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Deep Learning for beginners

2016년 8월부터 딥러닝공부를 하면서 봤던 강의영상, 동영상, 블로그들의 목록입니다.

What is Deep Learning ?

  1. Deep Learning introduced by Nvidia (
  2. Deep Learrning Roadmap (
  3. What is deep learning (


  1. Azure server NV series install (


  1. Tensorflow (
  2. Tensorflow Cookbook (
  3. CNTK (,
  4. CNTK Tutorial (
  5. Keras Pretrained Models (
  6. Keras Blog (
  7. Python Torch tutorial (
  8. Incredible Pytorch (
  9. Caffe2 (

Machine Learning Basics

  1. 딥러닝과 관련된 개념들 (
  2. Andrew NG 교수님의 Coursera 강의 (
  3. Ian goodfellow의 책 (
  4. Numpy-100 Tutorial (
  5. Numpy tutorial (
  6. Kaggle 1st place for 2 years (
  7. 아니 이 많은걸 언제 다 정리하셨대 (
  8. Experiments about ReLU/LeakyReLu/PReLU (
  9. Hyperparameter optimization (
  10. FastAI Linear Algebra (

General Neural Networks

  1. 열한줄로 뉴럴넷 짜보기 (
  2. 한단계 한단계 Back propagation에 대한 친절한 설명 (
  3. Batch Normalization (
  4. Gradient Descent Optimization Algorithm 비교 (
  5. Adagrad, Adadelta,RMSProp,Adam (

Convolutional Neural Networks

  1. CNN을 쉽게 이해하도록 도와준 영상 (,
  2. 그 유명한 cs231n 강의 (
  3. 그 유명한 cs231n 강의노트 (
  4. 한글로 설명이 잘되어있는 라온피플 블로그 (
  5. 시각화된 Convolution의 작동 (
  6. 강의자 Andrej Kaparthy의 볼게 많은 블로그 (
  7. 명화의 화풍을 따라 그리는 Neural Style (,,
  8. 레이어별로 뉴런의 Activation 및 반응을 볼 수 있는 자료 (
  9. Google Deepdream (
  10. 2016 No.1 ResNet (
  11. Transposed Convoultion의 문제점과 해결방안 (
  12. 자료들이 모여있는 Awesome Deep vision (
  13. ResNet in Tensorflow (
  14. ResNet, DenseNet (
  15. Spatial Transformer Network (
  16. Filtered image after convolution (
  17. Convolution Transposed (
  18. LeNet to ResNet (,
  19. 2017 cs21n (
  20. Convolution function as matrix multiplication (
  21. Depth-wise Seperable Convolution (

Detection & Semantic Segmentation

  1. Fully Convolutional Network for Semantic Segmentation (
  2. Faster R-CNN (
  3. Semantic Flow segmentation (,
  4. Image Segmentation (
  5. Localization & Detection gitbook (
  6. Image Processing in classical ways(?)(
  7. All about segmentation (
  8. Tensorflow Faster R-CNN (
  9. Deeplab Resnet Tensorflow (
  10. Segmentation Overview (

Unsupervised Learning

  1. Semi-supervised Learning (,


  1. 김범준씨의 Variational Autoencoder의 번역 (
  2. Generating Large Images from Latent Vectors (,
  3. Variational Autoencoder (,,

Generative Adversarial Networks

  1. Adversarial Nets papers (
  2. Generative Adversarial Networks by OpenAI (
  3. 김태훈씨의 쉽게 설명한 DCGAN in Tensorflow (,
  4. 간단한 GAN 설명과 동영상 예시 (
  5. 이미지의 빈부분을 채우는 GAN (,
  6. 텍스트를 이미지로 바꾸는 GAN text-to-image (
  7. GAN video generation (
  8. DCGAN Tutorial (
  9. InfoGAN Tutorial (
  10. DiscoGAN in Pytorch (
  11. Wiseodd GANs (
  12. DiscoGAN official (
  13. CycleGAN tutorial (

Recurrent Neural Networks

  1. RNN에 대한 친절한 설명 (
  2. Andrej Kaparthy RNN의 활용가능성 (
  3. Image caption generator in Tensorflow (
  4. Awesome RNN (
  5. Pytorch RNN (
  6. LSTM experiments (
  7. Attention Mechanism in RNN (
  8. Stanford CS224d(


  1. CS224d for NLP (
  2. Oxford Deep NLP (
  3. Seq2seq TF1.0 code (
  4. Denny Britz Seq2seq (
  5. Pytorch for NLP tutorial (
  6. Practical Pytorch for NLP (


  1. Word2vec이 필요한 이유와 코드 공식사이트 번역본 (,
  2. Chris Mccormick의 Word2vec 설명 (
  3. 한국어와 NLTK, Gensim에 대한 박은정씨의 발표 (
  4. Genism tutorial (
  5. Kaggle word2vec tutorial (
  6. Word2vec의 역사(

Reinforcement Learning

  1. Simple Reinforcement Learning with Tensorflow by Arthur Juliani (
  2. Udacity Self Driving Car Simulator (
  3. UC Berkeley RL (
  4. Denny Britz RL (,
  5. RL Derivatives (


  1. t-SNE (,
  2. t-SNE 저자 설명 (
  3. MNIST 시각화 (
  4. Tensorboard 예시 (
  5. How to use t-SNE effectively (
  6. CAM:Class Activation Map (
  7. CAM:Class Activation Map 한글설명 (
  8. Grad-CAM Pytorch(
  9. Grad-CAM Visualization(
  10. Optimizer Visualization(

Data Augmentation

  1. Data Augmentation with Keras api (
  2. Winner of Galaxy zoo (
  3. Elastic Deformation (
  4. Elastic Deformation2 (
  5. Image Data Augmentations (
  6. Scipy Lectures (


  1. Snapshot Ensembles: Train 1, get M for free (

Attention + Classification

  1. Residual Attention Network for Image Classification (
  2. Learn To Pay Attention (
  3. Tell Me Where to Look: Guided Attention Inference Network (

Blogs & Gist

  1. Fast Forward Labs (
  2. Variational Autoencoder (
  3. Google Experiments (
  4. Deep learning 2016 summary(
  5. Brandon Amos Blog (
  6. Hvass_lab_tutorials (
  7. Tensorflow Queue and Threads (
  8. How to read images using tf.queue (
  9. Sungjoon choi's blog (
  11. Why Denoising?(

Awesome Series

  1. Awesome2vec (
  2. Awesome Bayesian Deep Learning (

Mathematics for Deep Learning

  1. Essence of Linear Algebra (
  2. 공돌이의 수학정리노트 (
  3. (
  4. Cross Entropy Loss & KL divergence (
  5. PRML by Bishop in Korean (
  6. Mathematical Tour in Python (
  7. Statistical Distributions (
  8. PRML algorithms implemented in Python (
  9. Bloomberg Foundation of Machine Learning (


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