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change proof of Dvoretzky_converge_W_alpha_beta to use Dvoretzky_conv…
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Signed-off-by: Avi Shinnar <[email protected]>
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shinnar committed Dec 2, 2024
1 parent eb9677d commit 0f9332f
Showing 1 changed file with 78 additions and 157 deletions.
235 changes: 78 additions & 157 deletions coq/QLearn/Dvoretzky.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3830,163 +3830,6 @@ Lemma condexp_sqr_bounded (dom2 : SigmaAlgebra Ts) (sub2: sa_sub dom2 dom) (B :
- trivial.

Lemma Dvoretzky_converge_W_alpha_beta (W w α β: nat -> Ts -> R)
{F : nat -> SigmaAlgebra Ts} (isfilt : IsFiltration F) (filt_sub : forall n, sa_sub (F n) dom)
{adaptZ : IsAdapted borel_sa W F} (adapt_alpha : IsAdapted borel_sa α F)
(adapt_beta : IsAdapted borel_sa β F)
{rvw : forall n, RandomVariable dom borel_sa (w n)}

{rvalpha : forall n, RandomVariable dom borel_sa (α n)}
{rvbeta : forall n, RandomVariable dom borel_sa (β n)}
(apos: forall (n:nat), almostR2 prts Rle (const 0) (α n))
(aone: forall (n:nat), almostR2 prts Rle (α n) (const 1))
(bpos: forall (n:nat), almostR2 prts Rle (const 0) (β n))
(bone: forall (n:nat), almostR2 prts Rle (β n) (const 1)) :
(forall n,
almostR2 prts eq
(ConditionalExpectation prts (filt_sub n) (w n))
(const 0)) ->
(exists (C: R),
(forall n,
almostR2 prts Rbar_le
(ConditionalExpectation prts (filt_sub n) (rvsqr (w n)))
(const (Rsqr C)))) ->
almost prts (fun ω : Ts => is_lim_seq (sum_n(fun n : nat => α n ω)) p_infty) ->
almost prts (fun ω : Ts => is_lim_seq (sum_n (fun n : nat => β n ω)) p_infty) ->

(exists (A3 : R),
almost prts (fun ω => Rbar_lt (Lim_seq (sum_n (fun n : nat => rvsqr (β n) ω))) (Finite A3))) ->
(forall n, rv_eq (W (S n)) (rvplus (rvmult (rvminus (const 1) (α n)) (W n)) (rvmult (w n) (β n)))) ->
almost _ (fun ω => is_lim_seq (fun n => W n ω) (Finite 0)).
intros condexpw condexpw2 alpha_inf beta_inf beta_sqr (* W0 *) Wrel.

assert (svy1b: forall n : nat, IsFiniteExpectation prts (rvsqr (β n))).
now apply isfe_sqr_X_almost_01.
eapply (@Dvoretzky_converge_W_alpha_beta_isf_seq_sum W w α β F isfilt filt_sub adaptZ adapt_alpha adapt_beta rvw); eauto.

generalize (sum_expectation prts (fun n => rvsqr (β n))); intros HH.
assert (rv2 : forall n, RandomVariable dom borel_sa (rvsqr (β n))).
typeclasses eauto.
specialize (HH rv2 svy1b).
rewrite (Lim_seq_ext _ _ HH).
destruct beta_sqr as [A2 beta_sqr].
generalize (Dominated_convergence_almost
(fun n omega => Finite (rvsum (fun n0 => rvsqr (β n0)) n omega))
(Rbar_rvlim (fun n omega => Finite (rvsum (fun n0 => rvsqr (β n0)) n omega)))
); intros HH2.
specialize (HH2 (const (Finite A2))).
cut_to HH2.
- assert (isfefn : forall n : nat,
Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation prts
(fun omega : Ts =>
(rvsum (fun n0 : nat => rvsqr (β n0)) n omega))).
apply Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation_nnf_bounded_almost with
(g := const (Finite A2)).
- typeclasses eauto.
- typeclasses eauto.
- revert beta_sqr.
apply almost_impl, all_almost.
intros x xlt.
unfold rvsum.
generalize (Lim_seq_increasing_le
(sum_n (fun n0 : nat => rvsqr (β n0) x))); intros HH3.
cut_to HH3.
--- specialize (HH3 n).
generalize (Rbar_le_lt_trans _ _ _ HH3 xlt); intros HH4.
simpl in HH4; lra.
--- intros.
apply sum_n_pos_incr; try lia.
apply nnfsqr.
- apply Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation_const.
(isfe : Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation prts
(fun (n : nat) (omega : Ts) =>
(rvsum (fun n0 : nat => rvsqr (β n0)) n omega)))).
apply Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation_nnf_bounded_almost with
(g := const (Finite A2)).
- typeclasses eauto.
- typeclasses eauto.
- revert beta_sqr.
apply almost_impl, all_almost.
intros; red; intros.
unfold Rbar_rvlim.
rewrite Elim_seq_fin.
unfold const, rvsum.
now apply Rbar_lt_le.
- apply Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation_const.
specialize (HH2 isfefn isfe).
apply is_lim_seq_unique in HH2.
+ rewrite Lim_seq_ext with
(v := (fun n : nat =>
(fun omega : Ts =>
Finite (rvsum (fun n0 : nat => rvsqr (β n0)) n omega)))).
* rewrite HH2.
now simpl.
* intros.
rewrite <- FinExp_Rbar_FinExp.
--- apply Rbar_FiniteExpectation_ext.
now intro z.
--- apply rvsum_rv.
typeclasses eauto.
+ apply Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation_const.
+ intros.
revert beta_sqr.
unfold almostR2.
apply almost_impl, all_almost.
intros; red; intros.
unfold Rbar_rvabs, const.
unfold rvsum.
rewrite Rabs_right.
* generalize (Lim_seq_increasing_le (sum_n (fun n0 : nat => rvsqr (β n0) x))); intros HH3.
cut_to HH3.
-- specialize (HH3 n).
generalize (Rbar_le_lt_trans _ _ _ HH3 H); intros.
simpl in H0; lra.
-- intros.
apply sum_n_pos_incr; try lia.
apply nnfsqr.
* apply Rle_ge, sum_n_nneg.
apply nnfsqr.
+ apply all_almost.
unfold Rbar_rvlim.
apply ELim_seq_correct.
rewrite ex_Elim_seq_fin.
apply ex_lim_seq_incr.
apply sum_n_pos_incr; try lia.
apply nnfsqr.
- intros.
typeclasses eauto.
- typeclasses eauto.
- typeclasses eauto.

