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Releases: INM-6/multi-area-model

MAM 1.2.0

17 Apr 15:16
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Provisional description:

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.1.1...v1.2.0

MAM 1.1.1

20 Oct 13:41
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The release MAM 1.1.1 brings a number of improvements and new features, which enhance the model's reliability, usability, and overall user experience.

Check out more details in Pull requests #43

New features

  • Visualizing convolved rate time series in resting state plots


  • Added tests/.ipynb_checkpoints/* in .gitignore to ignore checkpoints
  • Add modules and
  • Module renamed: M2E_LOAD_DATA to, to

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug in multiarea_model/ by changing DataFrame.append to DataFrame.concat as pandas deprecated the former syntax. It's done to be compatible with EBRAINS-23.09-rc2

MAM 1.1.0

20 Sep 15:39
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The release MAM 1.1.0 brings many improvements and new features, which enhance the model's reliability, usability, and overall user experience. It also serves as a base version specifying the dependencies required to run on EBRAINS for future releases up to and including MAM 2.0.0.

New Features:

  • Documentation Enhancements:

    • Streamlined with a Try It On EBRAINS button and step-by-step user instructions.
    • Removed "Testing on EBRAINS" section for clarity.
  • Parameter Tuning Improvements:

    • Segregated parameters in down-scale multi-area mode into Parameters to Tune and Default Parameters.
    • Introduced exposure of four user-friendly parameters, while retaining others for internal tuning.
  • Visualization Augmentations:

    • Introduced Extract and Visualize Interareal Connectivity to display area-level relative connectivity via heatmaps.
    • Added Simulation Results Visualization section with separate code modules in “./figures/MAM2EBRAINS”.
    • Enriched visualization with three new plots detailing instantaneous firing rate, resting state, and time-averaged population rates.
    • Refined representation of resting state plots inspired by Schmidt M et al. (2018), allowing users flexible area selection, altered synchrony representation, and a focus on binned spike histograms.


  • Notebook Refinements:
    • Overhauled Jupyter Notebook structure with an accessible table of contents for user navigation.
    • Enhanced parameter descriptions for both exposed and default sets.
    • Incorporated model overview and concise description of the down-scaled multi-area model.
    • Cross-referenced relevant publication figures for user benefit.

Code Optimizations:

  • Minimized irrelevant print statements in codebase for clearer user outputs.
  • Updated .gitignore to exclude checkpoint files.

Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved file path separator issue in ./multiarea_model/data_multiarea/SLN_logdensities.R.
  • Addressed datatype concerns in ./multiarea-model/ for array initialization.

MAM 1.0.0

14 Sep 09:12
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This code implements the spiking network model of macaque visual cortex developed at the Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-6), Research Center Jülich.

The model has been documented in the following publications:

  1. Schmidt M, Bakker R, Hilgetag CC, Diesmann M & van Albada SJ Multi-scale account of the network structure of macaque visual cortex Brain Structure and Function (2018), 223: 1409

  2. Schuecker J, Schmidt M, van Albada SJ, Diesmann M & Helias M (2017) Fundamental Activity Constraints Lead to Specific Interpretations of the Connectome. PLOS Computational Biology, 13(2): e1005179.

  3. Schmidt M, Bakker R, Shen K, Bezgin B, Diesmann M & van Albada SJ (2018) A multi-scale layer-resolved spiking network model of resting-state dynamics in macaque cortex. PLOS Computational Biology, 14(9): e1006359.

The code in this repository is self-contained and allows one to reproduce the results of all three papers.

The code was improved since the above publications to function with more modern versions of NEST (3+) as well as other minor updates.