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Python package for the identification of comprehensive CAZyomes of candidate species


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DOI Funding PhD licence CircleCI codecov Documentation Status Python Research

Please find more detailed documentation for operation and troubleshooting at Read the Docs


  1. Overview
  2. Installation
  3. Development
  4. Documentation
  1. Directories
  2. Evaluations


Pyrewton is a Python3 script package for the automated identification of CAZyomes (all carbohydrates encoded within the genome of a given species). The package is run at the command line and free to use under the MIT license.

Pyrewton supports:

  • Downloading of all genomic assemblies (as GenBank files .gbff) from the NCBI Assembly database associated with each species passed to the programme
  • Retrieval of all annotated protein sequences from GenBank (.gbff) files
  • Retrieve proteins entries from UniProtKB, using a JSON file to configure the queries

Features currently in development:

  • Use the 3rd-party tools dbCAN, CUPP, and eCAMI to predict the which query protein sequences are CAZymes and predict their CAZy family
  • Evaluate the accuracy of the CAZyme prediction tools to distinguish between CAZyme and non-CAZyme protein sequences
  • Evaluate the accuracy of the CAZyme prediction tools to the correct CAZy family
  • Produce a report of the CAZyme prediction tool evaluation

Development plans are stored within the Wiki.


If you're coming from the Microbiology Society Conference poster, and want to see how to repeat the analysis, please navigate to pyrewton/cazymes/precition. This directory contains an additional README specifically for the independent evaluation of the CAZyme predictiont tools dbCAN, CUPP and eCAMI.

In the above study, Hobbs et al., 2021, the following version of the CAZyme classifiers were evaluated:

  • dbCAN: v2.0.11
  • CUPP: v1.0.14
  • eCAMI: no version given, April 2020 release


The easiest method is to use pip to install pyrewton and all requirements.

  1. Create a virtual environment with dependencies, then activate the environment - where venv_name is an chosen name for the virtual environment conda create -n <venv_name> python=3.8 diamond hmmer prodigal -c conda-forge -c bioconda
    conda activate <venv_name>

  2. Clone the repository git clone

  3. Install pyrewton pip3 install -e <path to directory containing file>
    Do not forget to use the -e option when install using pip3, otherwise each time pyrewton is invoked a ModuleNotFound error will be raised. Pass the path to the directory containign the file not the path to the file; if you are currently in the root directory of the repoistory where the file is located, simply use '.' to indicate the current working directory.

  4. Install the third party CAZyme prediction tools The easiest way to do this, and ensure they are installed into the correct directories is to use:
    python3 <path to pyrewton> cpt -p <path to directory to install tools>

Each tool is installed to a subdirectory in the specified directory, such that if the specified directory was tools/ the resulting structure would be:

    - dbcan/
    - ecami/
    - cupp/

For alternative methods of installation see the full documentation at Read the Docs.



POISx or Mac OS, or linux emulator
Python version 3.7+
Miniconda3 or Anaconda managed microenvironment, incorporated code checkers are included in list form in 'requirements.txt'.
Miniconda3 environment file is also available in the GitHub repository: 'environment.yml'.
For all required Python libraries please read 'requirements.txt'.



This section of the README lists the areas that are currently being worked upon and expanded:

  • update unit tests to cover the newly added scripts, and match the last repo restructuring
  • continue indepth evaluation of the CAZyme prediction tools, visualising the data in an Rnotebook
  • writing documentation to be hosted at ReadTheDocs for detailed instructions on invoking pyrewton



Full documentation can be found at Read the Docs.

Here is a summary of using the pyrewton pipeline to automate annotating and exploring CAZymes and CAZomes of species of interest.

Download genomes.

Use the download_genomes subcommand to download the genomic assemblies of all genomes available for a set of candidate species.

