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Rawr v2.3.23.0

We're pleased to announce that, after long last, Rawr3 has entered public beta. You're still welcome to continue using Rawr2 (that's what you're reading the readme for), but we urge you to try out Rawr3, and enjoy all the new features and benefits. Rawr3 is a port of Rawr to Silverlight, which means:

    - You can run Rawr3 in your web browser.
    - No need to download or install anything.
    - It runs on Mac OS X (Intel). Welcome to Rawr, Mac users!
    - You can optionally install it locally with 2 clicks from the web version, if you want to have it locally for offline use.
    - Lots more.

 So give Rawr3 a try today! Get started at:
 Please remember that it's still a beta, though, so lots of things are likely to be buggy or incomplete!
And now back to Rawr v2.3.23.0.
 - Fix for default data of a few items.
 - Added a few buffs and reorganized the grouping of several buffs.
 - Fix for base agility on taurens being off by 1.
 - The optimizer will now consider items which have been marked available and are equippable, even if their item type is filtered out.
 - Rawr.Hunter: Fix for the ability to select Hunter's Mark. Fix for a crash with Pet buffs and talents.
 - Rawr.ShadowPriest: Fix for the bug with +hit calculations.
 - Rawr.Elemental: Fix for a bug involving DPS Fire Totems without 4T10.
 - Rawr.DPSDK: Added some ArPen-based default gemming templates. Improvements to the way the optimal rotation is detected. Fix for nested special effects producing inflated DPS. Added Resilience and Spell Penetration as optimizable stats. Fix for Cinderglacier being overvalued.
 - Rawr.TankDK: Improvements to the way the optimal rotation is detected. Added Resilience and Spell Penetration as optimizable stats.
 - Rawr.Moonkin: Fix for 2T10 having value without Omen of Clarity.
 - Rawr.Rogue: Added an option to only use the Custom Rotation when optiming. This greatly speeds up the optimization for those who know the best rotation.

Recent Changes:

There's no installer for Rawr. Just unzip the zip anywhere you like, that you have full permissions to (that means NOT Program Files on Vista+), and run Rawr.exe. (If you have any concern about Rawr doing anything malicious, the full source code is available at for you to review and/or to build yourself)

Once you've got it running, you should see a basic character-screen-like layout of items. All slots will start out blank, so you can either start filling in items, or open an Armory profile. You'll probably want to open your own Armory profile, so you can get some familiar items. Goto File->Load from Armory..., and type in your character name and server (exactly, and choose a region if necessary), and hit OK. After a few sec, it should load your profile. You can mouse over an item to see the stats for it, and click on an item to get a dropdown of all of the other items available for that slot. It'll be missing your buffs, so fill those out on the main screen.

Now that you have your current character fairly well defined, use the item comparison are on the right side of the main window. You can choose a slot and a sort method at the top. The ratings calculated in this graph will update as you make changes to your gear/enchants/buffs, to always be as accurate as possible.

 Q: I get an error on load, "To run this application you must first install..." or "The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135)." How do I fix this?
 A: Install .NET Framework 3.5sp1 from Microsoft. If it still doesn't work, uninstall .NET Framework completely, reinstall .NET Framework 3.5sp1, and try Rawr again. Download link for .NET Framework 3.5sp1 from Microsoft:

 Q: I get a "Cannot access disposed object." error. How can I fix that?
 A: This is a bug in an old version of the .NET Framework. Download the most recent version (3.5sp1) from the above link.

 Q: There's an item missing! Can you please add [Some Item]?
 A: No, Rawr is designed so that we wouldn't need to update it with new items every time a new item was found. You can add items to it yourself, very fast, and very easily. Look the item up on wowhead or thottbot, and remember the item ID # from the URL on wowhead or thottbot. Goto Tools > Edit Items, click Add, type that item ID # in, hit OK, and *poof*, you'll have the item. Another thing you can do, after loading your character from the Armory, is choose Tools > Load Possible Upgrades from Armory. This feature will take *a while*, like 5+ min, but will download all the items that Rawr and the Armory thinks are potential upgrades for you. It's a good idea to run this a few days after a major content patch. However, the Armory is commonly unstable immediately after a major content patch, so expect errors if you don't wait a few days.

 Q: Where can I edit the relative stat values (or weights) that Rawr uses?
 A: You can't, because Rawr doesn't use stat weights, or anything like that. See below.

Overview of Rawr
Rawr is a windows app, designed to help you create sets of gear for your WoW character. You can play with different items, enchants, and buffs, and see how they affect your stats and ratings. Based on your current stats, it will also display a graph of the value of known items for a selected slot, including multiple ratings relevant to your class/spec.

How Rawr Handles Items
Of paramount importance in an app like this is how it handles items. Nobody wants to type in the stats of all their items, let alone the stats of all the other prospective items for each slot. If you want to customize items, or create new ones (to prepare for test server changes, for example), you still can type in stats, but you don't have to. There are two ways to load Rawr's item database with new items:

First, you can open an armory profile. Use File->Load from Armory..., type in a character name and server, and choose a region if necessary. It will load up and select all of the items used by that armory profile. Second, you can go to the item editor, choose add, and type in just the item id of an item you'd like to add. In both of these cases, the stats about each item is pulled from the Armory, so a web connection is required.

When loading a character from the armory, or starting a new blank character, be sure to go check off what buffs you typicaly raid with, to ensure you get accurate ratings.

How does Rawr work to calculate the values of items? (Or where are the relative stats setup?)
Each model in Rawr has a set of calculations that returns one or more rating numbers. These numbers can be DPS/TPS/HPS/Survival/Mitigation/etc, depending on what is important to that model. To generate the charts and other calculations that you see in Rawr, it takes your race, gear, enchants, talents, glyphs, buffs, and any model-specific options, and asks the model to return ratings for your current gear with the slot you are asking about *empty*. This gives the total score for your character without that slot, which is used as a baseline. It then takes each item to be displayed in the chart, and asks the model for a new set of ratings for your character including that item. The difference between those numbers, and the baseline, is what is displayed in the graph (ie, the DPS value of an item). 

It is important to realise that every single time you see a line on any of the graphs in Rawr, that it has asked the model to calculate everything from scratch again with that complete character setup. Despite it doing so quickly, it is doing all of these calculations, and never uses any relative stat values (weights), as you may expect.

Rawr uses actual formulae to calculate your ratings; it does not use relative stats and try to multiply the stats together. Rawr is designed to be able to do these calculations quickly and efficiently. This is why the results you get in Rawr are comprehensive and far more accurate than using stats weights ever are. Stat weights are inaccurate, by their very definition, and should not be used when an accurate tool such as Rawr is available.

Rawr looks at the total stats of your character, not the stats of an individual item to measure the value. This is perhaps best explained by an example: Take the example of a DPS class and trying to calculate the graph showing helm values. (NOTE: Not actual calculations, and big round numbers are used for simplicity.)

With no helm equipped, and raid buffed, your stats are:
1000 AP, 190 hit rating (this class actually needs 200 hit rating to be capped), 10% crit, etc.
We calculate the optimal rotation to give 1000 dps, even though you're missing 2% of the time.

Now we equip Helm of Minor Hit (+10 hit rating), pushing your combined stats to:
1000 AP, 200 hit rating (at cap), 10% crit, etc.
Now we calculate the optimal rotation to give 1020 dps, with 0 misses.

Now we equip Helm of Major Hit (+20 hit rating), pushing your combined stats to:
1000 AP, 210 hit rating (over cap), 10% crit, etc.
Now we calculate the optimal rotation to still give 1020 dps, with 0 misses.

For both the 2 Helms of Hit, we calculate the difference in dps from an empty slot to be 1020 - 1000 = 20 dps. Thus both helms appear in the graph as giving 20 extra dps on top of your current equipment/buff setup.

Now we equip Helm of AP, pushing your combined stats to:
1020 AP, 190 hit rating (below cap), 10% crit, etc.
Now we calculate the optimal rotation to give 1010 dps, with 2% misses. Thus its value is shown as 10 dps.

If you then decide to replace your hit rating potion with a crit potion, your total stats while wearing each helm would again be calculated. Now that you have freed up some hit rating elsewhere, the Helm of Major Hit will be at the top of the list. The reason is that in this case you can fully use all the stats it provides. 
This same effect will be visible in the displayed value of rings (or trinket), depending on which slot is being displayed. It isn't which slot is being used, but rather the extra stats being provided by the ring (or trinket) in the other slot. For example if your 2nd ring contains a lot of crit, rings that contain a lot of AP might complement it better and appear high in the list for ring 1. If you look at the list for ring 2, the ring with the highest crit is likely to be on top. 

An important thing to realize is that we never decide that a stat like hit rating has a relative weight compared to AP and then tried to calculate the score for an item using that weight and the stats of the item (that type of approach is used by many in-game addons but is extremely inaccurate when dealing with capped stats). We simply compare DPS numbers while wearing each possible item. Using this combined stats approach we handle all capping effects.

Frequently, questions are posted on the discussion forums asking how relative weights can be adjusted. There is no way to adjust this, because there are no relative weights to adjust. Relative stats weights are a quick way to judge gear you can use on the day of hitting 80, when you're still far from any of the caps. But after being in more than a handful of heroics, it just becomes too unreliable to use on any stat that has a cap (i.e. expertise, hit, haste, armor penetration, armor and possibly even mana regen).

Source Code
Rawr's source code is freely available at its website, .

Rawr on Mac OS X / Linux
NOTE: Rawr v3 is currently in development, and will run natively on OSX Intel. Contact me ([email protected]) if you're interested in beta testing it. Until then, I can't offer any support for running it as describe here, (though it does work for many people):

You can run Rawr using Mono. Mono is a set of libraries that mimic the .NET Framework, which Rawr is built on, allowing it to run on OSX (and Linux). However, unfortunately, it's extremely buggy. If you want to give it a try, please do, it very well may work just fine for you. For most users, running Rawr via some form of emulation (Boot Camp, VMWare Fusion, Parallels, etc) will give you the best results, though. 

That said, I'm doing what I can to make Rawr available to Mac users, and that means officially supporting running Rawr on OSX, via Mono. 

How to Run Rawr on OSX:
 1) Install Mono ( for Mac OS X. 
    1a) NOTE: At time of writing, Mono v2.4 is the latest, however, it's broken; use Mono v2.2 if you have issues with the latest version.
 2) Unzip Rawr. 
 3) Open the Terminal, navigate to where you unzipped Rawr (look for basic guides to the Terminal, if you need help with that), and type 'mono Rawr.exe', and hit enter. That should launch Rawr for you. 
Mono has some problems, so I appreciate your patience as I work to try to make Rawr stable under Mono. I strongly suggest saving often for now.

Known Issues:
 - Mono doesn't look perfect. It looks kinda ugly, and you'll see some weird graphical artifacts. I'll try to work around this as best I can, but it's going to take time.
 - Mono has some crashing problems. Things will be running fine, then all of a sudden, the whole app'll close. I can try to work around these bugs in Mono, but it's going to take time. 
 - Tooltips on labels don't work in Mono. I'll see if I can work around this for a later version. At least for stats, you can work around this by using the Copy Character Stats to Clipboard feature.
 - The clipboard doesn't work under Mono. In the mean time, when running on Mono, Copy Character Stats to Clipboard will save the stats as 'stats.txt' in the folder with Rawr.
 - More issues, I'm sure.

 -Fix for the stats of Imp Lay on Hands.
 -Fixes to a couple item stats.
 -Rawr.Bear: Fix for resistance calculations being slightly off.
 -Rawr.Cat: Fix for combo point generation rate being slightly off due to avoidance. Fix for bite damage being doublely reduced by combo points. Improved default gemming templates. Improved relevancy checking by ignoring items with spellpower. Fix for Idol of the Crying Moon calculations when it was the only crit-affecting special effect.
 -Rawr.Rogue: Fix for the amount of CPs generated per CPG. Fix for Mutilate being usable with all weapons, and tweak to damage. Fix for the value of 3 points of Vile Poisons. Fix for base offhand damage. Fix for Crit double dipping with Master Poisoner. Fix for Haste calculation.
 -Rawr.RestoSham: Fix for the duration of GCDs.
 -Rawr.DPSDK: Slight fix for Glyph of Scourge Strike. Fixed the text of Glyph of Unholy Blight. Better detection of rotation without relying on single key talents.
 -Rawr.TankDK: Fix for Abom's Might calculation. Fix for a few buffs/procs having no value. Fix for damage taken in Frost Presence.
 -Rawr.Moonkin: Fix a display issue where spells that are not present in a given rotation would show NaN in the detailed spell breakdown rather than 0.
 -Rawr.DPSWarr: Tweaks for Sudden Death and the 4T10 for Arms.
 -Rawr.Elemental: Implemented Fire Elemental modeling.
 -Rawr.HealPriest: Fix for not being able to load some older character files.
 -Rawr.Warlock: Fix for not being able to load some older character files.

 - Rawr E-mail: I get a lot of e-mail about Rawr, and occasionally some of it falls through the cracks. In order to separate it from my personal e-mail, and more importantly to get more eyes involved, I've setup a new e-mail account for the Rawr Dev Team: [email protected]. Everyone, please use that e-mail for Rawr related e-mails now. Myself, and several of the other devs have access to it, so you're more likely to get a quick response. Additionally, if you've sent me anything in the last few weeks and haven't gotten a response, go ahead and resend it to [email protected].
 - Significant performance improvements to many models. Some of them *extremely* significant.
 - Rawr.ShadowPriest: Readded Crypt Fever. Mind Flay no longer benefits from Mental Agility.
 - Rawr.HealingPriest: Renamed Rawr.HolyPriest to Rawr.HealingPriest, to make it more clear that it supports both specs of healing priests. Fix for Binding Heal calculations. Added support for Binding Light/Stone trinket.
 - Rawr.Tree: Updated default gemming templates.
 - Rawr.Hunter: Updated default gemming templates.
 - Rawr.Moonkin: Support for Fetish of Volatile Power and Nevermelting Ice Crystal.
 - Rawr.Rogue: Implemented racial expertise bonuses. Modified how avoided white attack are displayed. Crit caps are now shown in the crit display. Fixes for Filthy Tricks not reducing TotT cost, exp/hit calculations, CQC offhand damage, overly high CPG usage in some cycles, overall crit chance, and AP scaling of Eviscerate.
 - Rawr.Elemental: Adjustments to the calculations for Searing and Magma Totems.
 - Rawr.TankDK: Fix for offhand items granting errant mitigation.
 - Rawr.DPSDK: Fix for how custom graphs are displayed. Fix for an issue with the calculation for Rune of the Fallen Crusader. Fix for value of the ICC buff. There is now a custom graph showing DPS in different presences.
 - Rawr.ProtPaladin: Added % Chance to be Crit Without Holy Shield as an optimizable stat, and removed Defense Skill.
 - Rawr.DPSWarr: Now auto-detects Arms vs Fury based on talents, instead of an option on the Options pane. Fix for execute spam in Arms.

 - Fixed a bug with gems in custom gemming templates not being considered available when they should be.
 - Rawr.Bear: Several performance improvements. Fix for editing the custom values for the presetable fields on the Options tab.
 - Rawr.Cat: Several performance improvements.
 - Rawr.DPSWarr: Fix for ArPen calculations being broken.
 - Rawr.Moonkin: Fix for calculation of 2T10. Several performance improvements.
 - Rawr.Rogue: Fix for Mace Spec, Serrated Blades, Glyph of Sinister Strike, and Mutilate damage calculations. Fix for the CP generation probability tables for non-Mutilate.
 - Rawr.ProtPaladin: Support for more trinket effects. Implemented Survival Soft Cap, which is a feature to impose diminishing returns on Survival, past a customizable value.
 - Rawr.Tree: Fix for movement speed not being considered relevant.
 - Rawr.ProtWarrior: Added Block Value as an optimizable stats.

