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Transition plan off the graph hosted service

Jordan Walker edited this page Sep 29, 2022 · 2 revisions

Decentralized subgraph

This milestone defines the process by which we will fulfill the grant requirements for the graph and switch towards the decentralized subgraph for Ethereum Mainnet. This process can be followed for future transitions for other networks, with minor differences based on the chain and announcements by the graph in how these chains will operate.

The epic created has all of the items that need to be completed to transition usage internally as well as external users to the new subgraph. Further tasks complete the switch and optimize usage to avoid high fees since this burden now falls to the project.

Phase 1

Deploy the new subgraph using a multisig and get it set up to be indexed and pay for queries. This includes:

as well as minor tasks included in

Phase 2

Direct usage to new subgraph, this is both on the V2 UI side of things and any external parties querying against our subgraph. The external parties will need to be contacted and given an API key to continue making queries going forward.

Phase 3

Shut down hosted subgraphs. This includes hiding the main subgraph and rolling the peripheral subgraphs into the single one on the decentralized service per This should be accompanied with communications and time allowed for external parties to make the transition.

Phase 4

Monitor fees to determine whether and where optimizations are most necessary. This task leaves the implementation up to future discussion, but identifying costly areas of usage and lowering them will go towards sustaining the V2 product longer. Monitoring external API calls may require conversations with those services to see where they could reduce usage or compensate DAOhaus for the outlay.

Phase 5

Make optimizations based on phase 4. Determined by cost and benefit, address the issues with unneeded queries and jobs that can be removed resulting in minor UX degradations. The tasks for these are:

but tackling these should be based on need, and are not necessary unless it will significantly help in maintaining low query fees for the project.

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