  • Download GenBank assemblies to increase the probability of finding CAZy annotated CAZymes
  • If a GenBank assembly is not available, the RefSeq assembly is retrieved
  • Candidate species are specified using a plain text file
    • List a unique species per line
    • Identified species by their scientific name or NCBI Taxonomy ID
    • If a species is specified, assemblies for all its stains are downloaded
  • Genomes downloaded in .GBFF format
  • Leave genomes compressed if working with pyrewton - to help manage disk space
  • A CSV file lising the scientific name, NCBI Taxonomy ID and the assembly version accession of all downloaded genomes is created to log the process

Note: All NCBI taxonomy IDs need the prefix 'NCBI:txid'. For example "NCBI:txid318829" not "318829"

To include comments: To include a comment (i.e. a piece of text not to be read by pyrewton), start the line with a hashtag '#'. For example:

# Fungal species
Aspergillus fumigatus
Aspergillus nidulans
Aspergillus niger
Aspergillus sydowii
# Oomycete species
Albugo candida
Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis
Phytophthora cinnamomi

An example/template input file is included in the GitHub repo at templates/get_ncbi_genomes_template_input_file.

An example output CSV file listing the genomic assemblies is included in the GitHub repo at templates/example_genome_file.csv.

Example command:

pyrewton download_genomes \
    $1 \
    -d data/genomes/genome_dataframe.csv \
    -i data/species/species_list \
    -o data/genomes/ 


positional arguments:
  user email address    Email address of user, this must be provided for Entrez

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DATAFRAME, --dataframe DATAFRAME
                        Location of file for species table to be written to, include .csv extention (default: <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>'
                        mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>)
  -f, --force           Force file over writting (default: False)
  -g, --genbank         Disable pulldown of GenBank (.gbff) files (default: True)
  -i input file name, --input_file input file name
                        Input filename (default: <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdin>' mode='r' encoding='utf-8'>)
  -l log file name, --log log file name
                        Defines log file name and/or path (default: None)
  -n, --nodelete        enable/disable deletion of exisiting files (default: False)
  -o output directory name, --output output directory name
                        Path to output directory. STDOUT. Directory will be created if needed. (default: <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w'     
  -r maximum number of retries, --retries maximum number of retries
                        Defines the maximum number of retries if network errors are encountered (default: 10)
  -t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
                        Timeout for URL connections, in seconds (default: 10)
  -v, --verbose         Set logger level to 'INFO' (default: False)

Extract protein sequences

The extract_protein_seqs subcommand extracts protein sequences from all CDS features in local, compressed GenBank Flat File Format (.gbff) genomic assemblies (.gbff.gz).

  • Extracts the protein sequence, protein version accession, locus tag, locus / location, and functional annotation
  • Creates a multiple sequence FASTA file of extracted protein sequences per genomic assembly
  • Each output FASTA file is named with the corresponding NCBI genomic version accesion
  • Creates a CSV file summarising the extraction, i.e. the number of proteins retrieved from each genome

An example input CSV file listing the genomic assemblies is included in the GitHub repo at templates/example_genome_file.csv.

Example command:

pyrewton extract_protein_seqs \
    data/genomes/genome_dataframe.csv \
    data/genomes/ \


positional arguments:
  input dataframe name  Path to input dataframe
  genome_directory      Path to directory containing compressed genomic assemblies in GenBank Flat File Format (.gbff.gz)

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d OUTPUT_DF, --output_df OUTPUT_DF
                        path to output directory to write FASTA files to (default: <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>)        
  -f, --force           Force file over writting (default: False)
  -l LOG, --log LOG     Defines log file name and/or path (default: None)
  -n, --nodelete        enable/disable deletion of exisiting files (default: False)
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output directory. Path to directory to which FASTA files are written (default: <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w'       
  -v, --verbose         Set logger level to 'INFO' (default: False)

Automate running CAZyme classifiers to predict CAZymes

The pyrewton subcommand predict_cazymes coordinates pyrewton to automate running the specified CAZymes classifies (from CUPP, dbCAN and eCAMI) for each multi-sequence FASTA file in an input directory.

  • All tools (CAZyme classifiers) must be installed to an individual subdirectory for each tool, and which are all located in the same parent directory.
  • Name as many tools to run as desired, in a space separated list.
  • Provide the path to the parent directory containing all the tools
  • pyrewton presumes the tool subdirectories are written in lower case. If not (e.g. CUPP was downloaded to a directory called Cupp/), call dbCAN as 'Cupp' when using the predict_cazymes subcommand.
  • If no output directory is specified the output is written to the current working directory
  • A new output directory is created for each multi-sequence FASTA file parsed by the CAZyme classifiers. Inside this subdirectory is the output from each classifier. Each subdirectory is named with the corresponding NCBI genomic version accesion.