 - Further improved default filters (keep any feedback coming) and itemcache. Should include everything from Midsummer and Ruby Sanctum that's know so far. Default filters shouldn't have anything hidden by default this time.
 - Updated modeling of a variety of weapon enchants (Mongoose changed, Black Magic works for some non-casters) and trinkets (mostly from ICC).
 - Fixed a slight miscalculation in Armor Penetration effects.
 - Improved Wowhead parsing.
 - Rawr.Cat: Improved modeling for a whole bunch of trinkets and other special effects. Yes, those weapon enchants are actually correct; say goodbye to Mongoose, and hello to Black Magic (for some high end cats, anyway).
 - Rawr.Bear: Improved modeling for a whole bunch of trinkets and other special effects. Updated the presets on the options tab for T10.
 - Rawr.Mage: Fix for incremental optimizations on Evocation withotu mana segmentation (should solve odd issue where certain stats change in value drastically when you're right on the edge of needing to evocate during a fight).
 - Rawr.DPSDK: Fix for getting the DW penalty when wearing a 2H + a disabled OH. Fix for some runeforges stacking. Added gemming templates using Relentless meta.
 - Rawr.TankDK: Fix for some runeforges stacking. Fix for a few talents showing up as negative value.
 - Rawr.DPSWarr: Fix for the DPS cost of maintaining buffs/debuffs.
 - Rawr.Hunter: Improvements to the options UI. Fix for Beast Within calculations.
 - Rawr.Retribution: Fix for a bug with target parry chance. Improved optimizable values. Added some default gemming templates.
 - Rawr.Rogue: Added more default gemming templates. Fixes for Relentless Strikes value, Envenom cycles, Mutilate requirements, Mutilate CP generation, and probability of extra CP procs. Modeled Tiny Abomination in a Jar. Fix for Hack and Slash proccing off Slice and Dice. Modeled Heartpierce proc.
 - Rawr.ProtPaladin: Improved optimizable values.
 - Rawr.Moonkin: Fixes for Starfall damage, 2T10, Earth and Moon, and Master Shapeshifter. Improved relevency handling. Added Starfall/Treants to the spell breakdown display.
 - Rawr.Warlock: Added options to value raid buffs. Added Decimate execute stage. Fixes for crit procs, Haunt recasting, Nibelung, Bloodlust on pets, Demonic Empowerment, 2T9 for Demo.
 - Rawr.Enhance: Modeled Tiny Abomination in a Jar.

 - Fix for bug in parsing characters with certain abnormal characters in their data.
 - Fix for a lockup in the item editor.
 - More improvements to the default filters and item cache.
 - Rawr.Mage: Improvements to rotation solver.
 - Rawr.TankDK: Fix for crashing bug.
 - Rawr.Retribution: Fix for RunSpeed being relevant.
 - Rawr.Warlock: Further improvements to pet modeling.
 - Rawr.RestoSham: Fix for certain profession buffs being relevant.

 - Lots of improvements to the default data files. There is a known issue with the source on PvP items, but otherwise should be pretty good.
 - Fix for a bug with gemming templates being considered available for the optimizer when disabled in some cases.
 - Some significant improvements to Optimizer performance.
 - Significant improvements to launch time.
 - Rawr.Warlock: Tons of bugfixes and improvements! Pet modeling! Joy!
 - Rawr.TankDK: Improvements to rotation handling.
 - Rawr.Elemental: Added option to use a DPS totem. Fix for Glyph of Flame Shock calculations.
 - Rawr.Mage: Fix for a bug with potion usage. Added some extra information in the Solution results. Fix for damage calculations on Living Bomb and Pyroblast DoTs.

 - Oops.

 - Improvements to Wowhead/Armory parsing.
 - Rawr.Mage: Fix for calculations being broken on 32bit OSes.
 - Rawr.Warlock: Lots more work on fleshing out missing parts of the model. (Pets are somewhat workings; yes, we know it's very important, and are actively working on it)
 - Rawr.TankDK: Further improvements to ability usage mechanics.
 - Rawr.Elemental: Added Chain Lightning and Fire Nova usage.
 - Rawr.Moonkin: Updated relevancy logic. Couple fixes for spell damage displays.
 - Rawr.Healadin: Updated relevancy logic.
 - Rawr.Retribution: Fix for a couple crashes. Added support for a few more special effect types.
 - Rawr.Cat: Fix for base stats for Night Elves.
 - Rawr.DPSDK: Fix for ArPen calculations with Blood Gorged. Fix for expertise calculations.
 - Rawr.Rogue: Added Turn the Tables support.

 - Rawr3: Tons of fixes for Rawr3 compatability and UI.
 - Significant performance improvements all around.
 - More fixes and improvements to Wowhead/Armory parsing.
 - Gemming Template settings (enabled/disabled and custom templates) are now stored *per character*, instead of globally. You'll need to recreate any custom gemming templates you've made.
 - Rawr.Warlock: The current Rawr.Warlock model has been dormant and abandoned for a while now. It has now been replaced with a brand new model that should be much more accurate and useful. It still has some incomplete parts, but they're actively being worked on. Please post any feedback you have! (in before "zomg u broke warlocks agian wtf!!!1")
 - Rawr.Rogue: Fixes for Lightning Reflexes numbers, white damage, Glyph of Rupture, Rupture damage without Mangle, poison crit chance, target crit buffs, Relentless Strikes, Ruthlessness, Spell Hit.
 - Rawr.Mage: Significant performance improvements. Added partial resists of Ignite. Fixes for Glyph of Fireball tooltip.
 - Rawr.Healadin: Fix for stat buffs with spirits being ignored.
 - Rawr.Moonkin: Updated ability formulae for 3.3.3.
 - Rawr.Cat: Updated ability formulae for 3.3.3.
 - Rawr.Bear: Updated ability formulae for 3.3.3.
 - Rawr.TankDK: Fix for a couple UI issues. Fix for Armor calculations. Updated ability formulae for 3.3.3.
 - Rawr.ProtWarr: Updated ability formulae for 3.3.3.
 - Rawr.DPSWarr: Updated ability formulae for 3.3.3.
 - Rawr.Elemental: Updated ability formulae for 3.3.3.
 - Rawr.Enhance: Updated ability formulae for 3.3.3.
 - Rawr.Hunter: Fix for a few UI-related bugs/crashes.

 - Rawr now properly reports if Armory cannot find a character.
 - Rawr.Hunter: Pets should no longer gain double benefit from buffs on both the hunter and the pet.
 - Rawr.Rogue: Mangle and Trauma debuffs should now properly increase bleed damage. 3.3.3 changes implemented in PTR mode. Deadly and Instant Poison damage and crit rate is now more accurate.
 - Rawr.DPSDK: Scourge Strike updated for 3.3.3 values.
 - Rawr.Mage: Support for Arcane + Scorch DPS Cycles removed.
 - Rawr.SPriest: Phylactery of the Nameless Lich finally modeled correctly.

 - First, a note about Rawr3. Rawr3 has been in development for quite a while now, and we know that everyone's eager to get it. It's been held back for a while now by a showstopping issue that we've been trying to work around. I'm pleased to report that we've found an awesome solution to that showstopping issue (Shadowed rocks), and so Rawr3 is nearing public beta. We're tentatively shooting for next weekend (Mar 20/21), but please don't shoot us if something comes up and we're not able to make that date!
 - Vault of Archavon has its own catagory in the filtering. 
 - Strength of Wrynn / Hellscream's Warsong Buff have been added to the Temporary Buff section. 
 - Almost all healing/dps/tanking models have support for this buff. 
 - Items with Resilience now are catagorized as "Purchaseable PvP Item" instead of displaying with no source.
 - Rawr.Retribution: Spell selection logic cleaned up.
 - Rawr.Hunter: Hunter rotation logic fixes. 4T10 should be properly modeled now, the DPS value of it was far lower then it actually is. The optimizer should now instruct you to use Iceblade Arrows rather then Saronite Arrows.
 - Rawr.DPSDK: 3.3.3 Frost changes implemented.
 - Rawr.Mage: 3.3.3 changes to Incanters Absorbtion implemented. Haste procs should be modeled more accurately now.
 - Rawr.Healadin: Implemented Infusion of Light. 4T9 set bonus should now be modeled correctly. 4T10 set bonus is now modeled correctly.
 - Rawr.HealPriest: New "Renew" rotation has been added to the Role dropdown list. 2T9 and 4T9 set bonuses added.

 - Load from Armory code cleaned up. 
 - Tiny Abomination in a Jar's proc how now been more accurately modeled. 
 - You should now be able to reload (or load) a character from the EU armory without trouble.
 - Rawr.Mage: Frost DPS Cycles with Frostfire Bolt on Brain Freeze DPS in 3.3.3 implemented. Fire Mage changes for 3.3.3 implemented.
 - Rawr.Retribution: Crit Depression calculations adjusted per latest testing in-game. (4.8% are no longer forced hits) Wrath of Air Totem is now a relevant buff. Corrections to calculations for rotational changes under 20% hp and during heroism made. Swift Retribution and Heart of the Crusader talents will automatically turn this buff on for you.
 - Rawr.Enhance: Crit Depression calculations adjusted per latest testing in-game. (4.8% are no longer forced hits)
 - Rawr.Hunter: Shot rotations cleaned up.
 - Rawr.Rogue: White attacks are no longer normalized, rupture should now have the correct duration. Model will now prioritize between rupture and SnD. Killing Spree (and Glyph of Killing Spree) now modeled. Deadly Poison application chance is now increased by Improved Poisons. Multiple other talents modeled or fixed.
 - Rawr.ShadowPriest: Glyph of Dispersion is now modeled correctly. DoT effects which are subject to haste now have a decimal duration displayed. Nibelung should now be modeled correctly.

 - More improvements to the default filters
 - Further improvement on avoiding useless gem swaps from the Optimizer.
 - Normal/Heroic ICC items should now share uniqueness.
 - Rawr.Retribution: Improvements to rotation calculations.
 - Rawr.Mage: Support for 3.3.3 chanages. Added support for the DoTTick special effect trigger. Added additional spell cycle information in tooltips.
 - Rawr.Healadin: Fix for Divine Intellect calculations.
 - Rawr.Rogue: Implemented weapon speed normalization. Fixed offhand damage calculations. Fixed avoided attacks display. Crit procs now work on SS and Hemo. Implemented DP dropping on Envenoms, this fixes the Envenom usage in Combat builds which now also use SnD on higher CP. Fix for white crit chance being able to go over 100%. Fix for Black Magic. Fix for DP tick counts.
 - Rawr.Hunter: Improvements to the rotation system.
 - Rawr.DPSWarr: Fix for some abilities using the wrong MH/OH dodge chance, when they are different.

 - More improvements to the default item filters.
 - Improved proc calculation of Bryntoll and Shadowstrike.
 - Improved parsing of source data from Wowhead.
 - Improvements to batch optimizations.
 - Fix for Cost optimization ignoring class restrictions.
 - Improvement for optimizer postprocessing gem swapping.
 - Rawr.Rogue: Significant rewrite to be much more up to date (this model had been untouched for quite a while and had grown quite out of date). Please report any issues you discover, and we'll do our best to get them resolved asap.
 - Rawr.Cat: Expanded the default gemming templates. Fix for white crit cap.
 - Rawr.Bear: Added support for target attack speed debuffs (remember to drop your target attack speed on the options panel back down to undebuffed values!).
 - Rawr.Hunter: Updated Zod Bow proc to show its effect in its tooltip. Implemented crit caps and floors. Several tooltip improvements for calculations. Now loads all pet data from the Armory. Automatically selects a Shot Priority for you based on your spec, when loading from the Armory. Swapping specs will also automatically swap your Shot Priority.
 - Rawr.Enhance: Export of calcs now forces "simulate_mana" to on.
 - Rawr.DPSWarr: Improved flurry calculations. Significantly improved many calculation tooltips. Fix for Deep Wounds tick rate at very high crit rates. Fix for white crit cap.
 - Rawr.Mage: Added support for ABSpam034MBAM rotation. Support for Evocation being hasted by 2T10. Improved modeling of Nibelung.
 - Rawr.TankDK: Fixed a bug with expertise calculations. Updated to model the hotfixed changes to Frost Presence and Icebound Fortitude.
 - Rawr.RestoSham: Fixed healing style charts to correctly display burst styles. Many significant calculation fixes and improvements.
 - Rawr.Retribution: Improved 2T10 calculations. Fix for Exorcism and Consecration being hasted by spell haste.
 - Rawr.ProtPaladin: Updated to model the hotfixed reduction in Sacred Duty effect.
 - Rawr.DPSDK: Fix for Target Dodge % and Target Miss % optimizable values not behaving as expected.
 - Rawr.ProtWarr: Updated Shield Slam, Devastate, and Concussion Blow for their correct 3.3.2 damage and threat values. Changed optimal rotation detection to be more robust. Added non-Revenge rotations if no points are spent in Improved Revenge. Made some minor fixes to the way average ability damage takes into account avoidance, crits, and glancing blows.
 - Rawr.Moonkin: Fix for Idol of the Lunar Eclipse modeling.
 - Rawr.Elemental: Fix for Bizuri's Totem of Shattered Ice modeling.
 - Rawr.ShadowPriest: Added better handling of Nevermelting Ice Crystal trinket.

 - Rawr.Hunter: Fixed a crashing bug.
 - Rawr.Rogue: Fix for cycles that used less than 3 finishers.
 - Rawr.DPSDK: Fix for Blood's Glyph of Disease priority.

 - Default Item Filters should now more accurately reflect what most raiders have available to them. A filter was also added which enables the hide/show of green quality gems. Token items which require the prior version (ie: T10 251 -->T10 264) are now correctly filtered.
 - Rawr.Enhance: Improvements to accuracy of EnhanceSim Export.
 - Rawr.Hunter: Fixed a crash with hunter pet talents. 
 - Rawr.Moonkin: Idol of Lunar Eclipse should now be properly modeled.
 - Rawr.Mage: Cycles with 2T10 should now be more accurate.
 - Rawr.ProtPaladin: HotR should do the correct threat/damage now.
 - Rawr.Rogue: Murder is now modeled correctly. Glyph of Hunger for Blood is now properly modeled, display of stat values cleaned up. Glyph of Tricks of the Trade is now listed. Rogue T10 set bonuses are now properly modeled.
 - Rawr.DPSDK: Moved location of Rotation information to the options pane, rotation calculations smoothed out. Tweeked priority system and disease uptime calculations. Blood Gorged should now properly apply the armor penetration bonus of the talent. 
 - Rawr.TankDK: Armor in Frost Presence updated, checkbox added to enable/disable Parry Haste.
 - Rawr.DPSWarr: Cleaned up calculations for 2T10 this set bonus should properly show as an upgrade when it is one. Fixed a crash with Fury when not equiping a mainhand weapon.

 - Chart Data should Export correctly now.
 - Battlemaster trinkets on use are now modeled differently. 
 - Regex fixes to parsing of several spell effects. 
 - Wowhead's DB still has a bug with sockets being shown in spots 2&3 instead of 1&2 for some items, but we've compensated for this until they fix it. 
 - Additional item information (BoP/BoE) attached to items now. 
 - Updates to item filters; many new filter types added, check them out! 
 - RPGO's Character Profiler should play nice with Rawr now. 
 - Currently equiped gems (when loaded from Armory) are automatically marked as avaliable.
 - Rawr.Tree: Improved handeling of procs from trinkets and spells. Haste (especially in trinket form) should be modeled better.
 - Rawr.Warlock: Many spell coefficients and multipliers are now displayed in the mouseover tooltips. Damage from crits should also be calculated correctly now.
 - Rawr.TankDK: Runic Power accumulation and usage should be more accurately modeled. Fixed a bug in which Improved Icy Talons was stacking with normal Ice Talons. Sigil of the Bone Gryphon should now properly stack its effect. Blood Gorged now properly increases your damage done. Hysteria no longer has a personal DPS value, to be added back in later.
 - Rawr.DPSDK: Death Runes (from all trees) should now be more accurately modeled. Killing Machine and Rime should now interact properly with their affected abilities.
 - Rawr.DPSWarr: Gem templates have been updated, though only ones which you're likely to use are active by default. Turning on more (or all of them) will slow down performance. Deathbringer's Will will now proc Haste instead of ArPen.
 - Rawr.Enhance: Deathbringer's Will will now proc Haste instead of ArPen. The combat table should now play nice with the (white) crit cap.
 - Rawr.ProtWarr: Crit depression is now properly modeled based on new research. Mocking blow threat (and mocking blow glyphs) are now properly modeled. Boss Attack speed calculations updated.
 - Rawr.Hunter: Deathbringer's Will will now proc Haste instead of ArPen.
 - Rawr.Mage: Nibelung's proc has been modeled and added. Improvements (both in accuracy and speed) to sequence reconstruction.
 - Rawr.RestoSham: Gemming templates updated. Fight Activity slider added, and better overheal calculations.
 - Rawr.Cat: Deathbringer's Will will now proc Haste instead of ArPen.

