This app was created as my final project for the Full Stack Development course. It contains a e-commerce website with CRUD operations based around buying and selling Pokemon, complete with an Admin interface.
Ruby (v3.0.0)
Rails: (v3.1.2)
First, you'll want to run:
yarn install
bundle install
This will grab all the dependencies.
Then, you'll want to add your Stripe API keys to /config/secrets.yml to allow the Stripe API to handle payments.
You'll need to migrate the db for the project to work by running the following:
rake db:migrate
After migrating, you need to seed the database with data (if you want the creatures to load in the store):
rake db:seed
You will see the output of the seeding live in the terminal window. This may take some time.
After the db migration and seed are complete, you can start the app by running the following:
rake assets:precompile
This will allow the image assets and CSS to load properly.
Then, you can run the following to get the two servers for the application up:
rails s
I prefer running these two commands above in individual terminal instances, but you can do as you please at this point.
Once everything is running, you can navigate to the link below to view the live app: