This project is a simple bootloader written in C which prints some message to the COM1 serial line. The source code uses as little assembler as possible.
- GNU C Compiler
- GNU Make
- QEMU x86_64 emulator
To compile the project, run the following command on a terminal :
If you want to add, to link a static object file (.o) to the bootloader, you can do so by running the following command:
EXTRA_OBJECT=file.o make
This object file must be produced from C code with the following structure (you can check an example of this in the tests/ folder) :
void win(int (*printf_ptr)(const char *fmt, ...))
/* some code that uses the function in parameter */
You can run the following command to launch the bootloader with QEMU :
qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -fda hello64 -nographic -serial stdio -monitor none