 - Fixed a significant performance issue that was introduced in v2.3.4, and affected most models, but especially Cat. Sorry about those multi-hour optimizations for a build there.
 - Improved and clarified the wording on a variety of error messages throughout Rawr to try to be more helpful.
 - Many models now have better support for proc'd direct damage special effects (ie, chance on hit to deal 5000 fire damage, etc).
 - Improved filters to include ICC bosses. Some bosses whose items come from chests are still problematic, but there's at least something there now.
 - Added support for Black Magic in several models. IMPORTANT! Please note however that for models which allow dual weilding, Black Magic does *not* stack, and Rawr doesn't know this yet. It may show dual-Black Magic as the optimal weapon enchants, but really you should only enchant one weapon with it in that case. We're working on a fix for this.
 - Improved handling of PvP gear filtering and source parsing.
 - Fix for downloading talent images from the Armory.
 - Adjusted the proc rate of Berserking and Executioner to match recent testing.
 - Rawr.Warlock: WARLOCKS! The big stream of updates has finally began! Rebuilt the combat priority queue. All spells, talents, and glyphs should have the correct damage, coefficients, multipliers, and effects, updated for 3.3. 2T10 implemented. Improved stat display. Added support for the missing spell crit debuff. Added several default talent specs. Cleaned up the options panel.
 - Rawr.Mage: Improved support for 2T10 to match the latest testing. Slight fix for haste calculations. Improved graph support.
 - Rawr.Tree: Fixes and improvements for mana restore effects. Slight fix for WG healing value.
 - Rawr.DPSDK: Remodelled Cinderglacier, improved handling of damage done-triggered special effects, and tweaked various ability calculations to match in-game testing. Improved valuing of hit and expertise based on their affect on your rotation. Fix for offhand OB hits not procing rime. Fix for parsing of Sigil of the Hanged Man.
 - Rawr.Cat: Added handling for Victor's Call, and similar recursive special effects.
 - Rawr.Hunter: Fix for a bug with changing pet options.
 - Rawr.RestoSham: Fix for Shard of the Flame.
 - Rawr.Healadin: Fix for Shard of the Flame.
 - Rawr.DPSWarr: Fix for a performance issue with the optimizer and multiple ArPen trinkets. Fixed an issue with sword spec not procing if you only have white attacks selected. Added rage and glancing from sword spec. Added several more default talent specs. Improved tooltips on several of the stats on the Stats tab.
 - Rawr.Rogue: Did a bit of cleanup to the options panel.
 - Rawr.Enhance: Fix for an export to EnhSim issue. Slight fix for ED and fire totem uptimes.
 - Rawr.TankDK: Fix for saving and loading of options tab data. Fix for parsing of Sigil of the Hanged Man. Fix for handling of recursive special effects.
 - Rawr.ProtPaladin: Fix for a rare chart crash.
 - Rawr.ProtWarr: Improvements to proc triggering chances. Several fixes for Deep Wounds calculations. Improved handling of partial talent specs, leading to better values on the talent point comparison chart.

 - More improvements to Wowhead/Armory parsing.
 - More special effect handling improvements.
 - Added an ilvl 259-276 filter group.
 - Added a warning if you have too many/few talent points allocated.
 - Fix for a couple enchants being missing, or mistagged as requiring a profession.
 - Rawr.ProtPaladin: Fix for DK rune enchants showing up.
 - Rawr.Hunter: Improved the UI of the options screen. Fix for DK rune enchants showing up. Fix for armor penetration debuffs applying to pets. Fix for happiness being applied twice to pets.
 - Rawr.DPSWarr: Fix for crit depression calculations. Displayed crit chance is now locked at your basic crit chance against equal level mobs (ie, should match character screen). Fix for a bug with very low amounts of armor penetration. Fix for DBW trinket calculations.
 - Rawr.RestoSham: Support for more special effects.
 - Rawr.Elemental: Updated T9 set bonuses.
 - Rawr.Tree: Added option to save/load spell profiles, and included several defaults. Added an MPS chart.
 - Rawr.Warlock: There's still a big updating coming, but it's still not quite ready. We're sorry that it keeps getting dragged out.
 - Rawr.Cat: Slight fix to Idol of Mutilation Calculations. Added support for Idol of the Crying Moon. NOTE: It's currently undervaluing Idol of the Crying Moon; this idol is indeed better than Mutilation for Cats, assuming you can keep the buff up for the fight duration.
 - Rawr.Bear: Slight fix to Idol of Mutilation Calculations. Added support for Idol of the Crying Moon. 

 - Further improvements to parsing and calculations on many of the new trinkets and relics.
 - Lots of improvements and tweaks to the Item Cost handling.
 - Rawr.Tree: Keep bearing with us as we continue with significant Tree changes. Please keep giving feedback on our discussion forums. GotEM should be fixed now, along with many rating calculations updates. Many new or improved options. 
 - Rawr.Enhance: Improved Deathbringer's Will calculations. Removed Glyph of Fire Nova. Fix for Windfury damage applying without using Windfury on MH/OH. Fix for spell-triggered special effect uptime.
 - Rawr.Mage: Updated PvP set bonuses. Fix for bug with heroism on short fights.
 - Rawr.DPSWarrior: Updated PvP set bonuses. Implemented ArPen capping from special effects.
 - Rawr.Elemental: Several minor fixes.
 - Rawr.Cat: Fix for crit capping due to special effects. Accurate modelling of Deathbringer's Will.
 - Rawr.ProtWarr: Fix for expertise from racials.
 - Rawr.Healadin: Support for new Libram. 
 - Rawr.Hunter: Fix for hit optimization, pet talents, and a rare issue with viper uptime. Handling for Zod's Repeating Longbow. Fix for Chimera Shot + Serpent Sting interaction.
 - Rawr.RestoSham: Added/improved support for many more trinkets.
 - Rawr.Moonkin: Fix for calculations of rotations that are mana neutral.
 - Rawr.Rogue: Implemented most 3.3 changes.
 - Rawr.DPSDK: Implemented Deathbringer's Will.
 - Added several new talent presets.
 - Implemented several new trinkets.
 - Added a new Gear Planning Option. It allows you to assign an arbitrary cost to each item, and use the Optimizer to find the best upgrade set per cost, or within a cost threshold. There's also a new version of the Direct Upgrades chart, rated by Upgrade per Cost. See the discussion thread on our forums for further details.
 - Rawr.Tree: Further major changes to rotations. Keep the feedback coming, please! Fix for Lifebloom stacks being bugged. Support for T10 set bonuses, and the new idol. Added custom charts, more stat information.
 - Rawr.SPriest: Fix for Mind Flay and 4T10.
 - Rawr.Moonkin: Fix for the T10 set bonuses not applying.
 - Rawr.Mage: Further improvements to Frost cycles; should be very close to accurate now (possibly underestimating 2T10). Adjusted Flamestrike cast time, and implemented 2T10 in FBLBPyro. Improved sequence reconstruction.
 - Rawr.Hunter: Improved support for several trinkets. Added Survivability rating (can adjust the weight on the options tab)! Added display of pet attacks being dodged. Significantly improved pet stat calculations. Fixes and improvements for several other damage calculations.
 - Rawr.DPSDK: Scourge Strike calculations updated to reflect the hotfix.
 - Rawr.Retribution: You can now definte multiple rotation priorities and the calculations will try each of them and use the highest DPS rotation. A new graph will show all of the defined rotations.
 - Rawr.DPSWarr: Fix for DW tick frequency. 
 - Rawr.Enhance: Implemented Deathbringer's Will, and added support for procs on DoT ticks.

 - Many 3.3 trinkets now have their effects modeled correctly.
 - Filters have been updated to include new 3.3 gear.
 - Hymn of Hope and Mana Tide totem are now selectable buffs. 
 - Your dodge is now floored at 0% even with the Chill of the Throne debuff active. 
 - Additional Teir 10 set bonus effects for many modules implemented.
 - Rawr.TankdDK: Rune of the Nerubian Carapace is now avalible for selection.
 - Rawr.Mage: Improved handeling of Frost DPS Cycles.
 - Rawr.Moonkin: New stat panel! This should show more information, in a more helpful manner.
 - Rawr.Tree: Rotation calculations redone, should be more accurate now.
 - Rawr.Hunter: Hit will now properly effect your pet's chance to be dodged. Mana calculations for Aspect of the Viper fixed, you should see a DPS drop if you would run OOM and are not set to use Viper. Pet talents should now look and feel like the normal talent pane.

 - Most actively developed models should be updated for WoW Patch 3.3. We'll be releasing new versions of Rawr frequently in the next few days, to provide updates and bug fixes, as much as we can.
 - Rawr.Enhance: Fix for several issues with haste affecting ability GCDs it shouldn't. 
 - Rawr.DPSWarr: Several fixes for T10 set bonuses. Fix for broken Imp Slam.
 - Rawr.Tree: Updated with new Glyph, new GotEM, and a couple trinket effects. Overhauled rotation model.
 - Rawr.Hunter: Fix for broken Expose Weakness. Improvements to pet scaling.
 - Rawr.Mage: Fixes and improvements for sequence reconstruction. Some support for 2T10 in cycle analyzer for frost. Currently it's only feasible for manual comparisons, not for automated optimum search.
 - Rawr.TankDK: Updated for 3.3 changes.
 - Rawr.SPriest: Updated for 3.3 changes.
 - Rawr.HealPriest: Updated for 3.3 changes.

 - Teir 10 set bonus added for most classes.
 - Rawr.Hunter: Many bug fixes and calculation changes.
 - Rawr.TankDK: Reworked tanking rotation calculations, Mark of Blood is now propery valued. Heart strike now does the proper threat on its 2nd target.
 - Rawr.DPSWarr: Bladestorm now uses the correct amount of whirlwinds. Arms rotation refactored
 - Rawr.Enhance: Many conditions added to the optimizer. Hit no longer reduces glancing blows (thus fixing hit being over valued). Fire nova modeling added for 3.3.
 - Rawr.Cat: Very high crit values no longer do funny things to the combat table. 
 - Rawr.RestoSham: Mana restore effects (from procs/trinkets) now work correctly. 

 - Rawr.Hunter: Fix for a crash with Dwarves/Trolls.
 - Rawr.Enhance: Fix for major bug with Windfury calculations from yesterday's builds. Fix for fire totem damage.
 - Rawr.Rogue: Fix for a crash with Deadly Poisons.

 - Fix for a crash on loading a few characters from Armory

 - Rawr.Enhance: Many Updates to GCD interaction with ability usage to improve accuracy of the module.
 - Rawr.DPSWarr: Using Bladestorm will no longer eat all your GCDs in low rage settings. Offhand weapon enchants will no longer use your Mainhand weapon's speed for their uptime calculations. 
 - Rawr.Tree: Added a replenishment buff checkbox in the buffs tab (previously, this was assumed "on" all the time). Added a slider to allow users to define how much time they cast vs not cast.
 - Rawr.TankDK: Fixed multiple issues with the value of hit, implemented caps and floors for avoidance stats. T9 set bonus should now be properly modeled.
 - Rawr.Elemental: Added support for multiple targets and player latency.
 - Rawr.Hunter: Chimera Shot's damage should now be calculated correctly, as should Wild Quiver. Fixed handleing of the 2pT9 bonus and various trinkets. Pets should regen focus at the correct rate now and their Kill Command should hit for the correct damage. Auto Shot should now be properly affected by haste. Steady Shot should now scale correctly. Cosmetic Work on the Options Panel made. Overall, there have been a large amount of changes to Rawr.Hunter, so please be sure to report any bugs you encounter on our site.
 - Rawr.Rogue: T9 Set bonus should now be modeled correctly. Mutilate and Envenom should now do the proper amount of damage.

 - A debuff was added to represent the "Expose Weakness" debuff used in the ToTC Anub encounter.
 - Rawr.Bear: Fixed a bug with Heroic Presense calculation.
 - Rawr.Moonkin: DoTs now benefit from Nature's Grace
 - Rawr.Enhance: User selected priority system implemnted. Added support for modeling Flame Shock.
 - Rawr.Rogue: Many updated applied; this should fix a number of issues with trinkets and talents not being modeled correctly. Haste has been updated, Rawr also now assumes (if you have the talent) that you use Blade Flurry ever 120 seconds.
 - Rawr.ProtWarr: Support added for boss dehaste abilities (ie: Thunder Clap, Imp. Icy Touch, etc) 
 - Rawr.Warlock: Added Glyph of Quick Decay. Fix for a crash when using a non-filler spell as the last spell in your rotation (DPS will be terrible, due to not having a filler, but at least won't crash when you're in the middle of swapping spells around in your rotation).

 - Shift+Right-Click will now allow you to custom gem an item. This mirrors in-game functionality.
 - Added a Lesser Flask of Resistance to default Buffs.
 - Rawr.Cat: Updated default gemming templates. Fixed a bug with white miss rate at extremely high crit rates. Fixed a bug with Berserk uptime calculations.
 - Rawr.Moonkin: Tier 10 Idol should now be properly modeled. Lunar Eclipse now properly caps at 100% crit.
 - Rawr.Enhance: Smoothed out priority calculations. This module should now be faster, and more accurate.
 - Rawr.ShadowPriest: 3.3 "PTR Mode" checkbox added in the options tab to model the SPriest changes in 3.3.
 - Rawr.DPSWarr: Fixed a bug in uptime calculations with stacking special effects.
 - Rawr.ProtWarr: You may now specify how often you are using heroic strike in the options panel. (Was previously just Limited/Unlimited) Average Vigilance threat and Base Boss attack values updated for Heroic TotC values.

 - Significant performance improvements across a wide variety of models
 - Fix for Direct Upgrades chart only showing the specified # of gemming templates
 - Rawr now remembers the last loaded charater from the Armory in the Load from Armory dialog
 - Updated the parry chance of lvl83 bosses to 14%, per recent testing
 - Rawr.Bear: Added support for Parry Haste
 - Rawr.Mage: Fix for bug with incremental optimization. Added very simple movement model. Fix for Arcane Power + Missile Barrage interaction
 - Rawr.Moonkin: Fix for mana gains chart
 - Rawr.ProtPaladin: Added support for T9 and T10 set bonuses
 - Rawr.Rogue: Fix for Mace Spec calculations
 - Rawr.DPSWarr: Fix for intellect blocking gear from being considered relevant

 - More improvements to default filters. Sorry for all the confusion and problems with filters lately, everyone. We realize that filtering is a very important, but complex, part of Rawr, and are working toward a much more understandable and reliable system for filtering. Please bear with us!
 - Fix for crashing on saving and loading characters from Armory with Leatherworking.
 - Mage: Fix for crash with Hyperspeed Accellerators, and other cooldown stacking issues.
 - Enhance: Fix for nested special effect calculations.
 - Moonkin: Significant performance improvement.
 - ProtPaladin: Significant performance improvement.
 - DPSWarr: Significant performance improvement.

