Title: Chat-spot
Description: This app allows clients to see and read articles, create a blog and like and comment on articles and other blogs
"records": [
"id": "recbASOspF6GZh0sj",
"fields": {
"detail": "this is my blog for the day",
"comments": "this is a comment section",
"title": "Post of the day.",
"username": "Daquan"
"createdTime": "2021-09-20T16:13:58.000Z"
"id": "rec0vcNZ1cgfVbfYg",
"fields": {
"username": "Marie",
"title": "Love travel",
"detail": "Traveling is my passion",
"comments": "this blog is amazing"
"createdTime": "2021-09-20T16:13:58.000Z"
"id": "rec5nFP5p93nTiq8N",
"fields": {},
"createdTime": "2021-09-20T16:13:58.000Z"
"offset": "rec5nFP5p93nTiq8N"
- MVP: This project should allow client to view content, click to display content, add a comment to content, like or dislike content and post content.
- Post-MVP:)User should be able to comments and edit their comment and create and edit blog form
- Timeframes:
Task | Priority | Estimated Time | Time Invested | Actual Time |
Api call | H | 2 hrs | hrs | hrs |
build components | H | 3 hrs | hrs | TBD |
Add blog form | H | 2 hrs | hrs | TBD |
axios calls (put, push, get, delete | H | 4 hrs | hrs | TBD |
Add css | L | 3 hrs | hrs | TBD |
TOTAL | hrs | TBD |
- SWOT Analysis: i will overcome my weakness and threats by working better around css and responsiveness, making sure i complete task on time and paying attention to details for use experience.