Example command (presuming a directory called dbcan/ containing the dbcan databases is availabe in a directory called tools/):

pyrewton predict_cazymes \
    data/proteins \
    tools \
    -o data/dbcan_output


positional arguments:
  input directory       Path to directory containing FASTA files for prediction tools
  {cupp,ecami,dbcan}    CAZyme classifiers to run. Pick as many as wanted. Case insensitive
  tool_dir              Path to parent directory where CAZyme classifiers are installed. E.g. point to the parent directory containing the directory called 'dbcan/'

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f, --force           Force file over writting (default: False)
  -l log file name, --log log file name
                        Defines log file name and/or path (default: None)
  -n, --nodelete        enable/disable deletion of exisiting files (default: False)
  -o output directory, --output output directory
                        Directory to which all outputs are written (default: <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>)
  -v, --verbose         Set logger level to 'INFO' (default: False)

Create a comprehensive CAZome database

Compile predicted CAZyme classifications from CAZyme classifiers and canconical CAZyme classifications from CAZy into a single, shareable, local SQLite3 database using the compile_cazome_db subcommand.

To specify which CAZyme classifers are used, a config YAML file is provided to pyrewton. This YAML file is keyed by the names of the tools, and under each tool name are tool additional keys:

  • version: the version number of the tool
  • cazy_release: the approximate data of the CAZy database release the tool was trained against. If unknown leave blank
  • dir: path to the directory containing the output directories For example:
  version: 2.0.11
  cazy_release: March 2020
  dir: data/dbcan_2
  version: 3.0.7
  cazy_release: April 2022
  dir: data/dbcan_3

The names of the tools will appear as is (as stated in the YAML file) in the resulting local CAZome database. If using multiple version of dbCAN, for clarity in the dataset, label these with different names. If not pyrewton will do this mannually using the version number provided.

pyrewton defines each classifier-CAZy family pair as a new domain, thus a single protein can be associated with multiple domains in the CAZome database.


positional arguments:
  config_file           Path to directory containing FASTA files of protein seqs extract from genomic assemblies

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --new_db NEW_DB       Path to build a new CAZome database. Path to create database file. CANNOT be used at same time as --db (default: None)
  --db DB               Path to existing CAZome database to add data to. CANNOT be used at same time as --db (default: None)
  --genome_csv GENOME_CSV
                        Path to CSV file listing taxonomies and genomic accessions. Created using pyrewton download_genomes subcommand (default: None)
  --protein_dir PROTEIN_DIR
                        Path to directory containing FASTA files of protein seqs extract from genomic assemblies (default: None)
  --cazy CAZY           Path to local CAZyme db of CAZy annotations of proteins created using cazy_webscraper Will add CAZy annotations to the output. (default: None)
  --cazy_date CAZY_DATE
                        Date CAZy data was pulled down (default: None)
  -f, --force           Force file over writting (default: False)
  -l log file name, --log log file name
                        Defines log file name and/or path (default: None)
  -n, --nodelete        enable/disable deletion of exisiting files (default: False)
  --sql_echo            Set SQLite echo to True, adds verbose SQL messaging (default: False)
  -v, --verbose         Set logger level to 'INFO' (default: False)

Adding CAZyme annotations to an existing local CAZome database

The pyrewton subcommand compile_cazome_db can also be used to add new CAZyme classifications from CAZy and new dbCAN, CUPP and eCAMI analyses to an existing CAZome database created using pyrewton.

To do this, use the --db flag to provide a path to an existing CAZome database. Conversly, use the --new_db flag to provide a path to create a new CAZome database.

pyrewton will parse all specified CAZy, dbCAN, CUPP and eCAMI data, adding new proteins, genomes, taxonomies, CAZy families, classifiers and CAZyme domains to the local CAZome database without adding any duplicates to any tables.