 - Further improvements to the default filters and item cache.
 - Updated parsing of proc effects from Onyxia items, and a few other stray items.
 - Added a contextual menu item to open an item in the Armory.
 - Improved optimizer availability for items when loading from Character Profiler.
 - Fix for changing item IDs.
 - Fix for available gems in batch optimizations. Also added a comparison to saved version feature for batch optimizations.
 - Rawr.Bear: Updated Predatory Strikes mechanics for 3.2.
 - Rawr.Cat: Updated Predatory Strikes mechanics for 3.2.
 - Rawr.DPSDK: Added armor and bonus armor as relevant stats. Reworked some damage multipliers for improved accuracy, especially for blood. Support for nested special effects.
 - Rawr.DPSWarr: Tons of improvements, including 3.2.2 changes, fixes to maintaining buffs, cooldown usage, stat display, boss handlers, cleave DPS, whirlwind DPS, special effects tweaks, rage generation, armor penetration, rend damage, sword specialization, and tweaks to the rounding of hit.
 - Rawr.Elemental: Improved support for some trinkets. Fix for haste dropping spells below 1sec. Fixed base damage values for Earth and Frost Shock, and Lightning Bolt.
 - Rawr.Enhance: Support for Boss Handler features. Support for nested special effects.
 - Rawr.Mage: Updates to 3.2.2 cycles. Improvement to Arcane Cycles feature. Support for cooldown stacking for all on use spell power and haste effects, and berserking.
 - Rawr.ProtPaladin: More 3.2.2 updates. Better support for special effects, as well as some set bonuses and librams. Improved modeling of Shield of Righteousness. Added damage reduction from Ardent Defender. Fix for slightly off base stats.
 - Rawr.ProtWarr: Fix for Devastate threat, and other minor tweaks.
 - Rawr.RestoSham: Support for more special effects.
 - Rawr.Rogue: Added poison-affecting stats as relevant. Added more set bonuses. Fix for Backstab, Mutilate, poison, and Envenom damage. Fix for several energy costs and energy-related talents. Fix for Murder, Hunger for Blood, and Mace Specialization talents. 
 - Rawr.ShadowPriest: Lots of fixes to haste/rotation interaction. Fixes for spell coefficients and modifiers. Added support for more set bonuses. 
 - Rawr.TankDK: More 3.2.2 updates. Fix for damage reduction buffs. Fix for white damage from offhands. Added option to display ratings in Burst & Reaction Time.
 - Rawr.Tree: More 3.2.2 updates. Basic Val'anyr modeling. Support for a few more set bonuses.
 - Rawr.Warlock: Updated formulae for Empowered Imp, Backlash, and Cataclysm, and physical buff support for pets.

 - Those were not the filters that you were looking for. v2.2.18 accidentally included some horrible inbreed of a filters file, not the one it was supposed to have. Now it has the one it's supposed to have.
 - Added consumables that provide low end raid buffs.
 - Rawr.Mage: Adjustments for 3.2.2.
 - Rawr.ProtPaladin: Adjustments for 3.2.2.
 - Rawr.Elemental: Adjustments for 3.2.2.
 - Rawr.ShadowPriest: Fix for DoT crit damage with metagem.
 - Rawr.Enhance: Fix for a totem drop rate.

 - UI updates! Added optional display of item slot in tooltips. Also improved wrapping on tooltips. Charts should provide more intuitive sorting. You can now view charts for gems by color.
 - Improved the default item filters somewhat.
 - Rawr.Cat: Tweaks to rotation calculations. Significantly improved Stats tab UI.
 - Rawr.Healadin: Fix for movement speed relevancy.
 - Rawr.Rogue: Fixes for several issues.
 - Rawr.DPSWarr: Fix for filtering with and without 'Hide Bad Items' turned on. Fix for a potential crash. Fix for an issue with loading previously saved characters. Significan updates to rage calculations.
 - Rawr.Warlock: Fix for another potential crash.
 - Rawr.Elemental: Fix for DoT calculations.
 - Rawr.DPSDK: Updates for 3.2.2.
 - Rawr.Mage: Updates for 3.2.2.
 - Rawr.TankDK: Several improvements to rotations. Updates for 3.2 and 3.2.2.
 - Rawr.Enhance: Several minor tweaks to custom charts, totems, and haste smoothing.
 - Rawr.ProtPaladin: Improvements to special effect handling.
 - Rawr.Tree: Fix for IED handling.

 - Fix for crashing bugs in Rawr.TankDK and Rawr.ProtWarr.
 - Fix for not being able to load priest files saved with previous verisons of Rawr.
 - Rawr.DPSWarr: Added support for Execute spam under 20%. Improved performance. Added a comparison chart for ability DPS/damage. Fix for 2T8 calculations.
 - Rawr.Warlock: Tons of updates to spell damage and talent calculations. Should be more more representitive of actual results now.
 - Rawr.Tree: Fix for T9 set bonuses.
 - Rawr.TankDK: No longer crashes. Joy!
 - Rawr.Enhance: Fixes for EnhSim export. Updated default gemming templates.
 - Rawr.ProtWarr: Support for new 3.2.2 Critical Block. Fix for crash on loading protection warriors from the Armory.
 - Rawr.Elemental: Fix for T9 bonuses. Fix for Flameshock periodic damage calculations.

 - Switched back to 3.2 ArPen rating conversion, since 3.2.2 still looks to be a bit out. Will release a new version as soon as 3.2.2 actually comes out.
 - Rawr.Warlock: Crashing fixed! Joy! Sorry that took so long.
 - Rawr.DPSWarr: Fixed a bug where dps values would come up as NaN in certain cituations. Improvements to Boss handling features. Updated default gemming templates.
 - Rawr.Mage: Update PTR mode to latest 3.2.2 mechanics. Fix for resilience relevancy.
 - Rawr.ProtWarr: Added support for 2T9, and a couple more trinkets. Added threat/damage from Deep Wouds
 - Rawr.TankDK: Fix for blood threat numbers being way off.
 - Rawr.DPSDK: Added support for 3.2.2 PTR changes.
 - Rawr.HealPriest: Added support for 2T9 and 4T9.
 - Rawr.ShadowPriest: Added support for 2T9 and 4T9. Added 3.2.2 changes.
 - Rawr.Elemental: Fix for T9 bonuses.

 - Updated rating calculations for 3.2.2 (if you want 3.2.0 calculations, stick with Rawr v2.2.14. We expect 3.2.2 to come out tomorrow, so are releasing this a day early)
 - Major improvements to Armory and Wowhead parsing; only differences now should be actual data differences between the sites.
 - Rawr will now load the faction-specificity of an item from the Armory, and will only show items available to your race's faction. Note that there are still a few ilvl258 items that aren't on the Armory, so there are still a few items in Rawr which don't have faction data, but the vast majority of items do.
 - Fixed disabled offhand items with gems counting toward metagem requirements.
 - Rawr.Cat: Improved handling of multiple temporary ArPen stats.
 - Rawr.Bear: Support for Paragon special effect.
 - Rawr.TankDK: Fix for ArPen rating being relevant.
 - Rawr.DPSWarr: Added stun handling feature. Improved Multi-Target features. Added Survivability calculations. Fixed a few minor bugs. Updated for 3.2.2. Improved rage calculations. Added preset bosses feature.
 - Rawr.DPSDK: Updated default rotations. Fixed bug with Frost Strike damage.
 - Rawr.ProtPaladin: Fix for attack crit damage calculations.
 - Rawr.Rogue: Fix for Lightning Reflexes calculation.
 - Rawr.Warlock: Fixed crashing bug. Implemented T9 set bonuses. Cleaned up Options tab.
 - Rawr.ProtWarr: Updated base stats to be consistent with 3.2.2. Updated Shield Slam damage, and a few minor proc effects.
 - Rawr.Moonkin: Fix for a damage calculation bug. Added/improved support for several trinkets.

 - Improved Optimizer performance.
 - Improved parsing of Wowhead/Armory data (especially for Trial of Crusader items and item sources)
 - Improved Judgement of Wisdom calculations
 - Added feature to be able to manually remove an item from a built upgrade list.
 - Updated several more buffs/enchants for 3.2 changes.
 - Improved handling of several procs, especially new ones from ToC.
 - There are several more charts in the Buffs chart group, for subsets of buffs.
 - Improved the default set of ItemFilters. Note that the Alliance/Horde ToC filters are gone for the moment, but we will add them back as soon as we get data to support them (coming soon from Wowhead).
 - Rawr.Cat: Added support for offsetting trinkets (such as Grim Toll + Mjolnir Runestone).
 - Rawr.Bear: Updated presets on Options tab.
 - Rawr.Mage: Fixes to Flamestrike calculations/rotations. Added 3.2.2 mode.
 - Rawr.ProtPaladin: Updates to dodge/parry calculations for 3.2. Fixed Seal of Vengeance and Shield of Righteousness calculations. Fixed crit chance calculations.
 - Rawr.Hunter: Tons, and tons, and tons, of changes. Should be almost identical calculation logic to the spreadsheet now. 
 - Rawr.Tree: Updated Innervates calculations and talents for 3.2 changes. 
 - Rawr.DPSWarr: Slight tweaks to stat calculations to reflect WoW's rounding oddities. Fixes for several damage calculation issues. Added T9 set bonuses. Fixes to MultiTarget modes. Several glyph/talent updates for 3.2.
 - Rawr.Elemental: Improved Flameshock dot damage calculations. Improved handling of haste in rotations.
 - Rawr.Rogue: Lots of improvements to calculations, especially in talents.
 - Rawr.Moonkin: Fixed interaction of 4T9, Moonfury, Solar Eclipse, Earth and Moon, and Improved Insect Swarm (multiplicative vs additive).
 - Rawr.ProtWarr: Updated Devestate damage for 3.2. Slight fix to armor calculations.
 - Rawr.DPSDK: Added T9 set bonuses, and support for new Sigils. Fix for some crit chance calculations.
 - Rawr.Healadin: Updated default gemming tempaltes and gem handling for 3.2. Added option to not ignore items with spirit/hit.
 - Rawr.TankDK: Updated all calculations for 3.2. Fixed a few slight inaccuracies with health calculations.
 - Rawr.Warlock: Updated several calcultions for 3.2.
 - Rawr.Retribution: Improved support for new Librams and set bonuses.

 - Adjusted base stats for shamans to match 3.2.
 - Tweaks to CharacterProfiler import.
 - Updated the stats of several more buffs and enchants to match 3.2.
 - Rawr.Retribution: Fixed T9 set bonuses. Added Hand of Reckoning modeling. Added info about switching targets and SoV stacking. Adjustment to JoR procing 2x SoR, since that was hotfixed.
 - Rawr.Hunter: Tons and tons of more improvements and additions.
 - Rawr.Moonkin: Fixed T9 set bonuses.
 - Rawr.TankDK: Added BurstTime and ReactionTime values. Fixes for expertise rating, and for parry rating on weapons. Added support for more trinkets and sigils.
 - Rawr.Enhance: Fix for fist weapons in export to EnhSim. Added support for Totem of the Elemental Winds
 - Rawr.DPSDK: Fixes for Night of the Dead, Greatness procs, and Unholy Blight damage.
 - Rawr.DPSWarr: Updated base stats, talents, and glyphs for 3.2.
 - Rawr.Healadin: Support for a few more trinkets and librams.
 - Rawr.ProtWarr: Significant updates for 3.2.
 - Rawr.Elemental: Further tweaks to how haste affects rotations.

 - NOTE! Everyone, please do NOT reuse your GemmingTemplates.xml file from a previous version of Rawr, due to all the changes in gems in 3.2.
 - Updated the default item cache with more 3.2 items, and updated data about existing items in 3.2. More data is still showing up on Wowhead/Armory daily, so be sure to try refreshing from Wowhead/Armory if you see any data that looks old/wrong. Also updated some of the enchants changed in 3.2.
 - Rawr.Enhance: Fix for Orcs with Axes. Fixes for default gemming templates.
 - Rawr.Hunter: Tons of more calculation improvements and fixes.
 - Rawr.Mage: Reverted to 3.1 hot streak model, due to hotfix that was just applied.
 - Rawr.DPSDK: Updated for 3.2.
 - Rawr.Warlock: Some more calculation improvements to Haunt and Fire & Brimstone.

 - Updated base stats, stat conversions, and gemming rules for 3.2
 - Fixed a potential crash in Batch Tools
 - Rawr.Cat: Updated for 3.2.
 - Rawr.Mage: Updated for 3.2. Fix for FFB threat multiplier. Improved Hot Streak modeling.
 - Rawr.Retribution: Updated for 3.2.
 - Rawr.Enhance: Added support for Orc axe racial. Fix for weapon speed charts.
 - Rawr.DPSWarr: Rearranged the options panel. Fixed several calculation bugs/improvements.
 - Rawr.Warlock: Fixed several calculation bugs/improvements.
 - Rawr.RestoSham: Fixed several calculation bugs/improvements.
 - Rawr.Hunter: Fixed many calculation bugs/improvements.
 - Rawr.Moonkin: Now properly counts lost GCDs due to FF/Starfall/Treants.
 - Rawr.Elemental: Improved handling of special effects. Fixed several calculation bugs/improvements.
 - Rawr.Healadin: Updated for 3.2.
 - Rawr.RestoSham: Updated for 3.2.
 - Rawr.Tree: Updated for 3.2.

 - Rawr.Tree: Added Survival as a 3rd rating
 - Rawr.Retribution: Slight fix to partial resist calculations
 - Rawr.Elemental: Fixed haste, damage, and talent calculations, implemented glyphs
 - Rawr.DPSWarr: Fixed broken Arms, Overpower, Deep Wounds, and Latency calculations, and fixed a crash. Now uses a Priority Queue for all specs. Improved stat display. 
 - Rawr.RestoSham: Improvements to calculations
 - Rawr.Healadin: Minor fix for crit rate calculations
 - Rawr.Rogue: Fixed several talent calculations
 - Rawr.DPSDK: Fixed crash, and minor calculation improvements
 - Rawr.Mage: Fixed special effect bonus haste/crit multipliers, and for Innervate
 - Now supports the new armory data format Blizz just posted. Also fixed several Armory parsing errors
 - Rawr.Mage: Fix for procs affecting per-spell damage. Split ignite damage into its own line in the spell damage breakdown.
 - Rawr.DPSWarr: Fixed bug in Maintaining Debuffs and added Furry support. Many improvements to Arms calculations
 - Rawr.Healadin: Fix for Judgement GCD time.

 - Improvements for handling locale-specific item names
 - Reenabled loading possible upgrades from Wowhead PTR
 - Fixed some bugs with loading items from Wowhead/Armory. NOTE: Armory *still* isn't returning socket bonus data, however if an item already has a socket bonus (ie, from Wowhead), reloading it from Armory will preserve the existing socket bonus
 - Rawr.Cat: Improved the calculation of Idol of the Corruptor
 - Rawr.Moonkin: Added a 3.2 mode, improved performance
 - Rawr.Retribution: Added a 3.2 mode
 - Rawr.RestoSham: Implemented all resto relics with special effects
 - Rawr.TankDK: Many calculation fixes and improvements
 - Rawr.DPSWarr: Fix for a wide variety of calculation issues
 - Rawr.Enhance: Improved GCD conflict calculations
 - Rawr.DPSDK: Added a 3.2 mode
 - Rawr.Mage: Added 3.2 mode
 - Rawr.Tree: Added 3.2 mode
 - Rawr.Healadin: Fix for minor rating calculation bug

 - Reordered/revised alot of things in the readme
 - Improvements to alternate locale handling
 - Rawr.Cat: Improvements to Ferocious Bite and HighestStat calculations
 - Rawr.Bear: Fix for HighrstStat calculations
 - Rawr.Enhance: Lots of accuracy improvements all around 
 - Rawr.DPSWarr: Lots of accuracy improvements all around
 - Rawr.DPSDK: Lots of accuracy improvements all around
 - Rawr.TankDL: Initial pass at fixing all the calculations
 - Rawr.Hunter: Lots of accuracy improvements all around, but still a work in progress
 - Rawr.Healadin: Minor fix for burst ratings from procs. Initial implementation of 3.2 mode
 - Rawr.Retribution: Initial implementation of 3.2 mode

 - Not all models are completely ready for final release. Specifically in some models the trinket effects might be missing. If that is the case please manually edit the items and give them average stats until we make everything work. We have decided that even not being completely ready we should make a release so that you can work with all 
the 3.1 modeling changes.
 - Fix for startup crash, also improved startup performance.
 - Several new advanced options in the Optimizer and Batch Tools. Fix for Optimizer crashes.
 - Rawr.Cat: Fix for FB damage calculations.
 - Rawr.Hunter: Significant improvements all over.
 - Rawr.Rogue: Further progress.
 - Rawr.Mage: Correction to DoT overlap calculations.
 - Rawr.DPSWarr: Further improvements to a variety of formulae and features.
 - Rawr.Moonkin: Fix for 4T8 proc rate.
 - Rawr.Healadin: Improvements to proc values. Fix for some base stats
 - Rawr.Retribution: Improvements to proc values. Fix for a couple talent calculations.
 - Rawr.ProtWarr: Improvements to proc values.
 - Rawr.RestoSham: Updates to glyphs, and added healing stream calculations.
 - Rawr.Elemental: Fix for haste valuing from buffs.
 - Rawr.HealPriest: Haste fixes and tweaks.
 - Rawr.ShadowPriest: Haste fixes.
 - Not all models are completely ready for final release. Specifically in some models the trinket effects might be missing. If that is the case please manually edit the items and give them average stats until we make everything work. We have decided that even not being completely ready we should make a release so that you can work with all 
the 3.1 modeling changes.
 - Fix for startup crash, also improved startup performance.
 - Several new advanced options in the Optimizer and Batch Tools. Fix for Optimizer crashes.
 - Rawr.Cat: Fix for FB damage calculations.
 - Rawr.Hunter: Significant improvements all over.
 - Rawr.Rogue: Further progress.
 - Rawr.Mage: Correction to DoT overlap calculations.
 - Rawr.DPSWarr: Further improvements to a variety of formulae and features.
 - Rawr.Moonkin: Fix for 4T8 proc rate.
 - Rawr.Healadin: Improvements to proc values. Fix for some base stats
 - Rawr.Retribution: Improvements to proc values. Fix for a couple talent calculations.
 - Rawr.ProtWarr: Improvements to proc values.
 - Rawr.RestoSham: Updates to glyphs, and added healing stream calculations.
 - Rawr.Elemental: Fix for haste valuing from buffs.
 - Rawr.HealPriest: Haste fixes and tweaks.
 - Rawr.ShadowPriest: Haste fixes.

