Laravel package for Create Laravel Modules from a template
Laravel 9 or later PHP 8.0 or later
You can install the package via composer:
composer require hesammousavi/laravel-module-creator
first you must create your module
php artisan m:make Roocket/User
finally, run this code :
composer update
beautifully done
you have different commands to do anything with your module
php artisan
you can see these commands for your usage
m:make create a new module to develop project
m:make:controller Create a new controller class
m:make:request Create a new request class
m:make:resource Create a new resource class
m:make:graphql-mutation Create a new Graphql Mutation class
m:make:graphql-query Create a new Graphql Query class
m:make:graphql-type Create a new Graphql Type class
m:make:migration Create a new migration file
m:make:model Create a new Eloquent model class
m:make:repo Create a new repo class
m:make:seeder Create a new Seeder class
m:make:rule Create a new Rule Validation class
m:make:event Create a new Event class
m:make:listener Create a new Listener class
you can build model for your module like
php artisan m:make:model <module-namespace> <model-name>
php artisan m:make:model Roocket/user User