Python module to easily access and operate the Bus Pirate from SparkFun Electronics
PyBusPirate2 is a python module to facilitate the access to all Bus Pirate features using it's binary BitBang mode (which provides direct control over the Bus Pirate pins and hardware using a simple single-byte protocol) for the communication between the Bus Pirate and the Python script.
The Bus Pirate brings us all the fun to quickly access and hack all kinds of embedded devices or interact with it's components alone and combining this with Python for rapid development is the best of both worlds.
All information related to the project will be stored in the wiki section so please refer there and if you think something is missing, please create a ticket in the Issues tab or leave a comment.
This program and hardware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.