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Merge pull request #266 from HigherOrderCO/add-examples
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imaqtkatt authored Apr 11, 2024
2 parents 38697aa + a0ccd7e commit c486536
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Showing 12 changed files with 281 additions and 0 deletions.
47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions examples/bitonic_sort.hvm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
data Tree = (Leaf val) | (Both lft rgt)

(U60.swap 0 a b) = (Both a b)
(U60.swap n a b) = (Both b a)

// Swaps distant values in parallel; corresponds to a Red Box
(Warp s (Leaf a) (Leaf b)) = (U60.swap (^ (> a b) s) (Leaf a) (Leaf b))
(Warp s (Both a b) (Both c d)) = (Join (Warp s a c) (Warp s b d))
(Warp s (Leaf a) (Both c d)) = (Both (Warp s (Leaf a) c) (Warp s (Leaf a) d))
(Warp s (Both a b) (Leaf c)) = (Both (Warp s a (Leaf c)) (Warp s b (Leaf c)))

// Rebuilds the warped tree in the original order
(Join (Leaf a) (Leaf b)) = (Both a b)
(Join (Leaf a) (Both c d)) = (Both a (Both c d))
(Join (Both a b) (Leaf c)) = (Both (Both a b) c)
(Join (Both a b) (Both c d)) = (Both (Both a c) (Both b d))

// Recursively warps each sub-tree; corresponds to a Blue/Green Box
(Flow s (Leaf a)) = (Leaf a)
(Flow s (Both a b)) = (Down s (Warp s a b))

// Propagates Flow downwards
(Down s (Leaf a)) = (Leaf a)
(Down s (Both a b)) = (Both (Flow s a) (Flow s b))

// Bitonic Sort
(Sort s (Leaf a)) = (Leaf a)
(Sort s (Both a b)) = (Flow s (Both (Sort 0 a) (Sort 1 b)))

// Generates a tree of depth `n`
(Gen 0 x) = (Leaf x)
(Gen n x) = let m = (- n 1); (Both (Gen m (* x 2)) (Gen m (+ (* x 2) 1)))

// Reverses a tree
(Rev (Leaf x)) = (Leaf x)
(Rev (Both a b)) = (Both (Rev b) (Rev a))

// Sums a tree
(Sum (Leaf x)) = x
(Sum (Both a b)) = (+ (Sum a) (Sum b))

(Main) =
let n = 10
(Sum (Sort 0 (Rev (Gen n 0))))

// Use an argument from cli
// (Main n) = (Sum (Sort 0 (Rev (Gen n 0))))
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions examples/bubble_sort.hvm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
// Sorts a list

// sort : List -> List
(Sort []) = []
(Sort (List.cons x xs)) = (Insert x (Sort xs))

// Insert : U60 -> List -> List
(Insert v []) = (List.cons v [])
(Insert v (List.cons x xs)) = (SwapGT (> v x) v x xs)

// SwapGT : U60 -> U60 -> U60 -> List -> List
(SwapGT 0 v x xs) = (List.cons v (List.cons x xs))
(SwapGT _ v x xs) = (List.cons x (Insert v xs))

// Generates a random list
(Rnd 0 s) = []
(Rnd n s) = (List.cons s (Rnd (- n 1) (% (+ (* s 1664525) 1013904223) 4294967296)))

// Sums a list
(Sum []) = 0
(Sum (List.cons x xs)) = (+ x (Sum xs))

(Main) =
let n = 10
(Sum (Sort (Rnd (* 2 50) n)))

// Use an argument from cli
// (Main n) = (Sum (Sort (Rnd (* 2 50) n)))
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions examples/hello_world.hvm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
(Main) = (HVM.print "Hello, World!" *)
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions examples/queue.hvm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
// A cool trick involving HVM's scopeless lambdas is linear qs:

// Qnew : Queue a
Qnew = λx x

// Qadd : a -> Queue a -> Queue a
Qadd = λx λq λk (q λc (c x k))

// Qrem : Queue a -> Pair a (Queue a)
Qrem = λq (q $k λx λxs λp(p x λ$k xs))

// Output: [1, 2, 3]
main =
let q = Qnew
let q = (Qadd 1 q)
let q = (Qadd 2 q)
let q = (Qadd 3 q)
((Qrem q) λv0 λq
((Qrem q) λv1 λq
((Qrem q) λv2 λq
[1, 2, 3])))
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions examples/quick_sort.hvm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
data Tree = Leaf | (Node l m r)

