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Ultra Multi-Thread

This project aims to facilitate and modularize multithreaded programming by naming shared objects. At the same time, it provides various common multi-thread synchronization functions, and re-packages the standard library. The code is header only, but it will rely on some third-party libraries as auxiliary functions.

本项目旨在通过命名共享对象的方式,便捷化和模块化多线程编程。同时提供各类常用多线程同步功能,对标准库进行二次封装。代码 header only ,但会依赖部分第三方库作为辅助功能。

Several pain points for multi-threaded programming:

  • Shared data directly uses global variables: the code does not have a good modular structure, and the file dependencies are complicated.
  • Shared data uses dynamic allocation of objects on the heap: shared_ptr is passed layer by layer in each function, and the code structure is easy to be confused.
  • The standard library has only lower-level thread synchronization libraries: commonly used high-level synchronization methods always have to make wheels.


  • 共享数据直接使用全局变量:代码不具有良好的模块化结构,文件依赖关系繁杂。
  • 共享数据使用堆上动态分配对象: shared_ptr 在各个函数中层层传递,代码结构容易混乱。
  • 标准库只有较底层的线程同步库:常用的高级同步方式总是要造轮子。

Using the method of naming shared objects eliminates the need for layer-by-layer transmission of shared_ptr, and at the same time, it does not rely on complicated code like directly using global objects. Name the shared object, uniquely identify a shared object through the object type and object name, and find the corresponding shared object through the string hash table.

使用命名共享对象的方式,省去 shared_ptr 的层层传递,同时不会像直接使用全局对象那样是的代码依赖繁杂。命名共享对象,通过对象类型和对象名称唯一确定一个共享对象,通过字符串哈希表来寻找对应的共享对象。

Commonly used multi-thread synchronization functions:

  • Publish and subscribe mode
  • Thread conditional sleep and wake up


  • 发布订阅模式
  • 线程条件休眠与唤醒

The actual project folder is UltraMultiThread, and the rest of the files are sample files, which provide a way to build a project. The main functions and functions can be viewed in the sample project. Here is the file structure, which is also the project template structure:

实际项目文件夹是 UltraMultiThread ,其余文件都是示例文件,它们提供了一种搭建项目的思路。主要功能和函数的使用可以查看示例项目,这里给出文件结构,也是项目模版结构:

├── CMakeLists.txt  # Project CMake configuration/项目 CMake 配置
├──  # Empty the example, leaving the frame/清空示例,留下框架
├── main.cpp  # The main cpp file, only used to run the python terminal, do not write your code here/主 cpp 文件,仅用于运行 python 终端,不要放入任务
├── scripts  # Python script storage directory/python 脚本存放目录
│   ├──  # The main python script, used to call other python scripts without modification/主 python 脚本,用于调用其他 python 脚本,无需修改
│   ├──  # Start c++ thread task/启动 c++ 线程任务
│   └──  # python task programming/python 任务编程
├──  # Sample run script/示例运行脚本
├── UltraMultiThread  # Project directory/项目目录
│   ├── CMakeLists.txt  # Project CMake/项目 CMake
│   └── include
│       └── umt
│           ├── Message.hpp  # P-S/通信类
│           ├── ObjManager.hpp  # Shared variable/共享变量类
│           └── umt.hpp
└── workers.cpp  # c++ task/c++ 任务

We recommend using python scripts to start threads in c++ in the way of task enablement, so that you can selectively open c++ tasks.

我们推荐使用 python 脚本以任务启用的方式开启 c++ 中的线程,这样可以选择性打开 c++ 任务。

For users who are not familiar with using it, we provide C++ and Python templates:

对于不熟悉使用的用户,我们提供 C++ 和 Python 模版:


#include <umt/umt.hpp>
#include <thread>

// define your class here

// end code

void function() {
    // define a publisher or subscriber

    while(true) {
        // push the data after calculation or receive the data which you needed
        // for subscriber, don't forget the try-catch block

// background wrapper
// don't forget to start your thread in python task
void background_run*() {

UMT_EXPORT_MESSAGE_ALIAS(MSG, MSG, c){}  // export your class

UMT_EXPORT_MESSAGE_ALIAS_WITHOUT_TYPE_EXPORT(int, int, c);  // export basic type

UMT_EXPORT_OBJMANAGER_ALIAS(foo, foo, c) {}  // export shared variable

PYBIND11_EMBEDDED_MODULE(Workers, m) {}  // export the module


import threading
import Message_<>  # import the wrapped class you defined in c++
from Message_MSG import MSG  # import your class

def function():
    # define a publisher or subscriber

    while True:
        # push the data after calculation or receive the data which you needed
        # for subscriber, don't forget the try-except block

threading.Thread(target=function, daemon=True).start()  # start your thread


  1. 自动注册类中成员变量和成员函数机制
  2. c++有线程自动不退出机制
  3. pop 返回成功与否,不会报错退出
  4. 只导出P/S而不指定数据类型,解决途径:动态多态或std::any
  5. c++/python输出冲突,解决途径:多进程或统一LOGGER-syncstream

Update log

2021-10-09: Solve the deadlock problem of python basic types, commit: 7b080b

2021-10-09:解决 python 基本类型死锁问题,commit:7b080b

If this project is useful to you, you can order a Star! Thank you~

如果本项目对你有用的话可以点个 Star !谢谢~









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  • C++ 86.7%
  • Python 6.9%
  • CMake 5.3%
  • Shell 1.1%