How to use: run to update (if not existed in the current directory, create) Cereal_Data.csv, Ranking_and_Reviews.csv, Ranking_and_Star.csv.
Cereal_Data gives real-time snapshots of numbers of all/top3 items for each brand in the list [Cheerios Kashi Kellogg's Post Other] given the search word "cold cereal" and "cereal".
Ranking_and_Reviews records ranking and number of reviews for each item when the program is run. Ranking_and_Star records ranking and stars for each item (whose star information is not missing) when the program is run.
Run Cereal_Analytics to answer to following questions:
Given a set of competitor brands, for a given time range, for a given search term, what percentage of search results are owned by each brand?
Given a set of competitor brands, for a given time range, for a given search term, what percentage of the top 3 search results are owned by each brand?
Is there a correlation between the number of reviews and search ranking?
Is there a correlation between the rating and search ranking?