This is a minimalistic server to wake up computers in your network using a web-gui.
- Targets are identified by their IP and MAC.
- The server pretends to run PHP.
- Network status identification works via ping and connection attempts to different ports.
See the Docker Readme if you want to build & run in Docker
With go already installed:
GOPATH=$PWD go build src/wakeUp.go
Create a config.json
according to your environment and just do it (✔).
If you want to serve a favicon place a file favicon.ico
in the template dir.
In some environments broadcasting magic packets does not work. Packets are therefore also send to the target IP. TODO: Configure the target for the packet per entry
Sometimes you can't run wakeUp as root. To replace the root access limited ping command in not-root-mode the server tries to connect to some common ports. Currently these are: 135, 137, 138, 139, 445, 593, 3389, 22. You can easily change these in the source. TODO: Configure ping-mode per entry
Usage of ./wakeUp:
-port string
port number (default "8000")
run in root mode (default true)
-v verbose
The server supports the following endpoints:
responds with the content of the template/favicon.ico if present/wake_up.php
uses GET['id'] to wakeup the coresponding entry/netstat.php
uses GET['id'] to respond with the determined state (offline/online)/index.php
(and every other endpoint) showsstatus.html
is a template for the server, to change it you might want to know:
{{range $id, $ele := .}}
iterates over all entries in config.json
displays theName
displays theText
displays the internal id of the entry (the position starting with zero)
Further information about the templating engine can be found at the golang template package documentation.
I like to compress the resulting template just for fun:
cat template/status.html | tr -d '\n' | sed 's/<script>.*<\/script>.*/<script>/' # before script tag
cat template/status.html | tr -d '\n' | sed 's/.*<script>//;s/<\/script>.*//' | uglifyjs --mangle | sed 's/;$//' # compress script
cat template/status.html | tr -d '\n' | sed 's/.*<script>.*<\/script>/<\/script>/' # after script tag
) | html-minifier \
--collapse-boolean-attributes \
--collapse-inline-tag-whitespace \
--collapse-whitespace \
--decode-entities \
--minify-css \
--minify-js \
--prevent-attributes-escaping \
--remove-attribute-quotes \
--remove-comments \
--remove-empty-attributes \
--remove-optional-tags \
--remove-redundant-attributes \
--remove-script-type-attributes \
--remove-style-link-type-attributes \
--remove-tag-whitespace \
--use-short-doctype \
> template/status.min.html