Adding additional annotation, function and structral data to the local CAZome database

The get_uniprot_data subcommand can be used to retrieve additional functional annotation and structural data from the UniProtKB database and import the data into the local CAZome database. The following data is retrieved:

  • Active site annotations
  • Citation data
  • Cofactors
  • EC numbers
  • Glycoslyation data
  • Metal binding and metal binding sites
  • Optimal pH
  • Protein structure PDB IDs
  • Substrates and substrate binding sites
  • Transmembrane regions


positional arguments:
  database              Path to local CAZome database

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b BATCH_SIZE, --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        Size of batch queries submitted to UniProt (default: 150)
  -l log file name, --log log file name
                        Defines log file name and/or path (default: None)
  --sql_echo            Set SQLite echo to True, adds verbose SQL messaging (default: False)
  -v, --verbose         Set logger level to 'INFO' (default: False)

Select candidates for engineering, industrial exploitation and biological exploration

Extract protein sequences from the local CAZome database

The pyrewton subcommand extract_db_seqs can be used to extract the protein sequences of proteins identified by the protein version accession in a plain text file from the local CAZome database, and write the sequences to a multi-sequence FASTA file.

The protein IDs in the plain text file must be written one per line. pyrewton also does not tidy up duplicates. Therefore, if a protein ID appears multiple times, the protein sequence could be written out multiple times.

To create this plain text file of protein accessions we recommend querying the local CAZome database via an SQL/SQLite interface. We include some example commands below.


positional arguments:
  database              Path to the local CAZome database
  proteins              Txt file of protein accessions to extract protein sequences for. A unique GenBank protein accession per line

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f, --force           Force file over writting (default: False)
  -l log file name, --log log file name
                        Defines log file name and/or path (default: None)
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Define path to output FASTA file (default: None)
  -n, --nodelete        Do not delete content in already existing output dir (default: False)
  --sql_echo            Set sqlalchemy conneciton echo property to True (default: False)
  -v, --verbose         Set logger level to 'INFO' (default: False)

SQL query to extract all protein IDs

SELECT genbank_accession
FROM Proteins

SQL query to extract all GH protein IDs

SELECT genbank_accession
FROM Proteins AS P
INNER JOIN Domains AS D ON P.protein_id = D.protein_id
INNER JOIN CazyFamilies AS F ON D.family_id = F.family_id
WHERE like 'GH%'

SQL query to extract all PL10 protein IDs

SELECT genbank_accession
FROM Proteins AS P
INNER JOIN Domains AS D ON P.protein_id = D.protein_id
INNER JOIN CazyFamilies AS F ON D.family_id = F.family_id
WHERE = 'PL10'

SQL query to extract all GT protein IDs from Aspergillus genomes

SELECT genbank_accession
FROM Proteins AS P
INNER JOIN Domains AS D ON P.protein_id = D.protein_id
INNER JOIN CazyFamilies AS F ON D.family_id = F.family_id
INNER JOIN Assemblies ON P.assembly_id = Assemblies.assembly_id
INNER JOIN Taxonomies AS Taxs ON Assemblies.taxonomy_id = Taxs.taxonomy_id
WHERE ( like 'GT%') AND (Taxs.genus = 'Aspergillus')

Combine seqs from multiple FASTA files into one

Sometimes multiple scrapes of CAZy and multiple CAZyme classifier analyses can result in generating multiple FASTA files. pyrewton can combine the contents of two FASTA files into one using the gather_seqs subcommand.


positional arguments:
  fasta_1               Path to FASTA file containg protein sequences
  fasta_2               Path to FASTA file containg protein sequences

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f, --force           Force file over writting (default: False)
  -l log file name, --log log file name
                        Defines log file name and/or path (default: None)
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Define path to output FASTA file (default: None)
  -n, --nodelete        Don't delete content aleady in output dir (default: False)
  -v, --verbose         Set logger level to 'INFO' (default: False)

Cluster CAZymes into functionally related groups

pyrewton can cluster CAZyme sequences, for example to gather potentially functionally related protein sequences, by using MMseqs2.

Steinegger, M., Söding, J. MMseqs2 enables sensitive protein sequence searching for the analysis of massive data sets. Nat Biotechnol 35, 1026–1028 (2017).

