Reads GTFS-RT feed from a http(s) source and publishes every entity to MQTT topic as its own differential GTFS-RT feed
You need to configure at least the following env variables that are marked as mandatory
- (mandatory) "MQTT_BROKER_URL" MQTT broker's URL
- (mandatory) "FEED_TYPE" which type of a GTFS RT data is provided (for example vp for vehicle position), used in MQTT topic
- (mandatory) "FEED_NAME" name for the data feed, used in MQTT topic
- (mandatory) "FEED_URL" URL for the HTTP(S) GTFS RT data source
- (optional) "FEED_HEADERS" headers for requesting GTFS RT feed
- (mandatory as of 4.3.2023 if using Digitransit API) "AUTHENTICATION_HEADER" Authentication header name
- (mandatory as of 4.3.2023 if using Digitransit API) "AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN" Authentication header secret
- (optional) "USERNAME" username for publishing to a MQTT broker
- (optional) "PASSWORD" password for publishing to a MQTT broker
- (optional, default 5) "INTERVAL" how long to wait in seconds between fetching new data from HTTP(S) data feed
- (optional, default "OTP_URL" defines where to fetch otp data from
- (optional, default 3600) "OTP_INTERVAL" defines in seconds the wait time between fetching new data from OTP