Teaching our members Git, the industry-standard version control system!
Follow along with our Git Tutorial to add your name to the list of ISS git pros below!
- Mihir Shevade shoutout spaceshot avionics for helping me learn git
- Alexziah Hagler
- Maximilian Kulasik
- Aaron Adaya Thank u thomas for teaching us how to use git :P - Aaron
- William Haratsch
- Alp Doğaner
- Thomas McManamen
- Ben Wang
- Jackie Li
- Ryan Patel
- Michael Griegel
- Caden Hodgson
- Dominick Bilich
- Sourojit Mazumder
- Sarvesh Patham
- Chethan Karandikar
- Theodore Ng
- Karan Sharma
- Rithik Mehta
- Griffin Kelley
- Neelesh Mangalam
- Niharika Navin
- Dylan Gasaway
- Siddharth Vadyalam
- Muhammad Mannan Arshad (Thanks Surag)
- Heta Patel
- Tony Wang
- Gary Kanyuh