Specifically, using the cluster_cazymes subcommand to run MMseqs. By default a cutoff threshold of 70% perecentage identity and coverage is used, but these can be changed using the --pident and --cov flags respectively.


positional arguments:
  fasta                 Path to FASTA file of protein sequence to cluster

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --mmseqs_db MMSEQS_DB
                        Path to write out mmseqs db. Default ./mmseqs/mmseqs_db (default: mmseqs/mmseqs_db)
  --mmseqs_out MMSEQS_OUT
                        Path to write out mmseqs output file. Default ./mmseqs/mmseqs_out (default: mmseqs/mmseqs_out)
  --out_tsv OUT_TSV     Path to write out mmseqs TSV file with cluster inforamtion. Default ./mmseqs_out.tsv (default: ./mmseqs_out.tsv)
  --pident PIDENT       Percentage identity cutoff (as DECIMAL) (default: 0.7)
  --cov COV             Converage cutoff (as DECIMAL) (default: 0.7)
  -l log file name, --log log file name
                        Defines log file name and/or path (default: None)
  --sql_echo            Set SQLite echo to True, adds verbose SQL messaging (default: False)
  -v, --verbose         Set logger level to 'INFO' (default: False)

Get sequences for each cluster

After clustering the sequences, for clusters containing more than a user define threshold of cluster members, pyrewton can gather the sequences from the cluster and write out the sequences to a multi-sequence FASTA file per cluster. This FASTA file is named using the cluster name provided by MMseqs2.

The minimum cluster size threshold can be changed using the --min-size flag.


positional arguments:
  fasta                 Path to FASTA file of all protein sequences
  mmseq_tsv             Path to TSV file listing clusters created by MMseqs2

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --output OUTPUT       Path to directory to write out cluster multi-sequence FASTA files. Default pwd (default: .)
  --min_size MIN_SIZE   Minimum size of cluster (default: 10)
  -l log file name, --log log file name
                        Defines log file name and/or path (default: None)
  -v, --verbose         Set logger level to 'INFO' (default: False)

Get summary of the MMseqs2 clusters

To create a CSV file summarising the clusters generated by MMseqs2, using the pyrewton subcommand get_cluster_summary. This will coordinate pyrewton to parse the MMSeqs output TSV file and generate a summary of for each cluster:

  • Number of members (unique protein IDs) in each cluster
  • Number of CAZymes predicted by CAZyme classifiers (these proteins could also be presented in CAZy)
  • Number of CAZymes from cluster in the CAZy database (these proteins could laos be predicted by CAZyme classifiers as well as in CAZy)
  • Percentage of total cluster membership that was predicted by a CAZyme classifier
  • Percentage of the total cluster membership that was in the CAZy database

To identify proteins that were in the CAZy database, or classified by a CAZyme classifier 2 FASTA files must be provided to pyrewton get_cluster_summary. One FASTA file lists proteins from the CAZy database, the second lists proteins that were predicted to be CAZymes from a CAZyme classifier. CAZy/CAZyme classifier classification does not have to mutually exclusive.

Use the following SQL command to retrieve the protein IDs for all proteins in CAZy from the local CAZyme database - this can be used as the input list to pyrewton extract_db_seqs to create the FASTA file of CAZy classified CAZymes:

SELECT P.genbank_accession
FROM Proteins AS P
INNER JOIN Domains AS D ON P.protein_id = D.protein_id
INNER JOIN Classifiers AS C ON D.classifier_id = C.classifier_id
WHERE C.classifier = 'CAZy'

Similarly, use the following SQL command to retrieve the protein IDs for all proteins in the local CAZome database that were predicted to be CAZymes by HMMER and DIAMOND. This SQL command can be modified to extract all proteins predicted to be CAZymes by any combination of user-defined CAZyme classifiers. The list of returned proteins IDs can be used as the input list to pyrewton extract_db_seqs to create the FASTA file of CAZyme classifier classified CAZymes:

SELECT P.genbank_accession
FROM Proteins AS P
INNER JOIN Domains AS D ON P.protein_id = D.protein_id
INNER JOIN Classifiers AS C ON D.classifier_id = C.classifier_id
WHERE (C.classifier = 'HMMER') OR (C.classifier = 'DIAMOND')


positional arguments:
  cazy_fasta            Path to FASTA file containg protein sequences from CAZy
  pyrewton_fasta        Path to FASTA file containg protein sequences from pyrewton
  mmseq_tsv             Path to TSV file created by MMseq2

