Ability to use your own logo images instead of the WordPress or Aquila logos.
CSS re-written using LESS. Complete re-design.
35 new custom SVG icons added.
Tweaked color scheme to Google's Material Design spec.
"Dashboard" no longer renamed.
Dashboard icon back to standard dashicons.
Added body classes "aquila", "aquilaFront" and "aquilaAdmin" to help with CSS targeting.
"Aquila Support" metabox removed.
Links removed under admin bar WP-Logo, and Aquila/WordPress support links added.
Typeface changes - now "Roboto" to match Material Design style.
Plugin support added for 103 popular plugins.
"Contextual Help" and "Screen Options" links removed from title area. Added smaller icon links in the admin bar for these.
Current admin page title added to Admin Bar.
Admin Bar de-cluttered.
New admin menu icons.
Plugin support widget now links to settings page to change view capabilities.
Footer text width issue fixed.
WooCommerce Status metabox fixed.
Added server stats to Dashboard metabox (server IP address, PHP version, server memory usage and memory limit etc.).
Clear PNG images given a grey background for easier visibility in the Media Library.
Added option to leave "Posts" post type as it is, or rename it to "Blog".
Dashicons in Admin Bar fixed when all links are displayed.
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