Bug fixes
- Fixed "Error joining game" issue.
- Fixed requesting/dropping ammo not working.
- Fixed issues with ghost teammates. (hopefully)
- Fixed grenades sometimes being thrown to the right on mobile regardless of joystick position.
- Fixed grenades not going over bridges.
- Fixed bridge spawning issues. (mostly)
- Fixed missing large bridge hitboxes.
- Fixed healing particles from players on 1st floor showing on 2nd floor.
- Fixed airdrop parachute appearing above the gas.
- Fixed teammate name Z index.
- Replaced the logo on the loading screen with a png file, which should fix glitches with it on some devices.
- Fixed mobile players moving 2.5% faster than PC players.
- Fixed reload icon showing for throwables on mobile.
New features
- "Not enough space," "Better item equipped," and "Radio cannot be used here" messages are now shown in their respective situations.
- Added trophy emote.
- Major structures now spawn more evenly throughout the island.
- Health regeneration from adrenaline is now linear.
- The DEagle now spawns rarely as world loot.
- 2-3 rivers now spawn per map, instead of a fixed 3.
- There is now a limit of 1 large river per map.
- Reverted CZ-600 sounds.
- Reverted Vepr firing sound.
- Improved ceiling collapse sound.
Support the game!
If you enjoy playing Suroi, please donate! Any amount helps. All money from donations goes towards keeping the servers running.