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f, --force           Force file over writting (default: False)
  -l log file name, --log log file name
                        Defines log file name and/or path (default: None)
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Define path to output file(s). The file name provided at the end of the path is used as the file name PREFIX (default: None)
  -n, --nodelete        Don't delete content aleady in output dir (default: False)
  -v, --verbose         Set logger level to 'INFO' (default: False)

Explore cluster sequence diversity

pyrewton can configure running BLAST or DIAMOND to perform all-versus-all pairwise sequence alignment to faciltiate exploring sequence diversity within a FASTA file (e.g. protein cluster). This can help identify sequences that may not be functionally or structurally represented in the literature of public repositories, and may identify functional divergence within CAZy families.

Specifically, using the pyrewton subcommand run_all_vs_all and state the method of choice: BLAST or DIAMOND, as well as providing a path to the FASTA file containing all protein sequences for the analysis.

Altschul, S.F., Gish, W., Miller, W., Myers, E.W., Lipman, D.J. (1990) “Basic local alignment search tool.” J. Mol. Biol. 215:403-410. Buchfink B, Xie C, Huson DH. Fast and sensitive protein alignment using DIAMOND. Nat Methods. 2015 Jan;12(1):59-60. doi: 10.1038/nmeth.3176. Epub 2014 Nov 17. PMID: 25402007.


positional arguments:
  input                 Path to FASTA file containing all sequences for all-versus-all pairwise sequence alignemnts
  method                Method for all versus all sequence alignemnt. BLAST or DIAMOND. Not case sensitivity

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --output OUTPUT       Path write out output of alignments. Default ./all_vs_all_alignments.out (default: ./all_vs_all_alignments.out)
  --db_path DB_PATH     Path to build DIAMOND database (default: ./diamond.db)
  --evalue EVALUE       E-value threshold (default: 10.0)
  -l log file name, --log log file name
                        Defines log file name and/or path (default: None)
  -v, --verbose         Set logger level to 'INFO' (default: False)

Screen CAZymes for positive selection

Repo structure


Below is a directory plan of this repository, followed by a brief overview of each directories role , to facilitate navigation through the repository.


Directory containing all files needed for the GitHub page, created for easy access to accompanying Jupyter notebooks.


Directory containing files to build documentation hosted at ReadTheDocs.


Directory containing all Jupyter notebooks, and html copies used for easier in-browser viewing via the GitHub pages.


Directory containing all pytest files for testing pyrewton, including subdirectories for test inputs and targets. Each module/submodule has its own specific test input and target subdirectory.


Directory containing all pyrewton program modules (including all submodules and Python scripts).



Please find more detailed documentation at for operation and troubleshooting at Read the Docs

This is an overview of the functionalities of each module within pyrewton, as well as basics of operation. For more detailed documentation on the operation of each module and indiviudal Python scripts please see the documentation at Read the Docs


Contains all functions that are called from other Python scripts for building command-line parsers and loggers. Includes the submodule file_io, which contains functions that are called from other Python scripts for handling directories and files in pyrewton, including retrieving program inputs and creating output directories.


Directory containing all submodules that are involved in retrieving handling GenBank files. This includes retrieval of GenBank files from GenBank, and retrieval of protein sequences from GenBank files.


This submodule is for the retrieval of genomic assemblies (as .gbff files) for each species listed in a plain text file (.txt). Each line of the plain text file must contain a single, unique species, for an example see 'get_ncbi_genomes_template_input_file.txt' within the directory. The species can be specified by taxonomy ID (using the 'NCBI:txid' prefix) or scientific name. get_ncbi_genomes will retrieve the scientific name or taxonomy depending on which is given, and will write out a dataframe containing the scientific name, NCBI taxonomy ID and all accession numbers of all genomic assemblies retrieved from NCBI.

Note: What is meant by all genomic assemblies is the latest version of all genomic assemblies, taking preference for GenBank files over reference assemblies. If not GenBank (identified by the 'GCA' prefix) assembly if available then the latest version of the reference assembly (identified by the 'GCF' prefix) will be retrieved.