 - Not all models are completely ready for final release. Specifically in some models the trinket effects might be missing. If that is the case please manually edit the items and give them average stats until we make everything work. We have decided that even not being completely ready we should make a release so that you can work with all 
the 3.1 modeling changes.
 - Capped ArPen from Rating at 100%
 - Improvements to the Wowhead parser, especially around Sigils
 - Improvements to the Optimizer's handling of gems
 - Enhanced filtering! You can now have subfilters to filters, and there are now default filters for Ulduar gear, broken down by raid size, difficulty, and boss.
 - There's a new Optimizer Results dialog. It's still a bit buggy at the moment, but we intend to improve it substantially as we get time. Please give us feedback on this new feature!
 - Rawr.Rogue: Further work on rogue support, but this model is still largely incomplete
 - Rawr.Mage: Better frost cycle handling
 - Rawr.DPSDK: Massive improvements to logic, across the board
 - Rawr.DPSWarr: Fix for agility miscalculation, better proc handling, better arms/fury rotation handling
 - Rawr.Enhance: Minor calculation improvements
 - Rawr.Moonkin: Fix for some proc handling
 - Rawr.HealPriest: Calculation tweaks
 - Rawr.ShadowPriest: Improved haste calculations, and proc calculations
 - Rawr.Hunter: Starting to get up to date! Still largely incomplete, but progress is being made!
 - Rawr.Tree: Improved rotations, set bonuses.

 - Not all models are completely ready for final release. Specifically in some models the trinket effects might be missing. If that is the case please manually edit the items and give them average stats until we make everything work. We have decided that even not being completely ready we should make a release so that you can work with all the 3.1 modeling changes.
 - Fix for crashing bug when editing gemming templates and custom gemmings
 - Fix for the PPMs of several weapon enchants
 - Rawr.Retribution: Updated to 3.1 boss armor values
 - Rawr.Cat: Fix for stacking of temporary ArPen effects, with different uptimes.
 - Rawr.HealPriest: Better support for a few trinkets.

 - Not all models are completely ready for final release. Specifically in some models the trinket effects might be missing. If that is the case please manually edit the items and give them average stats until we make everything work. We have decided that even not being completely ready we should make a release so that you can work with all the 3.1 modeling changes.
 - Batch Optimizer supports using multiple models
 - Optimizer doesn't report changes where it just swapped ring or trinket slots.
 - Rawr.Cat: Fixes and improvements to rotations
 - Rawr.Enhance: Lots of fixes for calculations
 - Rawr.ProtPaladin: Support for more procs and effects
 - Rawr.Retribution: Added some optimizable values, support for more procs and effects, and a Consecration effectiveness option
 - Rawr.Healadin: Added some optimizable values
 - Rawr.Warlock: Support for glyphs, and fix for Supression double dipping, lots of haste fixes
 - Rawr.DPSWarr: Many calculation improvements
 - Rawr.HealPriest: Support for 2T8, new default talents
 - Rawr.ShadowPriest: Support for 2T8, gemmings fixed
 - Rawr.Mage: Improvements to the advanced solver, updated 4T8 to 25% chance, and added support for Frost Warding as a mana regen source
 - Rawr.ProtWarr: Added support for Vigilance threat and glyph.
 - Rawr.Moonkin: Updated Spirit->SpellPower conversion for 3.1.2

 - Not all models are completely ready for final release. Specifically in some models the trinket effects might be missing. If that is the case please manually edit the items and give them average stats until we make everything work. We have decided that even not being completely ready we should make a release so that you can work with all the 3.1 modeling changes.
 - Fix for a couple armory/wowhead parsing bugs (currently, Armory STILL doesn't return socket bonus info; use Wowhead to get socket bonus data)
 - Chart items with negative values will now be displayed properly
 - Rawr.Healadin: Fix for Icewalker not being relevant
 - Rawr.Tree: Added support for spell mana reduction. Added Wild Growth healing. More trinket support
 - Rawr.Mage: Further updates for 3.1 changes
 - Rawr.Enhance: Further calculation improvements
 - Rawr.DPSDK: More 3.1 updates
 - Rawr.ShadowPriest: Updated to 3.1
 - Rawr.HealPriest: Updated built-in rotations
 - Rawr.Retribution: Better proc support
 - Rawr.Moonkin: Updated set bonuses, glyphs, innervate calculations, added support for more trinkets 
 - Rawr.ProtPaladin: Support for a few more buffs, calculation improvements
 - Rawr.DPSWarr: Added support for Mace Specialization

 - Not all models are completely ready for final release. Specifically in some models the trinket effects might be missing. If that is the case please manually edit the items and give them average stats until we make everything work. We have decided that even not being completely ready we should make a release so that you can work with all the 3.1 modeling changes.
 - Updated to the new ArPen model for 3.1
 - New Load from Wowhead Filter feature in the Tools menu
 - Fix for a few bugs with the Optimizer
 - Fix for parsing several items
 - Fix for CharacterProfiler support in foreign languages
 - Rawr.Cat: More 3.1 updates
 - Rawr.Bear: More 3.1 updates
 - Rawr.Moonkin: More 3.1 updates
 - Rawr.HealPriest: More 3.1 updates
 - Rawr.ShadowPriest: More 3.1 updates
 - Rawr.Mage: More 3.1 updates
 - Rawr.EnhSham: More 3.1 updates
 - Rawr.Tree: More 3.1 updates
 - Rawr.Retribution: More 3.1 updates
 - Rawr.ProtPaladin: More 3.1 updates
 - Rawr.DPSWarr: More 3.1 updates
 - Rawr.DPSDK: More 3.1 updates

 - Not all models are completely ready for final release. Specifically in some models the trinket effects might be missing. If that is the case please manually edit the items and give them average stats until we make everything work. We have decided that even not being completely ready we should make a release so that you can work with all the 3.1 modeling changes.
 - All talent trees and tooltips updated to 3.1
 - Option to display gem names in tooltips
 - Fix for tooltip rendering
 - Rawr.ProtPaladin: calculation fixes
 - Rawr.TankDK: updated for 3.1
 - Rawr.HealPriest, Rawr.ShadowPriest: glyph updates
 - Rawr.Tree: Nature's Bounty, Revitalize
 - Not all models are completely ready for final release. Specifically in some models the trinket effects might be missing. If that is the case please manually edit the items and give them average stats until we make everything work. We have decided that even not being completely ready we should make a release so that you can work with all the 3.1 modeling changes.
 - Fix for armory parsing, glyph parsing
 - Fix for optimizer enchant filtering
 - Talent tree updates in some models
 - Rawr.DPSWarr: Update Improved Berserker Stance to Str instead of AP.
 - Rawr.Moonkin: More support for special effects.
 - Rawr.EnhSham: Display enhancements.
 - Rawr.RestoSham: Updates for new glyph system.
 - Rawr.Bear: Fix for lacerate always being able to crit.
 - Rawr.Cat: Added special effects handling.

 - Not all models are completely ready for final release. Specifically in some models the trinket effects might be missing. If that is the case please manually edit the items and give them average stats until we make everything work. We have decided that even not being completely ready we should make a release so that you can work with all the 3.1 modeling changes.
 - There have been many many changes since 2.1.9. For a full list of changes check the ReadMe.txt. The following are the most important changes and some recent changes since 2.2.0.b6.
 - Gemming Revamp! Rawr will now automatically handle gems, just as you'd expect. See Help > Gemmings for details.
 - Multithreading! Rawr will now better utilize your processor, resulting in a 40% to 100% speed boost for rendering most charts, and optimizing.
 - Special Effects Revamp! Rawr now uses a new system for describing special effects that most trinkets have. You can edit the effects in the item editor. The old custom stats are still in because not all models have transitioned to the new system, but we will be phasing them out in new versions.
 - Talent Optimizer! You can now use optimizer to optimize talents. Not all models have talent optimization constraints available, so in those cases it might be of limited value since it will otherwise tend to skip nonmodeled but otherwise important talents.
 - Glyphs are now part of talent specs! Glyphs now get saved together with the talent spec and there is a glyph chart available now for all models.
 - Default buffs/glyphs! When loading character from armory the models can now automatically enable common buffs and glyphs.
 - NOTE: Rawr 2.2 is not backwards compatible. Please do not copy data files from previous versions of Rawr. Your existing character files should load into Rawr 2.2 just fine, except you'll have to reselect enchants on your gear and glyphs.
 - Rawr.Healadin: More 3.1 changes.
 - Rawr.EnhSham: More 3.1 changes. Updated EnhSim export.
 - Rawr.Retribution: More 3.1 changes.
 - Rawr.Mage: More 3.1 changes. Performance Improvements.
 - Rawr.ProtPaladin: More 3.1 changes and fixes.
 - Rawr.Cat: More 3.1 changes. Updated combo point model.
 - Rawr.Bear: More 3.1 changes.
 - Rawr.Warlock: More 3.1 changes.
 - Rawr.Tree: More 3.1 changes.
 - Rawr.RestoSham: More 3.1 changes.
 - Rawr.TankDK and Rawr.Hunter are not updated for 3.1
 - PLEASE NOTE: This is a beta of Rawr 2.2. It has not received the same level of testing that we normally put into releases, but we're releasing it in its current form, due to the large number of changes. If you do run into bugs, please post them on our Issue Tracker. Please use the current release version, Rawr 2.1.9, if you encounter showstopping bugs in Rawr 2.2.0b6. Thanks!
 - Start Page! There's now a start page when you launch Rawr, which helps you get started. We're still filling in some of the content on this page, but we're looking for lots of feedback on how you like it, and what else you might want on it.
 - Chart Selection Interface! There is now a more streamlined interface for choosing charts!
 - Chart Exports! There's now an Exports menu above the charts, which allow you to export the data in the current chart to either Clipboard, CSV, or Image.
 - Multilingual Support! In the options, you'll find a locale setting. After setting that, items loaded from wowhead will load their foreign names.
 - Food/Flask/Elixirs Optimization! There are now options to optimize food/flask/elixirs in the Optimizer dialog.
 - On the Relative Stat Values chart, there are 3 additional exports: Copy a Pawn string to Clipboard, View weighted upgrades on Wowhead, and View weighted upgrades on Lootrank.
 - You can now load an individual item from PTR Wowhead by pasting in the PTR Wowhead link to it on the Add Item dialog.
 - There's now a setting in the Options dialog to add the source class/spec to buffs on the Buffs tab.
 - Rawr.Tree: More 3.1 changes. More optimizer additional requirements.
 - Rawr.Cat: More 3.1 changes.
 - Rawr.Bear: More 3.1 changes.
 - Rawr.Mage: Added Mana Source/Usage charts. More 3.1 changes. Improved advanced calculations. Incanter's Absorbtion is now (simply) modeled.
 - Rawr.Moonkin: More 3.1 changes.
 - Rawr.RestoSham: Couple bugfixes.
 - Rawr.Retribution: Added Glyph chart. More 3.1 changes.
 - Rawr.Healadin: Added Glyph chart. More 3.1 changes.
 - Rawr.EnhSham: Coupled bugfixes. More 3.1 changes.
 - Rawr.ProtWarr: More 3.1 changes.
 - Rawr.Warlock: More 3.1 changes. Improvements to talent/spell support.

 - PLEASE NOTE: This is a beta of Rawr 2.2. It has not received the same level of testing that we normally put into releases, but we're releasing it in its current form, due to the large number of changes. If you do run into bugs, please post them on our Issue Tracker. Please use the current release version, Rawr 2.1.9, if you encounter showstopping bugs in Rawr 2.2.0b5. Thanks!
 - Fixed a bug where relevant items and gemmings wouldn't be updated immediately upon switching models.
 - Fix for the Direct Upgrades chart being broken in some models.
 - More performance improvements to the Optimizer
 - Added 'Load Possible Upgrades from Wowhead' feature. Check the 'Use PTR Data' item inside of it to load upgrades from the PTR Wowhead, as they're discovered on the PTR.
 - Rawr.Bear: Fix for a minor issue with Savage Defense. Support for more 3.1 changes.
 - Rawr.Cat: Support for more 3.1 changes.
 - Rawr.Moonkin: Support for more 3.1 changes.
 - Rawr.Mage: Support for more 3.1 changes.
 - Rawr.HealPriest: New Custom Role feature (please test this!)
 - Rawr.Retribution: Support for more 3.1 changes.
 - Rawr.Healadin: Support for more 3.1 changes.
 - Rawr.Tankadin: Support for more 3.1 changes.
 - Rawr.Warlock: Fixes for several more talents, pets, and glyphs.
 - Rawr.RestoSham: Support for more 3.1 changes and some bugfixes.
 - Rawr.Hunter: Fix for a display bug with AP.
 - Rawr.ProtWarr: Support for more 3.1 changes.

 - PLEASE NOTE: This is a beta of Rawr 2.2. It has not received the same level of testing that we normally put into releases, but we're releasing it in its current form, due to the large number of changes. If you do run into bugs, please post them on our Issue Tracker. Please use the current release version, Rawr 2.1.9, if you encounter showstopping bugs in Rawr 2.2.0b4. Thanks!
 - Multithreading! Rawr will now better utilize your processor, resulting in a 40% to 100% speed boost for rendering most charts, and optimizing. There is potential for hangs from this, so please test as much as you can, and report if you can make it hang, along with very explicitly telling us what you were doing when it hung, and including the character file. NOTE: If you encounter frequent hangs in b4, you can turn off Multithreading in the Tools > Options dialog. If you can't get to that dialog before it hangs, you can edit the config file at /Data/Rawr.Base.dll.config. PLEASE report any hangs you experience!
 - Addition to the new dynamic gemming feature: You can now choose to display the Top X gemmings for an item. Check it out on the Tools > Edit Gemming Templates dialog.
 - Fixes for a few crashes and minor bugs.
 - Batch tools now include a batch optimizer.
 - You can now save, load, and export Upgrade Lists.
 - Rawr.Bear: Support for more 3.1 changes, and presets for some options.
 - Rawr.Cat: Support for more 3.1 changes.
 - Rawr.Moonkin: Fix for a few minor bugs. Support for 3.1 changes.
 - Rawr.Tankadin: Improved base stat accuracy, and support for several more librams, set bonuses, and trinkets. Minor fixes to the effects of several stats.
 - Rawr.Enhance: Minor fixes to the effects of several stats. Improved Flametongue calculations. Support for more buffs, trinkets, and totems, and set bonuses. Several bug fixes. Support for 3.1 changes.
 - Rawr.RestoSham: Support for selecting a healing style. Support for more totems. Added more optimizable stats.
 - Rawr.Elemental: Updated to use calculations from Binkenstein's latest spreadsheet. Added support for custom rotations.
 - Rawr.Retribution: Fix for rounding on a few stats. Support for WoW 3.1 changes.
 - Rawr.Tree: Support for WoW 3.1 changes.
 - Rawr.Mage: Improvements to the advanced rotation solver. Now supports hasted Evocations and Power Infusion. Updates to a few racial base stats.
 - Rawr.DPSWarr: Added Mail armor, and fixes for a few racials.
 - Rawr.ProtWarr: Fixes for a few racial base stats.
 - Rawr.Warlock: Support for 3.1 changes, glyphs, and some more stats and talents.

