folder model
under this project.
Note: The pruning is implemented by setting the pruned connections' weight value to zero, so that the direct storage of the pruned models is the same as the original models. In this section, the user can use provided script to find out how many connections are pruned in the pruned model and check the performances of the pruned model on the dataset.
- Language models:
$> cd utils
$> chmod +x
$> ./
If the environment is set successfully, the data and models are download and placed to the data
folder and model
folder, the results will be:
$> ./
========Language Model==========
4653200 paramters in totall
Valid ppl: 120.40824300174098
Test ppl: 117.21596047584426
Valid acc: 23.510032537960953\%
Test acc: 23.00376076671115
========Language Model==========
/home2/lgy/installed/anacoda3/envs/SiPO-env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'masked_networkLM.MaskedModel' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes.
warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning)
4653200 paramters in totall
4499874 paramters prund
sparsity: 0.9670493423880341\%
Valid ppl: 133.71846670654708
Test ppl: 128.7818224302926
Valid acc: 23.636117136659436\%
Test acc: 23.288851146427273
The "========Language Model==========" is the results split bar, which indicate a evaluation for one model.
The first "========Language Model==========" indicates the evaluation of the original LM model. The following results indicate the evaluation of the pruned LM model.
- RNNSearch:
$> cd utils
$> chmod +x
$> ./
If the environment is set successfully, the data and models are download and placed to the data
folder and model
folder, the results will be:
========NMT Model: RNNSearch==========
Loading model parameters.
Loading model parameters.
The original model inspection
137804724 parameters in total.
validatoin => acc (55.9544), ppl (9.1475)
testing => bleu (18.2537), ppl (1.6292)
========NMT Model: RNNSearch==========
The pruned model inspection
Loading model parameters.
Loading model parameters.
137804724 parameters in total.
116952767.0 parameters are pruned.
sparsity 84.86847446536014%
validatoin => acc (55.9262), ppl (9.3694)
testing => bleu (17.9691), ppl (1.6360)
- LuongNet:
$> cd utils
$> chmod +x
$> ./
If the environment is set successfully, the data and models are download and placed to the data
folder and model
folder, the results will be:
========MNT Model: LuongNet==========
Loading model parameters.
Loading model parameters.
The original model inspection
221124004 parameters in total.
validatoin => acc (58.3489), ppl (7.5092)
testing => bleu (19.4961), ppl (1.5681)
========MNT Model: LuongNet==========
The pruned model inspection
Loading model parameters.
Loading model parameters.
221124004 parameters in total.
191360406.0 parameters are pruned.
sparsity 86.5398611360167%
validatoin => acc (58.3312), ppl (7.6990)
testing => bleu (19.2241), ppl (1.5567)
Organized by the connection grouping strategies.
All-in-one Strategy
- pruning without retraining:
$> conda activate SiPO-env $> cd SiPO/src $> chmod +x $> ./
When the running is finished
- the running record is saved under
- the pruned models in each iteration can be found under the
defined inSiPO/src/
- iterative pruning and retraining:
$> conda activate SiPO-env $> cd SiPO/src $> chmod +x $> ./
When the running is finished
the running record is saved under
the retrained models in each iteration can be found under the
defined inSiPO/src/
the pruned models in each iteration can be found under the
defined inSiPO/src/
Note: The best model is the retrained one whose accuracy can be recovered by retraining. For example, if the model can not be retrained to recover its accuracy in the 8-th iteration, then the best model is the retrained on in the 7-th iteration.
Layer-wise Strategy
- pruning without retraining:
$> conda activate SiPO-env
$> cd SiPO/src
$> chmod +x
$> ./
When the running is finished
- the running record is saved under
- the pruned models in each iteration can be found under the
defined inSiPO/src/
- iterative pruning and retraining:
$> conda activate SiPO-env
$> cd SiPO/src
$> chmod +x
$> ./
When the running is finished
the running record is saved under
the retrained models in each iteration can be found under the
defined inSiPO/src/
the pruned models in each iteration can be found under the
defined inSiPO/src/
Note: The best model is the retrained one whose accuracy can be recovered by retraining. For example, if the model can not be retrained to recover its accuracy in the 8-th iteration, then the best model is the retrained on in the 7-th iteration.
Stage-wise Strategy
- pruning without retraining:
$> conda activate SiPO-env
$> cd SiPO/src
$> chmod +x
$> ./
When the running is finished
- the running record is saved under
- the pruned models in each iteration can be found under the
defined inSiPO/src/
- iterative pruning and retraining:
$> conda activate SiPO-env
$> cd SiPO/src
$> chmod +x
$> ./
When the running is finished
the running record is saved under
the retrained models in each iteration can be found under the
defined inSiPO/src/
the pruned models in each iteration can be found under the
defined inSiPO/src/
Note: The best model is the retrained one whose accuracy can be recovered by retraining. For example, if the model can not be retrained to recover its accuracy in the 8-th iteration, then the best model is the retrained on in the 7-th iteration.