The Turtle database stores a history of every observation script that has ever been executed on the GBT, along with their respective operator, observer, project, etc.
will allow you to easily answer questions such as:
- What scripts have been run in the last 24 hours? What is in their logs?
- What was happening at a given time?
- When has a given project been run?
- How has a given script changed over time? Or: it used to work, what happened?
- Which scripts have I run... ever? What were their contents?
Note that these questions can be partially answered by using a combination of the OpsLog and DSS, but neither of these tools is a direct reflection what actually happened on the system. That is, the Turtle DB represents a third source of truth for answering "what happened?" sorts of questions, but it has been markedly more opaque than the other two.
- A few notes:
- For most use cases, you will want to include either
to make the searches a little more thorough - Running this from your workstation will probably be very slow, and you will thus be prompted if you attempt to do so. I'd recommend using a machine intended for data processing instead.
- This is an early draft, and there isn't really any error checking, so certain combinations of arguments might lead to unexpected behavior
- This script has a read-only view of the turtle database, and thus is unable to break anything
- Until this finds a permanent home, you'll probably want to
$ alias turtlecli=~monctrl/bin/turtlecli
- More complete help is available via the
- For most use cases, you will want to include either
This should complement the OpsLog, but with some additional (and more precise) information, along with logs. Note that you could also do --last 1 --unit days
$ ~monctrl/bin/turtlecli --last 24 --logs
Displaying scripts that occurred within the last 24.0 hours, ordered by datetime (descending)
Project Name Script Name Executed (EST) Observer Operator State
-- -------------- ----------------------- ------------------- --------------- --------------- -------------
0 AGBT18A_314 mapping 2018-04-17 14:24:52 Toney Minter David Rose obs_completed
1 AGBT18A_314 mapping 2018-04-17 14:13:08 Toney Minter David Rose obs_completed
Showing logs for all above results
Logs for script mapping, executed at 2018-04-17 14:24:52 by observer Toney Minter
[14:24:53] ******** Begin Scheduling Block
[14:24:53] ******** observer = Toney Minter, SB name = mapping, project ID = AGBT18A_314, date = 17 Apr 2018
Something went wrong at February 3rd, 2014 at 3:00am? What was happening in the 2-hour window centered on this datetime?
Note that buffer here grabs scripts that were executed within +- 1 hour of the given datetime.
$ ~monctrl/bin/turtlecli --times 'Feb 3 2014 3am' --buffer 1
Displaying scripts that occurred within 1:00:00 hours of 2014-02-03 03:00:00, ordered by datetime (descending)
Project Name Script Name Executed (EST) Observer Operator State
-- -------------- ------------- ------------------- ---------- ---------- --------------
0 AGBT13B_405 Abell773 2014-02-03 03:08:27 Lucas Hunt Greg Monk obs_in_progess
1 AGBT13B_405 3C147 2014-02-03 02:52:14 Lucas Hunt Greg Monk obs_completed
This would complement, but, again, will show what actually happened instead of what was scheduled or reported.
$ ~monctrl/bin/turtlecli --project AGBT18A_460
Displaying scripts for project ['AGBT18A_460'], ordered by datetime (descending)
Project Name Script Name Executed (EST) Observer Operator State
-- -------------- ------------------ ------------------- -------------- ---------- -------------
0 AGBT18A_460 3-FRB121102_C-Band 2018-04-16 22:19:25 Andrew Seymour David Rose obs_completed
8 AGBT18A_460 1-Fluxcal_C-Band 2018-03-26 02:02:31 Ryan Lynch Greg Monk obs_aborted
Is the script I'm running now different than the last time it worked?
Note that the diff output will be colored in the terminal, and somewhat easier to read. Also note that --interactive is passed here, which means you will be stepped through each diff, one at a time. At the end, you will drop into an interactive shell.
$ ~monctrl/bin/turtlecli --project AGBT18A_460 --script 3-FRB121102_C-Band --diff --interactive
Displaying scripts for project ['AGBT18A_460'], for script ['3-FRB121102_C-Band'], ordered by datetime (descending)
Project Name Script Name Executed (EST) Observer Operator State
-- -------------- ------------------ ------------------- -------------- ---------- -------------
0 AGBT18A_460 3-FRB121102_C-Band 2018-04-16 22:19:25 Andrew Seymour David Rose obs_completed
1 AGBT18A_460 3-FRB121102_C-Band 2018-03-26 02:24:36 Ryan Lynch Greg Monk obs_completed
Showing differences between all above results, interactively
Differences between scripts A (executed 2018-04-16 22:19:25) and B (executed 2018-03-26 02:24:36)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
src = "FRB121102"
#duration = 2.5*3600
-stopTime = "00:30:00"
+stopTime = "04:30:00"
#stopTime = Horizon(5.5)
config_nocal = """
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
pol = 'Linear'
backend = 'VEGAS'
bandwidth = 1500.0
-tint = 81.92e-6
+tint = 40.96e-6
nwin = 4
deltafreq = 0.0
swmode = 'tp_nocal'
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
pol = 'Linear'
backend = 'VEGAS'
bandwidth = 1500.0
-tint = 81.92e-6
+tint = 40.96e-6
nwin = 4
deltafreq = 0.0
swmode = 'tp'
Press any key to see the next diff (or 'q' to exit the loop)
Results are available in the `results` variable.
Specify --observer
in order to show only scripts that they have executed.
$ ~monctrl/bin/turtlecli --observer 'Thomas Chamberlin' --show-scripts
Displaying scripts by observer Thomas Chamberlin, ordered by datetime (descending)
Project Name Script Name Executed (EST) Observer Operator State
-- -------------- --------------------------- ------------------- ----------------- --------------- -------------
0 TINT integration1_vegas 2018-04-13 19:17:48 Thomas Chamberlin Amanda Wichterm obs_completed
17 JAPI Ryan_LO1_config_test 2018-02-27 18:21:04 Thomas Chamberlin Greg Monk obs_aborted
Showing script contents for all above results
Contents of scripts executed at 2018-04-13 19:17:48
lband_acs_tp = """
receiver = 'Rcvr1_2'