// Parallel QuickSort
(Sort List.nil) = Leaf
(Sort (List.cons x xs)) =
((Part x xs) λmin λmax
let lft = (Sort min)
let rgt = (Sort max)
(Node lft x rgt))

// Partitions a list in two halves, less-than-p and greater-than-p
(Part p List.nil) = λt (t List.nil List.nil)
(Part p (List.cons x xs)) = (Push (> x p) x (Part p xs))

// Pushes a value to the first or second list of a pair
(Push 0 x pair) = (pair λmin λmax λp (p (List.cons x min) max))
(Push _ x pair) = (pair λmin λmax λp (p min (List.cons x max)))

// Generates a random list
(Rnd 0 s) = (List.nil)
(Rnd n s) = (List.cons s (Rnd (- n 1) (% (+ (* s 1664525) 1013904223) 4294967296)))

// Sums all elements in a concatenation tree
(Sum Leaf) = 0
(Sum (Node l m r)) = (+ m (+ (Sum l) (Sum r)))

// Sorts and sums n random numbers
(Main) =
let n = 12
(Sum (Sort (Rnd (<< 1 n) 1)))

// Use an argument from cli
// (Main n) = (Sum (Sort (Rnd (<< 1 n) 1)))
121 changes: 121 additions & 0 deletions examples/sat_solver.hvm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
// Bool/List constructors and functions
(Cons h t) = λcλn(c h (t c n))
Nil = λcλn(n)
T = λt λf t
F = λt λf f
(Id a) = a
(Not a) = λt λf (a f t)
(And a b) = (a λx(x) λx(F) b)
(Or a b) = (a λx(T) λx(x) b)
(Or3 a b c) = (Or a (Or b c))

// Pretty prints a bool
(Bool x) = (x 1 0)

// Converts a solution to a pretty-printed church-list singleton
(Log x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 xA xB xC xD xE xF x) = (x (Cons λt(t
(Bool x0) (Bool x1) (Bool x2) (Bool x3)
(Bool x4) (Bool x5) (Bool x6) (Bool x7)
(Bool x8) (Bool x9) (Bool xA) (Bool xB)
(Bool xC) (Bool xD) (Bool xE) (Bool xF)
) Nil) Nil)

// A random 3-SAT instance with 16 variables
(Foo x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 xA xB xC xD xE xF) =
(Log x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 xA xB xC xD xE xF
(And (Or3 xC x8 (Not xB))
(And (Or3 (Not xA) (Not x2) (Not x8))
(And (Or3 xB (Not x9) x4)
(And (Or3 xA x1 (Not x8))
(And (Or3 (Not x9) x0 x5)
(And (Or3 (Not x4) (Not x4) xD)
(And (Or3 (Not x1) (Not x4) xB)
(And (Or3 (Not x2) xE (Not xD))
(And (Or3 xD (Not x8) (Not x7))
(And (Or3 xD (Not x1) x7)
(And (Or3 (Not x8) x4 x8)
(And (Or3 x5 (Not x0) xC)
(And (Or3 x1 x0 (Not x3))
(And (Or3 x3 xE (Not xD))
(And (Or3 x9 (Not xC) (Not xB))
(And (Or3 x8 (Not xE) (Not x5))
(And (Or3 (Not x7) (Not x9) (Not xF))
(And (Or3 xF xB x2)
(And (Or3 (Not x2) (Not xE) (Not x7))
(And (Or3 (Not xE) x3 (Not x3))
(And (Or3 x3 (Not xF) x1)
(And (Or3 (Not x0) x0 xD)
(And (Or3 (Not x8) (Not x3) xC)
(And (Or3 xC (Not x1) x7)
(And (Or3 x2 (Not xE) (Not x0))
(And (Or3 x6 (Not x5) x1)
(And (Or3 (Not xC) x3 (Not x3))
(And (Or3 (Not x1) (Not xC) (Not x5))
(And (Or3 xB xA x6)
(And (Or3 xF x6 x9)
(And (Or3 (Not xF) x3 (Not x9))
(And (Or3 (Not xB) x1 x8)
(And (Or3 x9 (Not xE) xE)
(And (Or3 (Not xA) (Not x2) x2)
(And (Or3 x5 xE (Not x2))
(And (Or3 (Not xB) xC x2)
(And (Or3 x1 xB (Not x2))
(And (Or3 x8 (Not x6) (Not x7))
(And (Or3 xD x9 (Not xA))
(And (Or3 x0 x8 (Not x8))
(And (Or3 (Not xA) x9 (Not x0))
(And (Or3 (Not xE) (Not x7) (Not xC))
(And (Or3 x9 xC (Not xA))
(And (Or3 (Not x7) (Not xF) xD)
(And (Or3 x0 (Not x2) xD)
(And (Or3 xC (Not x9) (Not x0))
(And (Or3 (Not xA) x8 (Not x1))
(And (Or3 x4 x5 (Not xE))
(And (Or3 (Not x0) x5 (Not x7))
(And (Or3 (Not x1) (Not xC) xA)
(And (Or3 x0 xF x9)
(And (Or3 (Not xA) x3 (Not x2))
(And (Or3 (Not x7) (Not xF) x6)
(And (Or3 (Not x1) x4 (Not x5))
(And (Or3 xC (Not x8) x2)
(And (Or3 x4 x7 (Not x5))
(And (Or3 (Not x9) (Not x0) (Not xA))
(And (Or3 xC x1 (Not x2))
(And (Or3 xB xE (Not xB))
(And (Or3 xF x5 xA)
(And (Or3 (Not x6) xE x3)
(And (Or3 (Not xB) xB x1)
(And (Or3 (Not xF) x0 x7)
(Or3 xE (Not x3) (Not x2))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

