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Meme Directory to upload, share, edit and comment on memes.

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XMeme - Manas Acharya

XMeme is a meme directory made for Crio Winter of doing Stage 2 phase B. Purpose was to execute a list of REST API requirements specified by Crio and integrate it with a frontend. Publicly hosted here with Heroku. Let's dive into the project.

Tech Stack

Backend : Flask (Python)

Frontend : React

Database : MongoDb

Deployment : Heroku (Https)

Containerization : Docker

Highlighted Features


  1. Get meme data with Pagination service built into the api
  2. URL verification to check if content at meme URL is of image type (Disabled for assessment as Fetch requests on EC2 requires change of settings from aws console. Feature will work on public api endpoint.)
  3. Add Comments to posts
  4. Deployed using GUNICORN WSGI server instead of flask development server
  5. Complete Event Logging from dao object into Database
  6. Unknown Endpoint 404 handling
  7. Duplicate data (409), Invalid Inputs (422), Resource not found (404) **error handling
  8. Unit Tests Framework used for testing mandatory apis
  9. Created Dockerfile to containerize and run server


  • Add Memes with Post Preview

  • Edit Memes with Edit Preview

  • Edit Meme Data and Add Comments With No Site Reloads for Smooth UX

  • Implemented the legendary UI/UX Infinite Scrolling model (Pagination on meme sites is archaic)

  • Anonymous Commenting on posts

  • Copy Meme URL to Clipboard

  • Contributors Appreciation Page

  • Completely Responsive Design

Backend: Flask API

Flask microframework was a goto for this project as it is lightweight and enables rapid development of REST APIs. As a requirement the Swagger documentation was built using the flask restx library. It has been hosted here with Heroku.


  1. Post memes with Owner name, Meme URL and caption
  2. Edit meme URL and caption
  3. Get meme data with Pagination service built into the api
  4. URL verification to check if content at meme URL is of image type (Disabled for assessment as Fetch requests on EC2 requires change of settings from aws console. Feature will work on public api endpoint.)
  5. Add Comments to posts
  6. Deployed using GUNICORN WSGI server instead of flask development server
  7. Complete Event Logging from dao object into Database
  8. Modular Code style to separate Db operations from Application logic
  9. API Reuse by defining granularity through query parameters
  10. Get information on all meme contributors: Name, Number of submission
  11. Document Count api to count number of documents matching passed parameters
  12. Unknown Endpoint 404 handling
  13. Duplicate data (409), Invalid Inputs (422), Resource not found (404) error handling
  14. Swagger-UI
  15. Unit Tests Framework used for testing mandatory apis
  16. Created Dockerfile to containerize and run server


  • /memes
Method Description Parameters Error Handling
GET Endpoint to fetch the latest 100 memes : Optionally can enable pagination by passing page and limit value. Default limit if not passed is taken as 100. Optional Query Params:
page : indicates pagination page number
limit: number of memes per page
500: Internal Server Error
POST Endpoint to send a meme to the backend. Returns Unique ID for the uploaded meme. POST Body Raw JSON Data:
name: Meme Owner name
url: Meme URL
caption: Post caption
400: Empty POST Body
409: Duplicate Entry
422: Invalid URL input
  • /memes/
Method Description Parameters Error Handling
GET Endpoint to fetch a particular Meme with passed ID - 404: Specified meme doesn't exist
PATCH Endpoint to update the caption or url for an existing meme PATCH Body Raw JSON Data:
url: New Meme URL
caption: New Post caption
409: Update Field values identical to Existing Values
  • /contributors
Method Description Parameters Error Handling
GET Endpoint to get all Meme Owner names with number of Submissions - 500: Internal Server Error
  • /memecount
Method Description Parameters Error Handling
GET Endpoint to get Count of documents in db by name or url or caption as params Query Params:
name: MemeOwner name
url: Meme Url
caption: Post caption
500: Internal Server Error
  • /addcomment
Method Description Parameters Error Handling
GET Endpoint to add comments to post POST Body Raw JSON
_id: Id of meme to comment
name: Username to comment as
comment: Comment text to post
400: Incomplete Post Body data
404: Post doesn't exist

