This document aims to describe the process of installing a new change to the gbtpipeline environment
Green Bank Telescope (GBT) calibration and mapping pipeline This will connect to the gbtgridder. Imaging dependencies include idlToSdfits, Obit, parseltongue and AIPS.
Production environments are stored in /home/gbt7/pipeline
. Environments can be created using createPipelineEnv.bash
What happens when someone presses enter on $ gbtpipeline
participant B as /opt/local/bin/gbtpipeline
participant C as /opt/local/stow/nrao-gb/bin/gbtpipeline
participant D as /home/gbtpipeline/gbt-pipeline/src
participant E as /home/gbt7/pipeline/release/bin/activate
Note left of B: $ gbtpipeline <args>
B ->> C: simlink
C ->> D: calls gbtpipeline script
D ->> E: source venv
Note left of E: simlink to 'release' to current venv
D ->> D: main
ssh pipeline@galileo
cd /home/gbtpipeline/gbt-pipeline
# get the latest updates
git pull origin release_1.5
# if a new release then get the new branch
git checkout release_<release version>
git pull
ssh monctrl@galileo
cd /home/gbt7/pipeline
# you need the reuirements to make the venv
cp /home/gbtpipeline/gbt-pipeline/requirements.txt .
/home/gbtpipeline/gbt-pipeline/createPipelineEnv.bash gbtpipeline-v<version>-env
# if not still in the correct env
ssh monctrl@galileo
cd /home/gbt7/pipeline
rm release
ln -s gbtpipeline-v<version>-env release
You should be set then. Your new changes and venv will be called by the op/local/bin/gbtpipeline setup. See above for an diagram of that process.