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New HPOVQosTrafficClass

Chris Lynch edited this page Dec 10, 2020 · 35 revisions

HPE OneView 4.10 Library


Create QoS Traffic Classifier Object


New-HPOVQosTrafficClass [-Name] <String> [-MaxBandwidth] <Int32> [-BandwidthShare] <String> [-EgressDot1pValue] <Int32> [-IngressDot1pClassMapping] <Array> [-IngressDscpClassMapping] <Array>[ [-RealTime] <SwitchParameter>][ [-Enabled] <SwitchParameter>] [<CommonParameters>]

Detailed Description

This helper CMDLET provides the capability to create a new QoS Traffic Classifier Object, which can then be added to either a Logical Interconnect Group, or Logica Interconnect resource.

Only non-FCoE Traffic Classifiers are allowed to be created. When creating the "Best effort" Traffic Classifier, only the MaxBandwidth parameter is allowed to be modified.


-BandwidthShare <String>

Minimum guaranteed bandwidth for the traffic class. The % share and the max share for a real time class must be equal and not exceed 50%.

Value between 1 and 100

Aliases None
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-EgressDot1pValue <Int32>

Specifies the dot1p priority value to remark for the egressing packets. This provides flexibility to control priority treatment for packets at the next hops based on the remarked dot1p value.

Aliases None
Required? true
Position? named
Default value 0
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-Enabled <SwitchParameter>

Specify to Enable the traffic class. By default, the class is disabled, even though it is defined.

Aliases None
Required? false
Position? named
Default value False
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-IngressDot1pClassMapping <Array>

Specify an array of ingress Dot1p values, and to which traffic class it is currently mapped. Allowed values:

* 0
* 1
* 2
* 3
* 4
* 5
* 5
* 6
* 7
Aliases None
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-IngressDscpClassMapping <Array>

Specify an array of DSCP class mappings, per RFC 2475. Allowed values:

* DSCP 0, CS0
* DSCP 10, AF11
* DSCP 12, AF12
* DSCP 14, AF13
* DSCP 8, CS1
* DSCP 18, AF21
* DSCP 20, AF22
* DSCP 22, AF23
* DSCP 26, AF31
* DSCP 28, AF32
* DSCP 30, AF33
* DSCP 34, AF41
* DSCP 36, AF42
* DSCP 38, AF43
* DSCP 16, CS2
* DSCP 24, CS3
* DSCP 32, CS4
* DSCP 46, EF
* DSCP 40, CS5
* DSCP 48, CS6
* DSCP 56, CS7
Aliases None
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-MaxBandwidth <Int32>

Maximum share the traffic class can use when other traffic classes are not using their guaranteed share. The max share and the % share for a real time class must be equal and not exceed 50%. For other classes, the max share is greater than or equal to the % share.

Value between 1 and 100

Aliases None
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-Name <String>

Aliases [-ClassName] Name of the QoS Classifier. Value cannot be "FCoE lossless". If value is "Best effort", only the MaxBandwidth Parameter is allowed to be modified.

Aliases ClassName
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-RealTime <SwitchParameter>

Specifies whether the traffic class is real time. Only 1 traffic class can be real time. Enabling real time for this class removes the real time flag for other classes.

Aliases None
Required? false
Position? named
Default value False
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters (

Input Types

None. You cannot pipe objects to this cmdlet.

Return Values

HPOneView.Networking.QosTrafficClassifier [System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject]

QoS Traffic Classifier Object

@{ qosTrafficClass = [PSCustomObject]@{

	maxBandwidth     = 100;
	bandwidthShare   = "0";
	egressDot1pValue = 0;
	realTime         = $false;
	className        = "Class";
	enabled          = $false;


qosClassificationMapping = [PSCustomObject]@{

	dot1pClassMapping = @();
	dscpClassMapping  = @()




 -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------

$Class1 = New-HPOVQosTrafficClass -Name Class1 -MaxBandwidth 50 -BandwidthShare 20 -ExgressDot1pValue 2 -IngressDot1pClassMapping 5,6 -EgressDscpClassMapping "DSCP 0, CS0","DSCP 10, AF11","DSCP 12, AF12","DSCP 14, AF13" -Enabled $Class2 = New-HPOVQosTrafficClass -Name Class2 -MaxBandwidth 10 -BandwidthShare 10 -ExgressDot1pValue 3 -IngressDot1pClassMapping 1 -EgressDscpClassMapping "DSCP 30, AF33","SCP 32, CS4" -Enabled $TrafficClasses = $Class1,$Class2

Create new traffic class objects "Class1" and "Class2", creating a new collection $TrafficClasses.

