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DakkJaniels edited this page Apr 28, 2021 · 12 revisions



Make a copy of amazon_config.template_json and rename to amazon_config.json:

(If you are still getting this error, and you think you did the above correctly, you didn't. Search "how to change file extensions" on Google)

  "asin_groups": 2,
  "asin_list_1": ["B07JH53M4T","B08HR7SV3M"],
  "reserve_min_1": 800,
  "reserve_max_1": 1000,
  "asin_list_2": ["B07JH53M4T","B08HR7SV3M"],
  "reserve_min_2": 700,
  "reserve_max_2": 750,
  "amazon_website": ""
  • asin_groups indicates the number of ASIN groups you want to use.
  • asin_list_x list of ASINs for products you want to purchase. You must locate these (see Discord or lookup the ASIN on product pages).
    • The first time an item from list "x" is in stock and under its associated reserve, it will purchase it.
    • If the purchase is successful, the bot will not buy anything else from list "x".
    • Use sequential numbers for x, starting from 1. x can be any integer from 1 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,616
  • reserve_min_x set a minimum limit to consider for purchasing an item. If a seller has a listing for a 700 dollar item a 1 dollar, it's likely fake.
  • reserve_max_x is the most amount you want to spend for a single item (i.e., ASIN) in asin_list_x. Does not include tax. If --checkshipping flag is active, this includes shipping listed on offer page.
  • amazon_website amazon domain you want to use. smile subdomain appears to work better, if available in your country.

Previously your username and password were entered into the config file, this is no longer the case. On first launch the bot will prompt you for your credentials. You will then be asked for a password to encrypt them. Once done, your encrypted credentials will be stored in amazon_credentials.json. If you ever forget your encryption password, just delete this file and the next launch of the bot will recreate it. An example of this will look like the following:

python amazon
INFO Initializing Apprise handler
INFO Initializing other notification handlers
INFO Enabled Handlers: ['Audio']
INFO No credential file found, let's make one
Amazon login ID: <your email address>
Amazon Password: <your amazon password>
INFO Create a password for the credential file
Credential file password: <a password used to encrypt your amazon credentials>
Verify credential file password: <the same password that was entered above>
INFO Credentials safely stored.

Starting the bot when you have created an encrypted file:

python amazon --test
INFO Initializing Apprise handler
INFO Initializing other notification handlers
INFO Enabled Handlers: ['Audio']
Reading credentials from: amazon_credentials.json
Credential file password: <enter the previously created password>
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