Tracks employee data and the software they own.
- Added PostgreSQL database support
- Added Projects class with all supporting classes (Edit, Delete, Add)
- Added EditBug class
- Added an edit method for Employees
- Added an edit method for Bugs
- Added a delete method for Employees
- Added a delete method for Bugs
- Added PostgreSQL database support
- Removed writting data to text file, instead use a database
- Added Bug class
- Added NewBug class
- Added ViewBugs class
- Added a "View Bugs" button to the side menu
- Added warning message on exit
- Added a save option in the file menu
- Reworked the GUI
- Improved GUI layout
- Added basic functionality with Basic GUI
- Ability to add and edit stored employees and software
The workspace contains two folders by default, where:
: the folder to maintain sourceslib
: the folder to maintain dependencies