When asked by StreetPastors to build them a facebook style forum, I learnt PHP and built an experimental forum. Recent changes in PHP 7 meant i have to change my test site and learn all the new techniques. I found mysqli easy and reliable unlike mysql_xdevapi. With msqli i was able to spread my code accross multiple files utilising the Object Oriented style of programming. Unfortunately whrn trying the same withmysql_xdevapi I ran in to memory issues and for time had to build almost all the code in one file and experienced numerous instances of the php debug server crashes on completion of each example. Obviously I still have a lot to learn!
Although the site https://www.ipi-international.net is still an ongoing project, it uses PHP to authenticate users and run crud operations on the MySQL database. Trying to get the exact user experience from a mix of PHP7 and javascript is a steep learning curve.