A processing sketch used to demonstrate some properties of the sampling theorem.
I've wrote it to use in my "Introduction to software development with Pure Data" course, realized in Instituto de Artes da Unesp in 2017.
You can either:
- Download the source files from the "releases" page then open the .pde in Processing](https://processing.org/) then click "run"
- Download the binary files for windows from the "releases" page then extract the .rar and run it.
A popup will appear asking if you want to run it in fullscreen or in a window. (Alt+tab if you miss that pop-up).
Press F1 while the application is running for instructions
- Animate time
- Compare the samples of waves of frequencies that are the Sampling Rate apart.
- Compare the samples of waves of frequencies that are half the Sampling Rate apart.
- See the samples of sinusoids near the Nyquist frequency.
- Mirror the wave's frequency around Nyquist and compare the resulting samples.
- Experiment with different sampling rates