A script to produce WebMs within a certain file size limit.
The goal is to automatically produce decent looking WebMs. Little to no user input or prior experience required.
Usage: restrict.py [OPTIONS] INPUT [INPUT]...
Absolute or relative path to a video/image
Common options:
-h, --help show help
-q, --quiet suppress non-error output
-v, --verbose print verbose information
-a, --audio enable audio output
-s, --size SIZE limit max. output file size in MB (def: 3)
-f, --filters FILTERS use custom ffmpeg filters
-p, --passes {1,2} specify number of passes (def: 2)
-u, --undershoot RATIO specify undershoot ratio (def: 0.75)
-i, --iterations ITER iterations for each bitrate mode (def: 3)
-t, --threads THREADS enable multithreading
-ss, --start TIME start encoding at the specified time
-to, --end TIME end encoding at the specified time
-fs, --force-stereo force stereo audio output
-bf, --basic-format restrict output to one video/audio stream
Subtitle options:
--subtitles enable subtitle output
--mkv-fallback allow usage of MKV for image-based subtitles
--burn-subs discard soft subtitles after hardsubbing
Advanced video options:
--vp9 use VP9 instead of VP8
--crf use constrained quality instead of VBR
--no-qmax skip first bitrate mode (VBR with qmax)
--no-cbr skip last bitrate mode (CBR with frame dropping)
--bpp BPP set custom bpp threshold (def: 0.075)
--transparency preserve input transparency
--pix-fmt FORMAT choose color space (def: yuv420p)
--min-height HEIGHT force min. output height (def: 240)
--max-height HEIGHT force max. output height
--min-fps FPS force min. frame rate (def: 24)
--max-fps FPS force max. frame rate
Advanced audio options:
--opus use and allow Opus as audio codec
--no-copy disable stream copying
--force-copy force-copy compatible (!) audio streams
--min-audio RATE force min. channel bitrate in Kbps (def: 24)
--max-audio RATE force max. channel bitrate in Kbps
Misc. options:
--no-filter-firstpass disable user filters during the first pass
--ffmpeg-verbosity LEVEL change FFmpeg command verbosity (def: stats)
--debug only print ffmpeg commands
All output will be saved in 'webm_done/'.
'webm_done/' is located in the same directory as the input.
- Python >= 3.6
- FFmpeg (incl. ffprobe)
The FFmpeg and ffprobe executables must be in your PATH or - Windows CMD only - in the same location as the script.
- colorama for colorized terminal output on Windows
The following examples showcase the most basic commands to create WebMs for 4chan (length limitations aren't addressed).
restrict.py INPUT [INPUT]...
restrict.py -a -s 4 INPUT [INPUT]...
restrict.py -a -s 6 INPUT [INPUT]...
For further information consult the wiki!