Lemma Rbar_le_fr_nneg (a b:Rbar) : Rbar_le 0 b -> Rbar_le a b -> Rbar_le (Finite (real a)) b.
destruct b; destruct a; simpl; lra.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4304,4 +4147,82 @@ Proof.
- trivial.

Lemma Dvoretzky_converge_W_alpha_beta (W w α β: nat -> Ts -> R)
{F : nat -> SigmaAlgebra Ts} (isfilt : IsFiltration F) (filt_sub : forall n, sa_sub (F n) dom)
{adaptZ : IsAdapted borel_sa W F} (adapt_alpha : IsAdapted borel_sa α F)
(adapt_beta : IsAdapted borel_sa β F)
{rvw : forall n, RandomVariable dom borel_sa (w n)}

{rvalpha : forall n, RandomVariable dom borel_sa (α n)}
{rvbeta : forall n, RandomVariable dom borel_sa (β n)}
(apos: forall (n:nat), almostR2 prts Rle (const 0) (α n))
(aone: forall (n:nat), almostR2 prts Rle (α n) (const 1))
(bpos: forall (n:nat), almostR2 prts Rle (const 0) (β n))
(bone: forall (n:nat), almostR2 prts Rle (β n) (const 1)) :
(forall n,
almostR2 prts eq
(ConditionalExpectation prts (filt_sub n) (w n))
(const 0)) ->
(exists (C: R),
(forall n,
almostR2 prts Rbar_le
(ConditionalExpectation prts (filt_sub n) (rvsqr (w n)))
(const (Rsqr C)))) ->
almost prts (fun ω : Ts => is_lim_seq (sum_n(fun n : nat => α n ω)) p_infty) ->
almost prts (fun ω : Ts => is_lim_seq (sum_n (fun n : nat => β n ω)) p_infty) ->

(exists (A3 : R),
almost prts (fun ω => Rbar_lt (Lim_seq (sum_n (fun n : nat => rvsqr (β n) ω))) (Finite A3))) ->
(forall n, rv_eq (W (S n)) (rvplus (rvmult (rvminus (const 1) (α n)) (W n)) (rvmult (w n) (β n)))) ->
almost _ (fun ω => is_lim_seq (fun n => W n ω) (Finite 0)).
intros condexpw condexpw2 alpha_inf beta_inf [A3 beta_sqr] (* W0 *) Wrel.
apply (@Dvoretzky_converge_W_alpha_beta_uniform W w α β F isfilt filt_sub adaptZ adapt_alpha adapt_beta rvw); eauto.
- revert beta_sqr.
apply almost_impl; apply all_almost; intros ??.
rewrite <- ex_finite_lim_series.
apply lim_sum_abs_bounded.
apply (bounded_is_finite 0 A3).
+ apply Lim_seq_pos; intros.
apply sum_n_nneg; intros.
apply Rabs_pos.
+ eapply Rbar_lt_le in H.
eapply Rbar_le_trans; try eapply H.
Local Existing Instance Rbar_le_pre.
apply refl_refl.
apply Lim_seq_ext; intros ?.
apply sum_n_ext; intros ?.
rewrite Rabs_right; try reflexivity.
apply Rle_ge.
apply Rle_0_sqr.
- pose (A3' := Rmax 1 A3).
assert (A3'pos : 0 < A3').
unfold A3'.
generalize (Rmax_l 1 A3).
exists (mkposreal A3' A3'pos).
exists 1%nat; intros; simpl.
revert beta_sqr.
apply almost_impl; apply all_almost; intros ω ltt.
unfold A3'.
eapply Rbar_lt_le_trans; [eapply Rbar_le_lt_trans | ]; [| apply ltt |].
+ destruct n; [lia |].
rewrite <- (Lim_seq_incr_n (sum_n (fun n0 : nat => rvsqr (β n0) ω)) (S n)).
apply Lim_seq_le; intros.
generalize (sum_split (fun n0 : nat => (β n0 ω)²) 0 ((n0 + S n)%nat) n)
; intros HHH.
cut_to HHH; try lia.
unfold sum_n, rvsqr.
rewrite HHH.
unfold plus, rvsqr; simpl.
rewrite sum_shift.
cut (0 <= sum_n_m (fun n1 : nat => (β n1 ω)²) 0 n); try lra.
apply sum_n_m_pos; intros.
apply Rle_0_sqr.
+ simpl.
apply Rmax_r.

End Dvoretzky_alpha_beta.

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