A ray tracing code in 2D - slab geometry based on the work of J.P. Bizarro, H. Hugon and R. Jorge, 2018 (https://journals.aps.org/pra/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevA.98.023847)
- r1, r2 (2D - positions [m])
- k = ||k|| (scalar wavevector [m^(-1)])
- k1, k2 (2D - wavenumbers [m^(-1)])
- k_0 (unperturbed wavenumber [m^(-1)])
- c (speed of light [m.s^(-1)])
- q (wavenumber of turbulence [m^(-1)]
- n0 (unperturbed refractive index)
- n (refractive index)
- < n_e > (ensemble averaged density [m^(-3)])
- \phi (random phase [0, 2 Pi])
- \delta n_e (r) = \delta n_e0 cos(q r1 + \phi) (density fluctuations << < ne > [m^(-3)])
- n(r)/n0 = 1 + \delta n_e (r) / (turbulence profile through the effects of density fluctuations in the refractive index)
- t (time [s])
- w(r) = c k /n(r)
x[y] = (k_0 / 2 Pi) r1[2] (position)
\kappa_x[y] = k_1[2] / k_0
\delta n_e (r) = \delta n_e0 cos(q x + \phi)
q --> q/k_0 (in this normalized system, wavenumber of turbulence becomes adimensional)
\tau = (c k_0 / 2 Pi n_0) t
< ne > === 1 ---> \delta n_e0 (r) becomes a percentage
\kappa_x[y]_0, x[y]_0 refer to initial conditions for normalized wavevectors and position, respectively
- Seed random phases so the randomness doesn't get stuck: DONE
- Solve constructor issue/bug (randomly reassigning 'self' vars) : DONE ± (STILL NEED TO ADRESS)
- Review math (Monte Carlo and formalism equations) : DONE: solved major bugs
- Include info and logging (especially at the input handler)
- Include timer in the run() method
- Include possibility of plotting dxdx, dydy, dkxdkx, dkydky with Monte Carlo: DONE
- Include trajectory mode, in which the ray trajectory is depicted with the rms-spreading, and all the Monte Carlo Rays are plotted in this case (see paper): DONE
- Refactor output locations and naming
- Refactor plot title, font, etc. according to the input: DONE
- Raise error when input has non-valid MC parameters: DONE
- Plot 1-mode turbulent background: DONE
- Include turbulence eq. in the trajectory figure: DONE
- Refactor visualizer code... its a bit amateur... (last priority)