 - b3 is just a fix for b2 being a bad build. Sorry about that.

 - PLEASE NOTE: This is a beta of Rawr 2.2. It has not received the same level of testing that we normally put into releases, but we're releasing it in its current form, due to the large number of changes. If you do run into bugs, please post them on our Issue Tracker. Please use the current release version, Rawr 2.1.9, if you encounter showstopping bugs in Rawr 2.2.0b2. Thanks!
 - Gemming Revamp! Rawr will now automatically handle gems, just as you'd expect. See Help > Gemmings for details. NOTE: Rawr 2.2 is not backawards compatible most of your existing data files. Please do not copy data files from previous versions of Rawr. Your existing character files should load into Rawr 2.2 just fine, except you'll have to reselect enchants on your gear.
 - Armor Penetration has been adjusted, for all Rawr models, to match new 3.1 Armor Penetration mechanics. Note that Rawr assumes the bugs with ArPen calculations on the current PTR are fixed, and ArPenRating is multiplicative with ArPen debuffs.
 - Fix a crash in Optimizer.
 - Rawr.Cat: Support for new 3.1 changes.
 - Rawr.Bear: Support for new 3.1 changes.
 - Rawr.Mage: Major solver changes.
 - Rawr.Elemental: Bug fixes and added more glyphs.
 - Rawr.Tankadin: Bug fixes and new optimizable stats.
 - Rawr.Enhance: Bug fixes and support for many more trinkets and totems.
 - Rawr.Warlock: Major additions and bug fixes.
 - Rawr.Moonkin: Fix for Skull of Gul'dan.
 - Rawr.ProtWarr: Bug fixes.
 - Rawr.RestoSham: Bug fixes.

 - PLEASE NOTE: This is a beta of Rawr 2.2. It has not received the same level of testing that we normally put into releases, but we're releasing it in its current form, due to the large number of changes. If you do run into bugs, please post them on our Issue Tracker. Please use the current release version, Rawr 2.1.9, if you encounter showstopping bugs in Rawr 2.2.0b1. Thanks!
 - Gemming Revamp! Rawr will now automatically handle gems, just as you'd expect. See Help > Gemmings for details. NOTE: Rawr 2.2 is not backawards compatible most of your existing data files. Please do not copy data files from previous versions of Rawr. Your existing character files should load into Rawr 2.2 just fine, except you'll have to reselect enchants on your gear.
 - Rawr.Bear: Support for Savage Defense.
 - Rawr.Cat: Fixes for hit calculations.
 - Rawr.Mage: Support for 3.0.9 changes. Fixes for a few obscure calcultion bugs.
 - Rawr.Moonkin: Brand new spell calculation engine, powered by WrathCalcs.
 - Rawr.ProtWarr: Significant improvements to accuracy. Added additional rating choices, and additional customization to existing rating ratios. See the Options tab for details. Added support for parry hasting
 - Rawr.HealPriest: Fix for Build Upgrade List, several calculation improvements. Support for 3.1 Mana Regen model.
 - Rawr.ShadowPriest: Fix for Build Upgrade List, several calculation improvements.
 - Rawr.Tree: Overhaul of casting system, should provide much more useful results.
 - Rawr.Elemental: Significant fixes and new features.
 - Rawr.RestoSham: Now includes Activity, Overhealing, and Burst Healing. Many calculation fixes/improvements.
 - Rawr.Enhance: Lots of calculation improvements.
 - Rawr.TankDK: Wide variety of calculation fixes, UI improvements.
 - Rawr.DPSDK: Many calculation fixes and new features.
 - Rawr.Tankadin: Fixes for armor calculations.
 - Rawr.Healadin: Support for 3.0.9 changes.
 - Rawr.Hunter: Fix for several calculation bugs.
 - Rawr.Retribution: Many calculation changes, new features, improvements, and bug fixes.
 - Rawr.Warlock: Initial release. Not fully complete yet, but included in this release of Rawr so that you can see how we're progressing. We still advise using Rawr.Warlock in conjunction with other theorycrafting tools. In particular, pets are not modeled yet, so Demonology specs will be significantly undervalued.

Here's a quick rundown of the status of each model:
   �Rawr.Base: Fully functional for 3.0 & level 80.
   �Rawr.Bear: Fully functional for 3.0 & level 80.
   �Rawr.Cat: Fully functional for 3.0 & level 80.
   �Rawr.DPSDK: Fully functional for 3.0 & level 80.
   �Rawr.DPSWarr: Partially functional for 3.0 & level 80.
   �Rawr.Elemental: Partially functional for 3.0 & level 80.
   �Rawr.Enhance: Partially functional for 3.0 & level 80.
   �Rawr.Healadin: Fully functional for 3.0 & level 80.
   �Rawr.HealPriest: Fully functional for 3.0 & level 80.
   �Rawr.Hunter: Partially functional for 3.0 & level 80.
   �Rawr.Mage: Fully functional for 3.0 & level 80.
   �Rawr.Moonkin: Fully functional for 3.0 & level 80.
   �Rawr.ProtWarr: Partially functional for 3.0 & level 80.
   �Rawr.RestoSham: Partially functional for 3.0 & level 80.
   �Rawr.Retribution: Fully functional for 3.0 & level 80.
   �Rawr.Rogue: Not functional for 3.0.
   �Rawr.ShadowPriest: Fully functional for 3.0 & level 80.
   �Rawr.TankDK: Partially functional for 3.0 & level 80.
   �Rawr.Tankadin: Fully functional for 3.0 & level 80.
   �Rawr.Tree: Fully functional for 3.0 & level 80.
   �Rawr.Warlock: Partially functional for 3.0 & level 80.
 As you can see, we still have alot of work ahead of us, but we're actively working on it. If you are an experienced C# dev, a knowledgable theorycrafter, and would like to help out, especially with the models which we haven't begun updating for 3.0, please contact me at [email protected]. Thanks, and look forward to frequent updates!

    Rawr is now accepting donations. Please use Tools > Donate, or goto if you'd like to donate, to help accelerate the development of Rawr and its models. Thank you!
    Updated parsing for a large number of trinkets/gems whose wording changed in WoW 3.0.8.
    Support for (or more accurate support for) a variety of additional trinkets, in many models.
    Fixed the data for a few profession bonuses which changed.
    Updated the tooltips on all talents.
    Tweaked the Relative Stat Values chart a bit to avoid some anomalies with rounding and stats which provide multiple benefits (ie, both Crit and AP from Agi for Cats).
    Rawr.Cat/Bear: Fix for crit chance reduction against bosses, and fix for display of crit chance debuffs.
    Rawr.Tree: Fixes for haste calculations
    Rawr.Mage: Updates for WoW 3.0.8/hotfix changes. Added Scaling vs Spirit chart.
    Rawr.RestoSham: Support for some glyphs, and more customizable healing rotations. Also enabled cloth/leather.
    Rawr.ProtWarr: Major updates. Threat should be accurate, and a variety of minor fixes and additional options
    Rawr.TankDK/DPSDK: Updated for 3.0.8 changes. A wide variety of major fixes and improvements.
    Rawr.HealPriest/ShadowPriest: Added optimizable values that you can create requirements for, or optimize for.
    Rawr.Elemental: Initial release. Not fully complete yet, but included in this release of Rawr so that you can see how we're progressing. We still advise using Rawr.Elemental in conjunction with other theorycrafting tools.

    Fixed a bug in the Optimizer that would stop it from equipping the optimized gearset when any item gemmings to be equipped weren't in the itemcache already.
    Fixed several bugs with Wowhead parsing, and updated the default itemcache with the new 3.0.8 data from Wowhead.
    Added the two new enchants from 3.0.8.
    Rawr.Healadin: Removed profession benefits from Options since they are now all correctly modelled in there respective places. Support for Judgements missing, and effect of Hit rating. Fixed bug that capped HL too high incorrectly. Added support for FoL Glyph. Updated 2T6 and 4T6 bonuses.
    Rawr.HealPriest: Raid & CoH spam rotation changes for 3.0.8. Major tweak in Holy/Disc Priest mana consumption, should now actually become saturated at a point. Fiddled more with Trinkets.
    Rawr.Tankadin: Adjusted calculations for new Sacred Duty.
    Rawr.Retribution: Fix for loading the saved glyphs.
    Rawr.Tree: New custom chart for Spell Rotations. New feature to choose the ratio of burst vs sustained healing used in Overall ratings. 
    Rawr.Mage: Added Arcane Scorch cycles.
    Rawr.Cat: Added 4T7 calculations.
    Rawr.ProtWarr: Tweak to the Vitality calculations to match WoW's rounding.
    All models now contain a Relative Stat Values chart, which dynamically shows the value of various common stats to your current character. Some models had charts similar to this, and most of those still remain, in case they show any additional stats that this universal chart doesn't, but they will be removed in the next major version. As before, remember that these are only outputs from Rawr's calculations, not used internally by Rawr. Also, still remember that they will never be 100% accurate, and to always update whatever you use them for, whenver your gear/enchant/buffs change, in order to maintain as close to accurate as you can.
    Fixed a couple more bugs with Wowhead parsing, and made it more resilient to errors (won't break your whole item cache update if it does hit an error).
    Fixed a bug that would clear your available items on reload character from Armory.
    You can now create filters that apply only to gems, or only to gear. (Not used by default filters yet, though)
    Added support for several more trinket proc/effects.
    Equipped items will always be shown in item listings, even if they would otherwise be filtered out.
    Equipped items will now be marked as available, when re/loading from the Armory
    Rawr.Cat/Bear: Adjusted calculations for the new FeralAP system. Weapon DPS is now counted as attack power, and items no longer show innate feral attack power. I've manually updated all feral weapons to have their new DPS values, but the actual stats on the items are still from 3.0.3 (ie, there's still Str on them, instead of plain AP). Please refresh the data on these items, once Wowhead/Armory update to 3.0.8.
    Rawr.Tree: Major improvements all around. Still not fully complete.
    Rawr.RestoSham: Major improvements all around. Still not fully complete.
    Rawr.Retribution: Base miss chance lowered to 8%.
    Rawr.Tankadin: Base miss chance lowered to 8%.
    Rawr.ProtWarr: Block Value formula changed. Updates to armor calculations to account for Base vs Bonus Armor. Base racial stats updated. Support for the Armored to the Teeth talent.
    Rawr.HealPriest/ShadowPriest: Initial Glyph support.
    Rawr.Mage: Significant updates to 3.0.8 support and to Arcane cycles. Added Rune of Razorice and Lightweave Embroidery. Enhanced hit rating tooltip. Fix for FBScPyro never being chosen when Global Optimizations were on. Added shatter combo cycles for Frost.
    Rawr.DPSWarr: Initial draft of 3.0 version. Not fully complete yet, but included in this release of Rawr so that you can see how we're progressing. We still advise using Rawr.DPSWarr in conjunction with other theorycrafting tools.
    Rawr.TankDK: Fixed expertise calculations.
    Rawr.Rogue/Warlock: Nothing new, yet, but wanted to mention that we have a ton of active development on these models lately, and new versions are coming soon.

    Fixes for several Armory/Wowhead parsing errors.
    Fixes for stats on a couple buffs.
    Fix for a crash when choosing No Enchant from the enchant dropdowns.
    Rawr.Hunter/Bear/Cat: Adjusted miss chance to 8%.
    Rawr.TankDK: Initial release. Not fully complete yet, but included in this release of Rawr so that you can see how we're progressing. We still advise using Rawr.TankDK in conjunction with other theorycrafting tools.

    Items now show their item level in their tooltips. 
    Armor and Bonus Armor are now handled separately. 
    Performance and crash fixes to the Optimizer. 
    Added mousewheel support for the charts. 
    Added buffs for Mixology. 
    Added support for Blacksmithing sockets (reload character from armory, or load character from 2.1.4 and remove extra gem from items). 
    Added a context menu item to quickly evaluate the upgrade value of the clicked item.
    Added support for updating the entire item cache from Wowhead.
    Added parsing for Greatness cards.
    Rawr.Bear: Now includes correct calcultions for armor in patch 3.0.8. Fix for damage reduction calculations for different level targets. Added support for Mongoose. Fixed calculations for Idol of Terror. Added support for soft-capping Survivability.
    Rawr.Cat: Fix for damage reduction calculations for different level targets. Added support for Mongoose, Berserking, Trauma, and Mangle from another feral. Fixed calculations for Idol of Terror.
    Rawr.HealPriest: Added Arcane Torrent for blood elves. Support for more set bonuses.
    Rawr.Mage: Added custom graphs for stats scaling. Supports extra crit rate from encounter effects (ie, Loatheb). Fix for new cycles ignoring flame caps. Support for reconjuring mana gems.
    Rawr.ProtWarr: Adjusted miss rate from 9% to 8%, and dodge rate from 6.5% to 6.4%.
    Rawr.ShadowPriest Added Arcane Torrent for blood elves. Fixed display issue with Misery/Faerie Fire hit. Support for more trinket effects. Support for more set bonuses.
    Rawr.Tankadin: Fix for block rating conversion.
    Rawr.DPSDK: Fixes for a few calculations. Fixes for item relevancy to show DK set items, not paladin ones.
    Rawr.RestoSham: Updated a variety of calculations. Not fully updated yet, but included in this release of Rawr so that you can see how we're progressing. We still advise using Rawr.RestoSham in conjunction with other theorycrafting tools.
    Rawr.Enhance: Updated the default and available target levels from 70-73 to 80-83, and raised the maximum target armor.
v2.1.4: Added tracking of item levels, and filtering by item level and a few other item properties. Added support for several additional buffs and enchants. Fixed Wowhead and Armory parsing for a few stats. Fixed CharacterProfiler support. ShadowPriest: Fixes for Optimization, and support for a few more buffs. HealPriest: Fixes for Optimization and Haste calculations. Moonkin: Added support for a couple trinkets, allowed fist weapons, fixes to Starfire glyph calculations, fix for double application of Kings, and added support for user-defined rotations. Healadin: Added Burst Healing rating, support for Divine Favor and Divine Illumination. ProtWarr: Updated with correct base stats for all races at 80. Mage: Added a 3.0.8 calculation mode. Tree: Fixed haste and crit calculations. Cat: Adjusted base miss rate to 8%, added support for total % damage increases. Bear: Fixed a minor bug in DR calculations.

v2.1.3: Improvements to CharacterProfiler support. Can now load items by exact name, as well as load from Armory and fail over to Wowhead if not found. Support for several new set bonuses and proc/use effects. Fixed base stat calculations in Retribution and Tankadin, and a few more calculation fixes in Retribution. Fixes for a few buff/enchant stats.

v2.1.2: Improvements to launch time, and item editor performance. Support for more set bonuses and abnormal item stats. Fix for crash in Priest models. Updates to base stats and rating conversions for several models. Fixes for requirements and optimization of several gems. Added ghost hit for Frostfire bolt in Mage. Fixed the formula for PW: Shield in HealPriest. Improved calculations for Cat and Bear, and made Cat results more descriptive.

v2.1.1: Improved calculations for level 80 combat for several models (Cat, Bear, HealPriest, ShadowPriest, Mage, Moonkin, Tree, Healadin). Added Leatherworking and Inscription self-enchants. Fixed some bugs with mass gem replacement and the optimizer.

v2.1: Updated for level 80 content. Removed models which haven't yet been updated for WoW 3.0. Added two brand new models: Enhance and DPSDK! Welcome to Rawr, Enhancement Shamans and DPS Death Knights!

