Find a path from one word to another. A step is defined as a change of a single letter in the word that produces another valid word. For bonus points, find the shortest path.
For example:
bat, man -> (bat, ban, man)
Or a bit more fun:
grouper, twister -> (grouper, grouser, grosser, grasser, glasser, classer, clasher, flasher, flasker,
flanker, franker, tranker, thanker, thinker, thinner, twinner, twinter, twister)
Use any language that you'd like, but make sure you pay attention to code structure and clarity. We like Ruby, Coffeescript, Scala, Objective-C and Python, but if you use something else we'll figure it out.
If you're in ruby world, you can use your machine's word list as follows:
require 'set'
$words =
File.foreach('/usr/share/dict/words') {|w| $words << w.chomp.downcase}
# Now you can look up if a word is in your dictionary
$words.include?("fish") # true
When you get a solution. Drop it in a private gist and send the link to [email protected].