How to put this thing on??? The following scenarios are supported by the code. But it is not easy, there are so many classes.. Can someone make this easier? Please help!
To watch a movie we should:
- turn popcorn popper on.
- let the popcorn popper pop.
- Dim the lights
- Put the screen down
- Put the projector on
- and set it to wide screen mode
- Put the amplifier on
- insert an DVD in it
- enable surround sound on
- set the volume to 5
- set the dvdplayer on
- play the movie on the dvd player
When we're ready watching the movie:
- turn the popcorn popper off
- put the lights on
- roll up the screen
- turn off the projector
- turn off the amplifier
- stop the dvd
- eject dvd
- turn off dvd player
To listen to the music we should:
- put the lights on
- put the amplifier on
- set the volume of the amplifier to 5
- insert a cd in the amplifier
- and enable sterio sound
- turn the cd player on
- let the player play the cd
When we're ready listening music:
- turn the amplifier off
- set the amplifier to cd mode
- eject cd out of the cd player
- turn off cd player
To listen to the radio we should:
- turn the tuner on
- set the frequence to the required number
- turn the amplifier on
- set the amplifier volume to 5
- set the amplifier to tuner mode
When we're ready listening music:
- turn of the tuner
- turn off the amplifier
The code of this assignment is taken from Head First Design Patterns A Brain-friendly Guide. We thank the authors Eric Freeman Elisabeth Robson for this.