A minimal static site generator tailored to my needs.
CI: https://hydra.emile.space/project/vokobe
; cargo build --release
; ./target/release/vokobe --help
vokobe 0.1.0
A static site generator
vokobe [FLAGS] <in-path> <out-path> <site-name>
-a, --analytics Activate sending analytics to stats.emile.space
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
<in-path> Input path
<out-path> Output path
<site-name> Site name (e.g. emile.space)
The following subsections contain some example for small shell scripts that might be useful for Deployment.
Remove the output dir, build it from scratch and update the perms.
I'm actually considering rebuilding vokobe with incremental builds in mind, as it can take a bit to create some really large projects.
rm -rf out/
vokobe -a ./in ./out emile.space
chmod -R +r out/
Syncronize the generated output to the remote host for hosting it.
rsync -avz --delete <out-path>/* <user>@<host>:<path>
Build and Syncronize.
Host the local version
python3 -m http.server 8081 -d <outpath>/ -b
rebuild on changes
#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell
#! nix-shell -i bash -p fd entr
while sleep 0.5; do
fd . in | entr -d ./build.sh
run a script updating it on changes and one hosting the output.
sh ./watchbuild.sh &
sh ./host.sh
Send patches!