Astor4Android is an adaptation of the original Astor to work with Android applications.
Kayque de S. Teixeira - [email protected]
Celso G Camilo-Junior - [email protected]
Install Android SDK, JDK 1.8 and Maven.
Set the environment variables ANDROID_HOME and JAVA_HOME.
export ANDROID_HOME=/home/kayquesousa/Android/Sdk
export JAVA_HOME=/home/kayquesousa/jdk1.8.0_131
Clone the Astor4Android repository and compile it using Maven:
git clone
cd astor4android
mvn clean compile
Run at least one AstorWorker.
Run the script inside the astor4android main directory:
In Astor4Android, you have the following command line arguments:
Argument | Description |
location | Location of the Android project to repair. The project must be clean. You can clean it using the command ./gradlew clean inside the project's directory. |
mode | Mode of execution. More information in the next tables. |
flmode | (Optional) Fault localization mode. More information in the next tables. |
loadflsave | (Optional) File containing the results of a previous fault localization run for the same project listed at the "location" argument. This file is created at the working directory (e.g. astor4android/outputMutation/Astor4AndroidMain-Project) after a fault localization is executed on a project and has the extension ".flsave". If you're gonna use the same project multiple times, it's useful to save this file and use this argument to load it. |
flthreshold | Minimun suspicious value for a line during fault localization (Number between 0 and 1). If you set a value that is too high, Astor4Android will prompt an option for you to set a new value at runtime. |
androidsdk | Location of the Android SDK folder. Usually this argument is set to $ANDROID_HOME. |
jvm4testexecution | Location of the java executable. Usually set to %JAVA_HOME/bin. |
javacompliancelevel | Compliance level of the Java source code. The recommended value is 8. |
stopfirst | Determines if the execution should be stopped after the first fix (true of false). |
unitfailing | Failing JUnit test cases separated by a classpath separator (":" on Linux/Mac, ";" on Windows). A test case is the fully qualified class name of the test followed by a #, followed by the method's name. (e.g. com.example.root.bugapp2.ExampleUnitTest#multy) |
instrumentationfailing | Failing instrumentation test cases separated by a classpath separator (":" on Linux/Mac, ";" on Windows). A test case is the fully qualified class name of the test followed by a #, followed by the method's name. (e.g. com.example.root.bugapp2.ExampleInstru#use) |
port | Port that all AstorWorkers will connect to. |
For the argument "mode", there are four options:
Mode | Description |
statement | Executes using JGenProg |
statement-remove | Executes using JKali |
mutation | Executes using JMutRepair |
custom | Executes using a custom engine |
For the argument "flmode", there are five options:
Mode | Description |
ochiai | Uses the Ochiai method. (Default) |
op2 | Uses the Op2 method. |
tarantula | Uses the Tarantula method. |
barinel | Uses the Barinel method. |
dstar | Uses the DStar method with * = 2. |
To run Astor4Android, follow these instructions:
Run at least one AstorWorker.
Run this command (replacing
with the actual arguments):mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=br.ufg.inf.astor4android.main.evolution.Astor4AndroidMain -Dexec.args="<arguments>"
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=br.ufg.inf.astor4android.main.evolution.Astor4AndroidMain -Dexec.args="-mode statement -location /home/astor4android/Examples/BugApp2 -androidsdk $ANDROID_HOME -jvm4testexecution $JAVA_HOME/bin -javacompliancelevel 8 -stopfirst true -flthreshold 0.9 -unitfailing com.example.root.bugapp2.ExampleUnitTest#multy -instrumentationfailing com.example.root.bugapp2.ExampleInstrumentedTest#useAppContext -port 6665"