Camera position reconstructor for Blender, using correlated motion tracker markers across different movie clips to solve camera positions
- Create motion tracks from clips with matching focal lengths.
- Individual images within clips must have the same focal length
- Clips should be at least partially track-solved (if correspondences found) to derive optical center or distortion params.
- ADDON: Create cameras for each clip.
- Alternately, can link clips to existing cameras.
- Define rough axial position wrt target object (i.e. front, above, left) to prime/constrain solve
- Crux: cameras correlate with clips.
- ADDON: Create empties for each tracked element.
- ADDON: Associate correlated empties from different clips, so that their "solves" can converge
- ADDON: Solve -> Bundle adjust linked empties and cameras to minimize distance between linked empties
- Beware converging the cameras toward 0
- RESULT: Cameras and empties positioned in best approximation of analogous 3D positions, with minimized error