// Collapsers (to retrieve solutions from superpositions) - credit to @Franchu
Join = λaλbλcλn(a c (b c n))
Col0 = λx let #A0{x0 x1} = x; (Join x0 x1)
Col1 = λx let #A1{x0 x1} = x; (Join x0 x1)
Col2 = λx let #A2{x0 x1} = x; (Join x0 x1)
Col3 = λx let #A3{x0 x1} = x; (Join x0 x1)
Col4 = λx let #A4{x0 x1} = x; (Join x0 x1)
Col5 = λx let #A5{x0 x1} = x; (Join x0 x1)
Col6 = λx let #A6{x0 x1} = x; (Join x0 x1)
Col7 = λx let #A7{x0 x1} = x; (Join x0 x1)
Col8 = λx let #A8{x0 x1} = x; (Join x0 x1)
Col9 = λx let #A9{x0 x1} = x; (Join x0 x1)
ColA = λx let #AA{x0 x1} = x; (Join x0 x1)
ColB = λx let #AB{x0 x1} = x; (Join x0 x1)
ColC = λx let #AC{x0 x1} = x; (Join x0 x1)
ColD = λx let #AD{x0 x1} = x; (Join x0 x1)
ColE = λx let #AE{x0 x1} = x; (Join x0 x1)
ColF = λx let #AF{x0 x1} = x; (Join x0 x1)

// Finds a solution by applying Foo to superposed inputs
Main =
(Col0 (Col1 (Col2 (Col3
(Col4 (Col5 (Col6 (Col7
(Col8 (Col9 (ColA (ColB
(ColC (ColD (ColE (ColF
#A0{T F} #A1{T F} #A2{T F} #A3{T F}
#A4{T F} #A5{T F} #A6{T F} #A7{T F}
#A8{T F} #A9{T F} #AA{T F} #AB{T F}
#AC{T F} #AD{T F} #AE{T F} #AF{T F}
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions tests/snapshots/examples__bitonic_sort.hvm.snap
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
source: tests/
input_file: examples/bitonic_sort.hvm
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions tests/snapshots/examples__bubble_sort.hvm.snap
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
source: tests/
input_file: examples/bubble_sort.hvm
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions tests/snapshots/examples__hello_world.hvm.snap
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
source: tests/
input_file: examples/hello_world.hvm
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions tests/snapshots/examples__queue.hvm.snap
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
source: tests/
input_file: examples/queue.hvm
[1, 2, 3]
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions tests/snapshots/examples__quick_sort.hvm.snap
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
source: tests/
input_file: examples/quick_sort.hvm
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions tests/snapshots/examples__sat_solver.hvm.snap
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
source: tests/
input_file: examples/sat_solver.hvm
λa λb (a λc (c 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1) (a λd (d 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1) (a λe (e 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1) (a λf (f 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1) (a λg (g 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1) (a λh (h 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1) (a λi (i 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1) (a λj (j 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1) (a λk (k 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0) b)))))))))

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