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Build Status Gem Version License: MIT

Ruby API Kit v4.0, implementing v4.0 of the HandsetDetection API.

API Kits can use our web service or resolve detections locally depending on your configuration.


gem install 'handset_detection'

For Ruby on Rails apps, or any other application that uses Bundler, add this line to your Gemfile:

gem 'handset_detection'


API Kit configuration files can be downloaded directly from Handset Detection.

  1. Login to your dashboard
  2. Click 'Add a Site'
  3. Configure your new site
  4. Grab the config file variables for your API Kit (from the site settings)
  5. Place the variables into the hdconfig.yml file
  6. If you use Ruby on Rails, place hdconfig.yml in your config folder.


Instantiate the HD4 object

# Using the default config file
require 'handset_detection'
hd =


# Using a custom config file
require 'handset_detection'
hd = '/tmp/my_custom_config_file.yml'

List all vendors

if hd.device_vendors
  data = hd.get_reply
  p data
  p hd.get_error

List all device models for a vendor (Nokia)

if hd.device_models 'Nokia'
  data = hd.get_reply
  p data
  p hd.get_error

View information for a specific device (Nokia N95)

if hd.device_view 'Nokia', 'N95'
  data = hd.get_reply
  p data
  p hd.get_error

What devices have this attribute ?

if hd.device_what_has 'network','CDMA'
  data = hd.get_reply
  p data
  p hd.get_error

Device detection

hd.set_detect_var 'user-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (SymbianOS/9.2; U; Series60/3.1 NokiaN95-3/20.2.011 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 ) AppleWebKit/413'
hd.set_detect_var 'x-wap-profile', ''
if hd.device_detect
  data = hd.get_reply
  p data
  p hd.get_error

Detect your website visitor's device

Invoke hd.set_server_headers with your web server's HTTP_* environment variables.

Using Ruby on Rails:

hd.set_server_headers request.env

This is a Ruby on Rails controller that will detect the visitor's device, and simply display the detection results:

require 'handset_detection'

class DemoController < ApplicationController
  def index
    hd =
    hd.set_server_headers request.env
    if hd.device_detect
      render :plain => hd.get_reply
      render :plain => hd.get_error

Download the Full Ultimate Edition

Note : Increase the default timeout before downloading the archive.

hd.set_timeout 500
if hd.device_fetch_archive
  data = hd.get_raw_reply
  puts "Downloaded #{data.length} bytes"
  p hd.get_error
  p hd.get_raw_reply

Download the Community Ultimate Edition

hd.set_timeout 500
if hd.community_fetch_archive
  data = hd.get_raw_reply
  puts "Downloaded #{data.length} bytes"
  p hd.get_error
  p hd.get_raw_reply

Flexible Caching Options

Version 4.1.* includes file-based, Memcached and Rails (ActiveSupport) caching options.

Using Memcached

This is an example cache configuration that you can insert in your config file:

cache: { memcached: { 
  servers: [ 'localhost:11211' ], 
  options: { value_max_bytes: 4000000 }

See for other options that you can set.

Using Ruby on Rails

If you don't specify any cache options, Handset Detection will detect that you use Rails and it will utilize the Rails cache.

To explicitly ask for the Rails cache, you can set:

cache: { rails: true }

Using the filesystem

To use your filesystem as the cache backend, you can use this configuration:

cache: { file: { directory: /tmp }}

Using in-memory cache

The in-memory cache is useful when running batch jobs.

cache: { memory: {}}

If running on multiple threads, you can use the thread_safe option:

cache: { memory: { thread_safe: true }}

Extra Examples

Additional examples can be found in the examples.rb file.

Getting Started with the Free usage tier and Community Edition

After signing up with our service you'll be on a free usage tier which entitles you to 20,000 Cloud detections (web service) per month, and access to our Community Edition for Ultimate (stand alone) detection. The archive for stand alone detection can be downloaded manually however its easiest to configure the API kit with your credentials and let the API kit do the heavy lifting for you. See examples above for how to do this.

Instructions for manually installing the archive are available at v4 API Ultimate Community Edition, Getting Started

Unit testing

Unit tests use minitest and can be found in the test directory.

rake test

API Documentation

See the v4 API Documentation.

API Kits

See the Handset Detection GitHub Repo.


Let us know if you have any hassles ([email protected]).