Related Links

HPE OneView 4.00 Library


Create QoS Traffic Classifier Object


New-HPOVQosTrafficClass [-Name] <String> [-MaxBandwidth] <Int32> [-BandwidthShare] <String> [-EgressDot1pValue] <Int32> [-IngressDot1pClassMapping] <Array> [-IngressDscpClassMapping] <Array>[ [-RealTime] <SwitchParameter>][ [-Enabled] <SwitchParameter>] [<CommonParameters>]

Detailed Description

This helper CMDLET provides the capability to create a new QoS Traffic Classifier Object, which can then be added to either a Logical Interconnect Group, or Logica Interconnect resource.

Only non-FCoE Traffic Classifiers are allowed to be created. When creating the "Best effort" Traffic Classifier, only the MaxBandwidth parameter is allowed to be modified.


-BandwidthShare <String>

Minimum guaranteed bandwidth for the traffic class. The % share and the max share for a real time class must be equal and not exceed 50%.

Value between 1 and 100

Aliases None
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-EgressDot1pValue <Int32>

Specifies the dot1p priority value to remark for the egressing packets. This provides flexibility to control priority treatment for packets at the next hops based on the remarked dot1p value.

Aliases None
Required? true
Position? named
Default value 0
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-Enabled <SwitchParameter>

Specify to Enable the traffic class. By default, the class is disabled, even though it is defined.

Aliases None
Required? false
Position? named
Default value False
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-IngressDot1pClassMapping <Array>

Specify an array of ingress Dot1p values, and to which traffic class it is currently mapped. Allowed values:

* 0
* 1
* 2
* 3
* 4
* 5
* 5
* 6
* 7
Aliases None
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-IngressDscpClassMapping <Array>

Specify an array of DSCP class mappings, per RFC 2475. Allowed values:

* DSCP 0, CS0
* DSCP 10, AF11 
* DSCP 12, AF12 
* DSCP 14, AF13 
* DSCP 8, CS1
* DSCP 18, AF21
* DSCP 20, AF22
* DSCP 22, AF23
* DSCP 26, AF31
* DSCP 28, AF32
* DSCP 30, AF33
* DSCP 34, AF41
* DSCP 36, AF42
* DSCP 38, AF43
* DSCP 16, CS2 
* DSCP 24, CS3 
* DSCP 32, CS4 
* DSCP 46, EF
* DSCP 40, CS5 
* DSCP 48, CS6 
* DSCP 56, CS7
Aliases None
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-MaxBandwidth <Int32>

Maximum share the traffic class can use when other traffic classes are not using their guaranteed share. The max share and the % share for a real time class must be equal and not exceed 50%. For other classes, the max share is greater than or equal to the % share.

Value between 1 and 100

Aliases None
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-Name <String>

Aliases [-ClassName] Name of the QoS Classifier. Value cannot be 'FCoE lossless'. If value is 'Best effort', only the MaxBandwidth Parameter is allowed to be modified.

Aliases ClassName
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-RealTime <SwitchParameter>

Specifies whether the traffic class is real time. Only 1 traffic class can be real time. Enabling real time for this class removes the real time flag for other classes.

Aliases None
Required? false
Position? named
Default value False
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters (

Input Types

None. You cannot pipe objects to this cmdlet.

Return Values

HPOneView.Networking.QosTrafficClassifier [System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject]

QoS Traffic Classifier Object

@{ qosTrafficClass = [PSCustomObject]@{

	maxBandwidth     = 100;
	bandwidthShare   = "0";
	egressDot1pValue = 0;
	realTime         = $false;
	className        = "Class";
	enabled          = $false;

qosClassificationMapping = [PSCustomObject]@{
	dot1pClassMapping = @();
	dscpClassMapping  = @()



 -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------

$Class1 = New-HPOVQosTrafficClass -Name Class1 -MaxBandwidth 50 -BandwidthShare 20 -ExgressDot1pValue 2 -IngressDot1pClassMapping 5,6 -EgressDscpClassMapping 'DSCP 0, CS0','DSCP 10, AF11','DSCP 12, AF12','DSCP 14, AF13' -Enabled $Class2 = New-HPOVQosTrafficClass -Name Class2 -MaxBandwidth 10 -BandwidthShare 10 -ExgressDot1pValue 3 -IngressDot1pClassMapping 1 -EgressDscpClassMapping 'DSCP 30, AF33','SCP 32, CS4' -Enabled $TrafficClasses = $Class1,$Class2

Create new traffic class objects 'Class1' and 'Class2', creating a new collection $TrafficClasses.

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