Gakko - The Classroom App is a free non-profit online learning platform to bring together teachers, tutors, mentors and students outside their education institution. It promises a completely virtual classroom experience and helps faculties and students learn outside of the classroom. It's stacked with helpful features aimed at improving your productivity and communication.
This app is 100% written in Kotlin. MVVM architecture is used with Android Architecture Components and Kodein for dependency injection.
- Simply invite students to join a class through their phone numbers.
- Posting options include questions, assignments, or announcements.
- It helps to keep students well organized with the To-Do feature.
- Includes a feature to converse in threads to overcome spamming.
- Private messaging feature to communicate with anyone anytime.
- Lifecycle - Used by LiveData.
- LiveData - For observing the data in ViewModel.
- ViewModel - For managing UI data.
- Navigation - For simplifyed navigation through fragments.
- Glide - For loading images into ImageView.
- Gson - For converting JSON to POJO and vice versa.
- Kodein - For Dependency Injection.
- Firebase - For data storage and real-time data streaming.
- Hemanth Krishna (@DarthBenro008)
- Vibhor Chinda (@VibhorChinda)
- Harsha Kumar (@HarshaKumar23)
- Madhav Rajesh (@snupls)
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