The repository contains bots that perform various automation tasks for our Ideabin service (which aims at creating a store of ideas that anyone can use/work upon.)
There are two simple bots right now:
It fetches users from the registration repository and adds them to the database.
It also fetches new Github Gists of all the users tagged with #ideabin and adds them to the databse.
It tweets fifteen un-tweeted ideas every time it runs.
A limit has been placed so that we don't accidently cross Twitter tweet limits.
This bot will watch our Twitter account for any new mentions and will auto reply to them.
We've thought of one more bot that we still have to do:
This bot will send out dail or weekly mails (to the people who want them) which will contain a summary of ideas that have been added during that period.
@akifkhan suggested the use of Send Grid's API to send mails, so we could look into it.
The bots are named after @dufferZafar's cousin sisters: Iqra, Ziqra, Bushra, Azeema.