When invoking get_ncbi_genomes a user email must be provided. This is a requirements of Entrez, the search and retrieval system of NCBI, which is accessed during the retrieval of taxonomy information and genomic assemblies.

An example of the basic operation is: python3 get_ncbi_genomes <user_email> <-i path_to_input_.txt> <-o directory_to_store_assemblies> <-d species_dataframe_output_path

All command options can be viewed by using python3 get_ncbi_genomes -h or python3 get_ncbi_genomes --help, and at ReadtheDocs.


This submodule is for the retrieval of proteins sequences from GenBank (.gbff) genomic assemblies. The protein sequences are identified as 'CDS' annotated features. The locus tag, gene start/end, gene ID, annotated function and protein sequence are retrieved and written out to a dataframe, with a unique protein on each line and including a columns for the host species scientific name, NCBI taxonomy and accession number of the host genomic assembly. The protein sequences are also written out to FASTA files, with a single FASTA file containing all the protein sequences from only one genomic assembly. Therefore, each genomic assembly input results in one FASTA file output.

When invoking get_genbank_proteins the path to the input dataframe (which is the output from get_ncbi_genomes) and the directory containing the genomic assemblies must be parsed, and in this order.

An example of basic operation is: python3 get_genbank_proteins <path_to_input_df> <path_to_assemly_dir>

All command options can be viewed by using python3 get_ncbi_genomes -h or python3 get_genbank_proteins --help, and at ReadtheDocs.


This module is involved in the identification and prediction of CAZymes.


This submodule retrieved protein from UniProtKB. The query criteria are configured by a YAML file. The configuration file incorporates two keys: 'tax_ids' and 'queries'. Under 'tax_ids' list the NCBI taxonomy ID of the species the search is to be restricted to. Under 'queries' list the queries to be performed (for each taxonomy ID if given) using the UniProt query syntax and query fields. If only the taxonomy ID is given then all proteins for that taxonomy ID will be given. For an example configuration file see 'uniprot_config.yaml' in the uniprot directory.

The submodule writes out a dataframe containing

  • NCBI taxonomy ID of the host species
  • scientific name of the host species
  • UniProt entry ID
  • UniProt entry name
  • Protein names
  • EC numbe
  • Protein length in amino acids
  • Protein mass (Da)
  • Domains
  • Protein families in external database such as its CAZy family
  • Gene Ontology ID, molecular function and biological process annotations
  • Protein sequence

The submodule also writes out all protein sequences to FASTA files, with each query to UniProt producing a single FASTA file containing all the resulting protein sequences retrieved from the query. The FASTA file names follow the format: 'uniprot_{uniprot_query}_{time_stamp}'. If only the taxonomy ID is given then the taxonomy ID will be written in the FASTA file name in the place of 'uniprot_query'.

When invoking the submodule uniprot, invoke the script and the path to the configuration must be provided.

An example of basic operation is: python3 get_uniprot_proteins <path_to_config_file.yaml>

All command options can be viewed by using python3 get_uniprot_proteins -h or python3 get_uniprot_proteins --help. 'Read the Docs' documentation coming soon!


Detailed documentation for hosting at ReadTheDocs is still in development.

This submodule is for the prediction if a query protein sequence is a CAZyme or non-CAZyme, and the prediction of the CAZy family if the protein is predicated to be a CAZyme.
This directory contains an additional README specifically for the independent evaluation of the CAZyme predictiont tools dbCAN, CUPP and eCAMI.



For a summary of the inital evaluation of the performance of dbCAN, CUPP and eCAMI (March 2021), see the poster we presented at the Microbiology Society Annual Conference 2021.

The Rnotebook (as a Rmarkdown file and HTML file), containing the full evaluation of the dbCAN, CUPP and eCAMI and which was used to generate the figures for Microbiology Society Conference poster are located in pyrewton/cazymes/evaluate/tools/report. We recommend using the Rnotebook as a template for any evaluations you conduct yourself.

Repository renamed 2020-10-05

Note: This repository was renamed from 'PhD_project_scripts' to 'pyrewton'.