Project Structure

|   Procfile
|   requirements.txt
|   |
|   |
  • : Flask API definitions

  • : api unit testing

  • utils : Utilities Directory

  • dao : Contains Abstraction class for all db operations

  • : Contains functions for url validation

  • Procfile : Heroku deployment file for gunicorn

  • requirements.txt : python environment for project

  • : docker installation and testing script

Development Environment


Written unit tests to test major API endpoints with pythons unittest framework. Test file is located in root as

Code Formatting

All code written is formatted according to PEP8 standards enforced with the autopep8 code format library.

Frontend: React-App

React with its powerful component based system, state handling and virtual dom-rendering engine is one of the best front end frameworks out there and is my choice for this project. Developed with YARN as package manager of choice. The frontend is completely RESPONSIVE and therefore has smooth UI/UX for mobile users as well.


  • Add Memes with Post Preview
  • Edit Memes with Edit Preview
  • Edit Meme Data and Add Comments With No Site Reloads for Smooth UX
  • Implemented the legendary UI/UX Infinite Scrolling model (Pagination on meme sites is archaic)
  • Anonymous Commenting on posts
  • Copy Meme URL to Clipboard
  • Contributors Appreciation Page
  • Completely Responsive Design
  • Effortless Scroll To Top with animated button
  • 404 Page Handling
  • Submission URL Validation with regex
  • Display Time Since Posted
  • Reload Button on Site

Project Structure

|   package.json
|   yarn.lock
|   .gitignore
+--- public
|   | React index.html and favicon related files
+--- src
|   |   App.css
|   |   App.js
|   |   index.css
|   |   index.js
|   |   reportWebVitals.js
|   +---components
|   |   +---layouts
|   |   |       CommentMemeModal.js
|   |   |       Comments.js
|   |   |       EditMemeModal.js
|   |   |       Footer.js
|   |   |       FormModal.js
|   |   |       Header.js
|   |   |       Posts.js
|   |   |       ScrollToTopButton.js
|   |   |       ScrollToTopButton2.js
|   |   |
|   |   +---pages
|   |   |       Contributors.js
|   |   |       ImageGrid.js
|   |   |       Page404.js
|   |   |
|   |   \---utils
|   |           checkUrlIsImage.js
|   |           GetMemePagination.js
|   |           timeSince.js
|   |           validUrl.js
|   |
|   \---static


With the component based development I was able to separate UI elements which enables rapid development and easier maintenance.

Project Components:-
  • layouts: Includes individual elements of page like Header, Footer, etc
  • pages: Includes components that render entire site pages ImageGrid (main app page), Contributors Page and 404 Landing Page
  • utils: Utilities for carrying out repetitive logic and reused react hooks

Development Environment


Followed CSS BEM format universal standard for writing comprehendible and maintainable CSS code.

Code Formatting

Used VSCode plugin Prettier for auto formatting of code thereby having a standardized global format

Package Manager

Used Yarn to as package manager primarily due to its greater speed compared to npm

API Calls

Used the Axios package with its promise framework being much better and easy to use over fetch api.

Database: MongoDb

First choice due to its comfortable document based structure. Used Pymongo as client for MongoDb in backend project. Public deployment done on Mongo Atlas Cloud service which makes complete use of sharding to make sure service is partition tolerant and always available.


Added event logging into mongo that logs every action taken on the api. From posting, editing to commenting everything is logged. Data is fed from the Database Access Operations Class in api. Example:

{'_id': ObjectId('60200ed6e515fe1b326c7d8b'),
 'action': 'insertion',
 'caption': 'SEO Patronum',
 'log_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 2, 7, 16, 1, 26, 729000),
 'meme_id': '60200ed6e515fe1b326c7d8a',
 'name': 'Parry Hotter',
 'url': ''}

Auto Assign Unique Id

Mongo has built-in functionality to give unique Id

Sharding with Replica Sets

The Atlas deployment works with 3 replica sets ensuring that the XMeme service is always available and partition tolerant

Author: Manas Acharya