 - First release version targeting WoW 3.0

Beta 16.1:
 - The beginnings of user-controlled item filtering is in. Let me stress that this is just the beginning. Currently it's hidden away in a menu item (Tools>Refine Relevant Items...), and only supports the most basic filtering by item type (Leather vs Mail, Maces vs Swords, etc.). In the future, we expect to expand upon this greatly, by allowing all kinds of filters (such as by source, by item level, etc), and will be making the UI to control this more intuitive. Please post on our development site, let us know what sort of filters you'd like to be able to create
 - More improvements to the performance and accuracy of the Optimizer
 - The Add Item dialog now accepts whole links to wowhead or thottbot
 - Added Flame Armor Kits, Arcane Armor Kits, and Lesser Arcanums of Resilience to the default enchant list
 - Rawr.Mage:
   - New custom chart to visualize sequence reconstruction
   - Couple fixes for sequence reconstruction, especially around handling threat
 - Rawr.ProtWarr
   - Blessing of Kings now correctly affects Agility

Beta 16:
 - Significantly improved the performance and accuracy of the Optimizer
 - Added support for importing a character from a Character Profiler saved data file
 - Added Sapphiron enchants to the default EnchantCache
 - Added support for loading characters from the CN Armory
 - Fixed a few crashing bugs in the Optimizer
 - Fixed a potential crash when running Rawr under Mono on OSX
 - Rawr.Bear:
   - Adjusted the Parry cap to 13.75% reflect latest testing
 - Rawr.Mage:
   - Improvements to Sequence Reconstruction 
   - Added support for Serpent-Coil Braid
   - Added breakdown of total damage by spells including damage done, % total damage and number of hits
 - Rawr.Tree:
   - Fixed a few crashing bugs
   - Added support for more talents
   - Added support for HT in rotations
 - Rawr.RestoSham:
   - Added Cloth and Leather as relevant item types
 - Rawr.HealPriest:
   - Added support for Bangle and Blue Dragon
 - Rawr.ProtWarr:
   - Updated the calculations for PPM enchants (like Mongoose)
   - Adjusted the Parry cap to 13.75% reflect latest testing

Beta 15.1:
 - Fixed Resistances in several models
 - Added several resistance enchants, including glyphs, armor kits, shoulder inscription, and cloak enchants
 - Fixed a bug with the cached values in the popup item selector not being reset on character loads
 - Reduced the scale of thoroughness for the Build Upgrade List feature, in order to give results in reasonable times, compared to Optimze
 - Added class restrictions to engineering goggles in armory lookups
 - The Batch features now allows you to choose a different model for each character file
 - Added a significant amount of (relevantly gemmed) items to the default itemcache for the new models
 - Rawr.Bear:
   - Fix for edge conditions with anti-crit and avoidance affecting damage taken
 - Rawr.DPSWarr:
   - Added importing talents, and fixed loading of talents in the Talents window
   - Fixed weapon DPS calculations
 - Rawr.RestoSham:
   - Fixed value of haste
 - Rawr.Healadin:
   - Fixed value of haste
   - Increased the maximum fight duration to 60min from 20min
 - Rawr.HealPriest:
   - Increased the maximum fight duration to 60min from 20min
   - Fixed some calculations that were slightly off with basic stats
 - Rawr.Warlock:
   - Fixed title on Shadow Priests box in Raid ISB
   - Enabled the Enforce Metagem Requirements checkbox
 - Rawr.Hunter:
   - Added ranged weapon enchants (scopes)
   - Cloth and throwing items are no longer considered relevant
 - Rawr.Tree:
   - Implemented Bangle, Blue Dragon, Prayerbook, and on-use +healing effects
   - Introduced a scaling factor for average/temporary +healing
   - Implemented IED cooldown and fixed a bug in the calculations for it
   - Items with just spellcrit or health are no longer considered relevant
 - Rawr.Mage:
   - Parsing for Vengeance of the Illidari and fix for Shifting Naaru Sliver cooldown
   - Stability and performance improvements for SMP

Beta 15:
 - Added the Tree, RestoSham, DPSWarr (Arms-only for this release), Hunter (BM-only for this release), Tankadin, and HealPriest models! These are our first versions of these models, so please report any bugs you find with them!
 - Revamp of item availability mechanics: Items can be marked to allow regemming and restrict which enchants are available. Left click on diamond as before marks item to be available withot restrictions (regemming and all enchants), CTRL+click marks the item to be available for this specific gemming. By right clicking on the diamond it is possible to restrict which enchants are available (if there are any restrictions active this is indicated by a dot next to diamond). Optimizer has an option to override whether items that aren't specifically marked for regemming/reenchanting can be regemmed or reenchanted.
 - The optimizer upgrade comparison chart will now display all slots used to achieve the displayed upgrade value in its tooltip, and has a contextual menu item on click to equip all items
 - Significant performance improvements all around for calculations, especially in the Optimizer
 - Fix for properly handling gems and socket bonuses with spell damage and healing, and for display gems with three stats
 - Fixed a bug with encoding for armory lookups, which was breaking some KR character loads
 - Fixed a bug with item selection popups where the highest rating is 0
 - Now handles broken images on the armory gracefully
 - Added Batch Tools. These are still a work-in-progress, and are unstable, but the end goal is to be able to optimize a collection of characters (ie, your guild) at once. Feel free to poke around, but consider this feature incomplete at the moment, and be sure to save before using it.
 - Rawr.Cat
   - Fix for Braxxis' Staff not being relevant
 - Rawr.Bear
   - Fix for Braxxis' Staff not being relevant
   - Fixes to threat generation, and included Swipe rotations
 - Rawr.ProtWarr:
   - Fixed Combat Table and Crushless Mob debuff
 - Rawr.Moonkin:
   - Fix for 4T5 incorrectly applying to Starfire Spam spell rotation
   - Better judgement of when to clip DoTs and when to let them tick off
 - Rawr.Mage:
   - Massive improvements to sequence reconstruction
   - Added non-debuffed AB to spell info display
   - Many more options on the Options tab, in a new UI
   - Fix for IED meta gem having internal cooldown
   - Fixed the base damage of Arcane Missiles
   - Added an option to set a custom spell mix
   - Fix for Fireball-Fire Blast cycle to take advantage of haste in certain ranges
 - Rawr.Warlock:
   - Pretty much rewrote the whole thing. It's much better now. Feedback and bugreports are definitely welcome!
 - Rawr.Retribution:
   - Mongoose and Executioner reworked
   - Armor Mitigation and Haste reworked
   - Minor fixes to Judgement, Exorcism, Crusader Strike, and Consecration calculations
   - Talents and Options will now save and load properly
   - Implemented more accurate WF and SoC calculations
 - Rawr.Healadin:
   - Added Cloth/Leather/Mail to the relevant item types
Beta 14.1:
 - Possible fix for the 'Unable to access a disposed object' error. I still haven't been able to reproduce this, so am not sure if this will solve it; please let me know asap if you still encounter this issue.
 - Fix for the optimizer swapping gems around inappropriately when using Known Gemmings Only.
 - Fixed the tab order on the Load Character From Armory dialog.
 - Added temporary buffs for the SSO Tanking neck
 - Fixed the lack of spellcrit on Improved Judgement of the Crusader
 - Added Trueshot Aura, and setbonuses for Primalstrike, Clefthoof, and Fel Leather sets.
 - Made the item selection dropdown perform much better.
 - Rawr.Bear:
   - Fix for crossbows showing up
   - Fix for Unleashed Rage not showing up
   - Added Resists as optimizable values
 - Rawr.Cat:
   - Fix for crossbows showing up
   - Non-caster items/gems/enchants with stamina will now show up as well (ie, stam gems, stam enchants, etc)
   - Added Resists as optimizable values
 - Rawr.Mage:
   - Fix for display issue in spell cycle solution
   - Fix for a bug that would make your dps skyrocket under certain specific circumstances
   - Fix for SMP overrestricting cooldowns
   - Added parsing for Shifting Naaru Sliver and Shattered Sun Pendant of Acumen
   - Options should now only cause refreshes when you leave the field, not on every keypress
   - Improved calculations for partial water elementals
 - Rawr.ProtWarr:
   - Added Unleashed Rage as a buff.
   - Fixed Eternal Earthstorm Diamond gem requirements.
   - Added weapon damage to white attacks and devastates and fixed a bug where white attacks were normalized and fixed so white damage can crit and glance.
   - Added Windfury as a buff and calculate the TPS from windfury (only from the damage, since Rage Per Second isn't being used yet).
   - Renamed Relative Stat Value chart to Item Budget, since thats what it really was doing, and added strength, haste rating, expertise rating, and hit rating to it.
   - Removed the limitation on level 73 targets only, probably still some issues with hit/expertise caps on trash mobs/bosses.
   - Fixed Improved Def Stance for the resist survival points.
   - Changed the default Mitigation Scale to 3750.
   - Changed the order of stats on the character tab, and removed a lot of the useless ones or moved them to tooltips (Ex. Added hit % and moved hit rating to the tooltip for hit %). Now they are: Base Stats, Defensive Stats, Offensive Stats, Resistance, Complex Stats (for the Survival Points, Mitigation Points, Threat Points, and all the Resistance Points)
   - Added a breakdown on threat values for: white tps, shield slam tps, revenge tps, devastate tps, and heroic strike tps to the threat tooltips.
   - Changed the default threat points to be an average of the unlimited and limited threat values.
   - Fixed crit reduction not taking talents into account.
   - Fixed bug where Vitality was being counted twice for the strength bonus in the threat section.
   - Fixed devastate as a normalized attack.
   - Fixed base crit chance, this should match the in game values (except the 0.6% crit you lose because it's a boss).
   - Corrected chance to be parried and dodged to match the values discussed on the EJ forum. Still need testing to confirm boss parry values and to add support for trash mobs. 
 - Rawr.Warlock:
   - Added 4T6 set bonus
   - Added Shadow Weaving buff
 - Rawr.Retribution:
   - Updated with new WF+SoC interaction logic
   - Uptime fields on the Options tab have been replaced with fields for # of uses

Beta 14:
 - Added the ProtWarr and Healadin models! These are our first versions of these models, so please report any bugs you find with them!
 - Mac support! See the readme for details.
 - Major improvements to the intelligence of the Optimizer
 - Added a new feature in the Optimizer: Build Upgrade List. This feature will take longer than the normal Optimizer (so you'll want to run it at a lower thoroughness, most likely), but will produce a chart of how much value you could gain if you had each item that you don't already have available.
 - Added a Direct Upgrades chart, which shows what the biggest upgrades for you would be, considering just direct upgrades, no other gear swaps. For a comprehensive upgrades evaluation, use the new Build Upgrade List feature of the optimizer.
 - Significantly improved performance all across Rawr, especially in the Optimizer
 - Added a Delete Duplicates function. By right clicking on an item or using the Item Editor, you can Delete Duplicates for an item, which will delete all gemmings of the item except for the one you selected, and any that are equipped.
 - Reworked how Rawr stores calculation options. This means that when you load your characters created with previous versions of Rawr, the Options tab will be reset to default, please be sure to fill that out again.
 - Rawr now correctly handles mainhand and offhand enchants, as appropriate by equipped items.
 - Improved the loading performance of the Item Editor on successive loads. The first time you open it, it should be faster than before, and the second+ time should be nearly instant.
 - Fixed a bug that made the Fill Sockets functionality of the Item Editor not work.
 - Fixed a bug that made the chart render as a big red X occasionally.
 - Made some changes that may help with the UI for users of high-DPI resolutions. High DPI is still not supported (as Windows' support for it is retard and broken), but this should help somewhat.
 - Fixed a leak of control handles in the item selector, should improve performance and prevent crashes related to this.
 - Fixed the Armor Penetration values of Imp/Expose Armor.
 - Reloading the current character from the armory will now load enchants and talents, in addition to items.
 - The Item Selector should no longer extend off the screen when there's room available, on very low resolution displays.
 - Added support for loading characters from KR and TW realms.
 - Load Upgrades from Armory will no longer create duplicates.
 - Added some warnings to the Optimizer to help people use it properly (such as pointing out when you've forgotten to mark any choices in a slot as available). These can be disabled in the Options.
 - Rawr.Bear changes:
    - Added Threat rating
    - Made the Defense Rating to Defense Skill conversion stepwise, so that partial Defense Skill don't count. Adjusted the amount needed to be uncrittable to match (previously, Rawr.Bear may have told you that you'd need 1def rating more than you really did, that's fixed by this).
    - Added several new relevant buffs and debuffs 
 - Rawr.Cat changes:
    - Made the calculations of the SSO Exalted Scryer neck accurate.
    - Added a Survivability rating
    - Added several new relevant buffs and debuffs 
 - Rawr.Mage changes:
    - Added value to labels in item budget comparison
    - Added innervate option
    - Added mana tide totem option
    - Added options for optimization requirements based on stamina and resistances
    - Fix for Arctic Winds talent
    - Added dps fragmentation option
    - Added Mind Quickening Gem and Wrath of Cenarius parsing
    - Improvements in performance and stability of LP solver
    - Added sequence reconstruction
    - Added SMP solver
    - Added additional information to spell tooltips and when copying stats to clipboard
    - Added 2T4 set bonus
    - Added survivability rating 
 - Rawr.Retribution changes:
    - Include more customizable buff options
 - Rawr.Moonkin changes:
    - Calculation model overhauled. Should give much more accurate results now.   

Beta 13.1:
 - Fix for several Optimizer crashes. If you can get the Optimizer to crash still, please e-mail me your character file ([email protected]).
 - Fix for Rawr.Mage requiring .NET 3.5.

Beta 13:
 - Rawr now includes a Retribution model, built by Anarkii! Since it's our first Ret release, it may have some bugs, so please report anything you find wrong with it, and welcome to Rawr, Retadins!
 - Added an Optimizer feature. The Optimizer works by looking at different combinations of gear that you have available (mark items as available by clicking the diamond next to the item in the charts), and finding the best possible set of gear. There's lots to see in the Optimizer, so give it a try, and let us know how it works. One known issue with the optimizer: Unique gems may be used multiple times; best to just not mark any unique gems as Available for now.
 - Added a Status dialog that will show the status of all pending network operations (like loading items from the Armory). Note that there's still no way to cancel these operations while they're in-progress, but we hope to have that in a future update, soon.
 - Improved the performance of loading and saving cached items, and performing some common item stat calculations, and fixed several bugs with the item editor.
 - Items with class restrictions will not show up for other classes.
 - Items will now display a Location, of where to get them. The data for this is still vague or non-existent in some cases, since it's loaded from the Armory, but for the most part it should be useful.
 - All DPS models' DPS rating is calculated in terms of plain DPS (as opposed to DPS*100);
 - Downloads from the Armory should be more resilient now, retrying whenever random failures occur, and correctly supporting more types of proxy servers where needed.
 - The current character name and filename will appear in the title bar.
 - Tooltips are now shown for buffs on the buff selection tab.
 - Buffs and Enchants will now combine the built-in lists with what's in your itemcache, so that you can preserve customizations between versions.
 - Rawr.Bear: Added all missing 2.4 items/enchants to the default ItemCache, resist enchants are now correctly counted, there are now debuffs for Sunwell Radiance and mobs that don't crush.
 - Rawr.Mage: Added more AB-AM cycles, now shows a tradeoff coefficient for all spells, improved rotation and trinket optimization, improved performance, now tracks threat, auto selects Mage/Molten armor,
 - Rawr.Moonkin: Removed the Mana Efficiency rating, since it was already contained in the total damage rating, improved the accuracy of several calculations, added set bonuses, updated mechanics for 2.4, now shows several different damage-related calculations similar to the spreadsheet.

Beta 12.1:
 - Fixed a bug that would cause "Input string not in correct format" errors when Rawr was run on copies of Windows for a region where a period is not the decimal separator (ie european countries where it would be "1,23" instead of "1.23").
 - For proxies that filter by user-agent, the user-agent used by Rawr is now customizable in the proxy options.
 - Config settings (like recent files) are now user specific.
 - Fix for occasionally not loading icons immediately even though a network connection is available. Also fixed an error when there was no network connection.
 - Rawr.Mage: Added new AB-AM cycle and new AB cycles with Frostbolt/Scorch filler, added a fix for the item budget comparison, added scrolling on the options screen, added Drums of Battle stacking, 
 - Rawr.Warlock: Fixed issue when altering spell cycle
Beta 12:
 - Rawr now includes models for Moonkins, Mages, and Warlocks!
 - Many more stats are tracked about items, for use in new and upcoming models.
 - Fixed a bug in the options for Cat, so that it updates the label for the value of expose weakness.
 - Icons now pull from the more reliable instead of the old flakey
 - You can now safely run multiple copies of Rawr at the same time by duplicating Rawr's folder. Each running copy of Rawr must be in its own folder, with its own cache xml files.
 - Fixed some bugs that would cause Rawr to crash.
 - The Splash screen has finally been redone! It now has a background image, and an icon for each model that is loaded, along with the version #s of each model, Rawr's UI, and Base.
 - Tooltips on the calculations should really last a long time now, for everyone, I hope.
 - The ItemCache should save faster, load faster, and take up alot less space, per item.
 - There's a menu item now, to reload the character data from the Armory for the current character.
 - The Projectile and Projectile Bag slots will now be hidden if they don't apply to the current model.
 - Improved how Rawr handles requests for data from the Armory.
 - When unable to access the Armory will now handle it much more gracefully. If you see blank icons, anywhere, that's probably the case.
 - There's now an options dialog. More will come in there, but for now, there's customizable proxy settings. If you were previously unable to use Rawr due to being behind a proxy that was different from your IE settings, or required different authentication, give this a try.

