This is a Mac Command Line tool to help import the snippet clone from mattt or other place.
The reason why I makeing this is that I don't want to import other programmers' good snippets one by one(boring). And the ACCodeSnippetRepositoryPlugin can't be used in Xcode 7 and the most important reason is that I can't fix it because I haven't learn about how the plugin is loaded and run.
The format of the snippet must be as the fllow:
title: "dispatch_async Pattern for Background Processing"
summary: "Dispatch to do work in the background, and then to the main queue with the results"
completion-scope: Function or Method
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(<#dispatch_queue_priority_t priority#>, <#unsigned long flags#>), ^(void) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(void) {
The usage of this tool is
SnippetImporter SnippetDirectoryFullPath/SnippetFileFullPath
##Notice This project has used some code of ACCodeSnippetRepositoryPlugin project
- Add Snippets Synchronization to Github and make it become a Xcode plugin (If I can't fix ACCodeSnippetRepositoryPlugin)
- Fix the ACCodeSnippetRepositoryPlugin, make it available in Xcode 7/8 (Which is killing the repository😀)
##LICENCE SnippetImporter is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.