Beta 11:
 - You can now change between Bear and Cat mode, and any other models, on the fly, using the new Model menu.
 - All stats are now editable in the Item Editor, not just bear stats.
 - Rawr has been updated for the 2.4 PTR, as of 2/15. Most of the new items have been added, and the idols have been changed to their new stats. Note that you shouldn't try to Refresh Item Data on a new item, as it'll just fail to find the item and timeout.
 - Added accurate calculations for all the decent cat idols.
 - There's now a checkbox on the Options tab to enable Metagem requirement detection. If you run into a situation where one item is ranked higher than another, and you think it should be the other way around, see if the first one helps you meet the metagem requirements, and the second one doesn't. Turn that option off if you like handling metagem requirements yourself, and it'll always count the metagem.
 - Buffs now have tooltips in the charts.
 - The most recently used model will be selected at startup. No more dialog asking what model you want to startup in.
 - There's now a list of recently opened files in the File menu, so you can open your different gear sets and characters faster.
 - The model system has been changed so that each model is its own DLL, meaning that models can be updated/added/removed seperately of Rawr itself.
 - Fixed a few bugs on dual-monitor setups.
 - Items can now have weapon properties (min/max damage, speed)
 - In order to prepare Rawr for a wider variety of models, the item type/slot system has been revamped. You'll now notice that there are 2 more buttons on the main form, for Projectile and Projectile Bag, though nothing will fit in them for ferals. Same with the offhand.
 - Added support for all races, though Rawr.Cat and Rawr.Bear only have stats for NE/Tauren, of course. This is in preparation for Rawr being used by other classes.
 - Items with no stats relevant to the current model will be hidden from charts/dropdowns
 - There are now several new buffs for cats: ExposeWeakness (which has a slider on the Options tab to control its AP value), and Bloodlust, Drums of Battle, and Drums of War (which have sliders on the Options tab to control their uptime %).
 - Models can now define their own custom charts, which are now used by Cat to include Combat Table (White), Combat Table (Yellow) and Relative Stat Values, and by Bear to include Combat Table and Relative Stat Values. Note that due to rounding abormalities when working with small values of certain stats that get multiplies, the two Relative Stat Values charts aren't as informative as I'd like, yet; take their values with a large grain of salt, consider them alpha quality for now.
 - You can resize the main form to give you more chart space, and more space for the tab control with calculation display, buffs, options, enchants.

Beta 10:
 - Cat Support! When Rawr opens, you'll be given a choice of loading the Bear of Cat calculation model. Choose Cat to start using Rawr for optimizing your dps! Most of the Cat calculations are based on Toskk's cat calculator. Huge thanks to Toskk for this!
 - Rawr automatically will detect and activate set bonuses as appropriate.
 - Cat stats are now loaded from the armory, in addition to Bear stats. Only stats relevant to your current mode will be visible.
 - Procs and Uses are now averaged out for Cat, but remain off with optional buffs for Bear.
 - The calculation models are now completely modular. Rawr is very extensible now. It will be much easier to add another model now. If anyone's interested in writing Rawr.Tree, or Rawr.Moonkin, or Rawr.Afflliction, or Rawr.Mutilation or any other class/spec, let me know.
 - There's now an Options tab which contains additional options for the calculations, for both Cat and Bear. For Bear, there's only Target Level. There's much more for Cat though (although most of the Cat options aren't done yet). Currently you can change the Target Armor and choose how often you Powershift.
 - The legend on the comparison graph is gone. I hope to re-implement that at some point, but not a high priority.
 - Improved rendering of tooltips slightly.
 - Fixed a bug with the Filter box on the Item Editor.
 - Probably a dozen other little things that I can't remember cause I've been working on this for so long.

Beta 9a:
 - Fixed a bug that made the new tooltips disappear really fast
 - Fixed a bug that made Load Upgrades From Armory skip waist items
 - Added better error messages for all Armory interactions, to indicate whether or not any response was received at all, what that response was, and if no response was received, that you should check your firewall/proxy settings first.

Beta 9:
 - Fixed several crashing bugs introduced in Beta 8
 - Buffs and Enchants are now dynamically loaded from xml files in the Rawr folder. While there is no way to edit them in Rawr, yet, you can at least edit buffs and enchants now, by editing the BuffCache.xml and EnchantCache.xml files, and relaunching Rawr.
 - Added mouseovers giving more info for Overall/Mitigation/Survival Points, and Armor Mitigation value.
 - Minor bugfixes and code cleanups in preparation for generalizing Rawr so that many modules can be made, like Rawr.Cat for kitties.

Beta 8:
 - Rawr now records and displays item quality (rare, epic, etc). If you reuse your ItemCache.xml from a previous version, you'll need to refresh the item data for each item you want to see the quality of. Thanks to Wicks for this functionality!
 - Added support for Finger enchants.
 - Gems in the comparison graph now show up highlighted in their color.
 - Left clicking on an item in the comparison graph will popup the context menu for it, not just right clicking.
 - When loading items from the Armory, Rawr will now retry 3 times if it fails. This should solve the errors caused by intermittant Armory problems. Additionally, if it still fails, it won't close Rawr.
 - Fixed some display problems in the item editor. Also, if you add an item with an ID that doesn't exist, it'll offer to create the item as a blank item, for you to fill in.
 - Clarified the tooltip for anticrit when you're uncrittable. (Defense over the cap isn't totally wasted)
 - Attempting to refresh the data of an item with an item id that doesn't really exist will no longer delete that item. It will alert you to the fact that it could not find item data for that item, and revert to the current data.

Beta 7:
 -Added Contextual Menus for items. You can now right click on an item on the main screen, in the popup item selector, to get a menu of things to do on that item:
    -Edit: Opens the item editor to that item.
    -Open in Wowhead: Opens a new web browser window and navigates to the item in wowhead.
    -Refresh Item Data: Refreshes the data about the item from the armory.
    -Equip: Equips the item.
    -Delete: Deletes the item from Rawr's database.
 -Implemented a ton of new temporary buffs. These buffs are typically from trinkets, or other procs, and most can't really be relied upon to base your gear selections around, but it is interesting to see your stats with these activated.
 -There are now 3 different buff comparison graphs, which let you choose which subset of all the buffs to show: All Buffs, All Long-Duration Buffs (No Dual Wield), and Current Buffs.
 -Made the buff selection tab less cramped, by splitting it into categories, and making it scroll.
 -Added a tooltip to the Chance to be Crit % on the main screen, which will display how much you're over, or under the anti-crit cap, in terms of defense rating or resilience.
 -Added a comparison graph for the Combat Table. This will display the chances of each possible combat swing outcome. If you sort by alphabetical, it will be displayed in the correct order of the combat table.
 -Added another comparison graph, which will include all of your currently equipped gear, enchants, and buffs. While not particularly useful in making gear decisions, this is interesting to look at to see where your mitigation and survival come from.
 -May have fixed the problem with tooltips appearing in the wrong spot on computers with multiple monitors.
 -Enchants in the comparison graph will be highlighted if they are the currently selected enchant for that slot.
 -Buffs will now be highlighted in the comparison graph if they are active.
 -Tooltips will now show up for enchants in the comparison graph.
 -Added a Filter box on the item editor, to make finding specific items in the list faster.
 -Fixed a bug where resilience rating wasn't properly detected on items in a few cases, mostly on gems or socket bonuses.
 -Made the comparison graph understand the concept of 'Infinity'. It will no longer bug out and be blank if any item has a mitigation or overall rating of infinity. This can occur when an item pushes you over 100% dodge.
 -Capped dodge at 100-Miss. Functionally, this doesn't really matter, since it doesn't matter how much over 100% your Miss+Dodge is, if it is over 100%, but I made the change so that it the actual chances of each occurance are correct.
 -Fixed the tab order on the item editor.
 -Fixed some display issues with item tooltip content.
 -Cleaned up the code all over the place.
 -Minor bugfixes here and there.

Beta 6a:
 -Fix for editing gems

Beta 6: (private release)
 -Updated a few buffs for Patch 2.2
 -Implemented new ToolTips for items. While not a highly requested change (and functionally there have been no changes), it was necessary in order to implement the next item...
 -Implemented new item selection dropdowns. Instead of clicking on an item slot and getting a dropdown menu, there's now a much more feature rich popup to choose items. I fully intend to flesh this out with more features, but for now you can see what gems are in each item, see the tooltip for it, see the ratings for it, and have the list sorted by ratings/alpha. You can also type a part of the item name in the Filter box, to filter to items containing that text.
 -Added Alphabetical sorting to the graph
 -Fixed a nasty bug with the calculations for Blessing of Kings. Sorry about that. :(
 -Ugh, prolly a few other things I can't remember right now since it's been so long.

Beta 5a:
 -Fix for the Back slot being broken. Oops.

Beta 5:
 -Finally fixed the bug that made items come back after you delete them. Big thanks to Imagy for help with this one. This also happened to fix the bug that prevented you from adding a second copy of an item that you already have an ungemmed copy of.
 -Implemented Sardrimm's calculations for agi and sta to make Rawr calculate your agi and sta from gear even more accurately. Should be exactly correct 95% of the time now, and only off by 1 otherwise.
 -Made the Name/Realm/Region of a character exposed and editable on the main screen.
 -Added a "Load Possible Upgrades from Armory" feature. Character Name/Realm/Region are required to use this feature. Choose Tools > Load Possible Upgrades from Armory, and the loading screen will come back up and Rawr will think for a while. Quite a while, actually. You might want to go get a sandwich or something, it can take like 5+ minutes. If you think it's hung and it's not doing anything, it is, just let it think for a while longer. :)  Eventually, it'll finish downloading and processing a ton of data from the Armory, and *poof*, your dataset will be filled with a multitude of potential upgrades for every slot. I say potential because not all items it finds will be upgrades. Specifically, it will download all items that the Armory suggests as upgrades (see the Find an Upgrade feature in the Armory), fill it with the best gems you know about for the gem slot color, and run Rawr's calculations on it, and save it if its overall rating is at least 80% of your current item's overall rating. 
 -Made Rawr detect whether a copy of Rawr is already running when it launches, and not launch if there's already a copy open. This will prevent all those errors where it doesn't look like it's loading, and a user tries to launch it again.
 -Added some code that should detect when you're behind a proxy server that requires authentication, and pass your default credentials to it if needed. I have no way to test this, so if you've previously reported a Proxy Requires Authentication error to me, please give Beta 5 a try, and let me know if it works for you.
 -Added a FAQ to the readme.
 -Fixed a bug that prevented Rawr from properly detecting Socket Bonuses of resilience.
 -Made a few error messages more user friendly, and describe how to fix it.

Beta 4b:
 -Updated to use the new armory domains, and Won't matter unless you want to armory a character on a realm with a space in its name (gg armory redirect double-encoding).

Beta 4a:
 -Fixed a bug with rating calculations for improvable buffs

Beta 4:
 -All calculations in Rawr should be almost perfectly accurate, with 2 exceptions. I haven't gotten the chance to implement the logic to predict how WoW rounds Stamina and Agility, so these numbers may be off by 1, and any calculations based off those may be off by the value of 1 sta/agi. If anyone finds any occurrances of calculations being off by more than this, PLEASE let me know.
 -One calculation change was significant, so I wanted to call it out specifically. The Total Damage Taken calculation (and subsequently Mitigation Points), did not account for crushing blows or crits. Now it does. For example, if in some hypothetical situation, you had 85% dodge+miss, and 0 armor, you'd receive 15% of the mob's attacks, but they'd all be crushes. Previously, Rawr would consider that as 15% of total damage taken. Now it accounts for those being crushes, so it more accurately says that you'll take 22.5% of the raw incoming damage. Compared to the previous version, the value of agility increases slower as you gain agility, until you reach 85% dodge+miss, then the rate of increase goes way up. In practical terms, you'll see your damage taken score go up from the previous version.
 -I tweaked the scale of Mitigation Points a bit, to make it more even with Survival Points. See my post in the US Druid forums, "Theorycrafting: Method for Rating Bear Gear", for details.
 -The Comparison graph now has slot choices for each Enchant slot, and for Buffs. Can't decide between 6stats and 150hp? Or between 4stats and 12sta? A flask or two elixirs? And which elixirs? Check out the graphs!
 -Rawr will now create a Rawr.log file in the same folder as itself. When Rawr is closed, it will write a log of what you loaded from the armory, and *why*. This will help me track down problems where items get deleted, then magically reappear.
 -Massively improved the performance of the calculations. Depending on the calculations being performed, you should experience a big difference. Calculations should go at least 1.4 times faster, most likely 30-40 times faster, even up to 80 times faster in some cases. You probably won't even notice calculation lag anymore.
 -Rawr's 'HossPoints' really are quite different from the overall points that Hugehoss used in his spreadsheet, so to avoid confusion, I've renamed it to Overall Points.
 -Added Elixir of Mastery. Useful in some situations.
 -Added Major Armor to cloak enchant. No, you shouldn't be using this, but I included it so that you could see on the graph just how bad it is, compared to 12agi. The only time 120armor is more valuable than 12agi is when you're mostly naked. I also included Dodge to cloak, so you can see that there's never a time when it's better than 12agi, in any way. 
 -Added a giant sign with huge red letters that [almost] pops out of your monitor and slaps Emposter in the face.
 -Fixed a bug with meta gems being put in meta slots, and completing socket bonuses
 -Added a "Copy Character Stats To Clipboard" item in the Tools menu, which will copy the calcualted character stats, so that you can post it on forums, or save a history of your stats in a text file or something.
 -Added a Mit/Surv legend to the graph
 -Removed the racial base dodge rating from what shows up in the character stats, to avoid confusion. Now you'll just see the dodge rating from gear, just like in WoW
 -Added a Duplicate button on the Item Editor, which will duplicate the currently selected item.
 -More minor bugs, features, and tweaks, that I've probably missed or just forgotten I added. :)

Beta 3:
 -Characters saved with Beta 2 will not be compatible with this version, so please start from loading your armory again.
 -Massively improved the armory loader, to load enchants by IDs, correctly detect which gems you have and download data for those gems, rather than creating a new gem with the detected stats of the gems you're wearing.
 -All character/item/gem/image data is downloaded from the Armory now, rather than partially from the Armory, partially from Allakhazam, and partially made up from scratch.
 -The Gem Editor has been merged into the Item Editor. Gems now appear as their own heading in the list on the left, and there is a new item in the Slot dropdown for each gem color. When you hit Add Item, and type in the ID of a gem, it will not properly download all the stats and data about that gem, unlike before.
 -The Item Comparison graph on the right side of the main window has had some improvements. Mousing over an item name will now display the tooltip for that item, so that you can now distiguish which gem selection it is. Additionally, the currently equipped item is highlighted in green. There are now two new items in the Slot dropdown, Gems and Metas, which display the regular gems and meta gems in your dataset. While ratings for normal items are calculated by taking the difference between the overall ratings of your character with that item equipped, and with that slot empty, calculatings for gems are the difference between your current character ratings, and your character ratings if you had a buff with the stats of that gem.
 -Added the Elixir of Major Fortitude as a potential buff.
 -Fixed a multitude of crashing bugs and made many minor fixes/improvements.

Beta 2b:
 -Fixed a bug where, when loading an armory, items that Rawr had not seen before would be loaded with their sockets empty, instead of whatever gems you have.

Beta 2a:
 -Fixed a bug in how Rawr adds new gems to its library when it first sees them, that would hang your machine. Sorry!
Beta 2:
 -Initial Public Release


   Copyright 2008 Chadd Nervig, "HugeHoss", "Toskk", and the Rawr Developers.

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at

   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.


World of Warcraft Rawr Program Archive






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