Cookiecutter template for a "standard" GBO Python package
Based on:
Install cookiecutter, e.g via pipx
pipx install cookiecutter
Create your project interactively:
Or, you can create it a bit quicker if you trust the defaults. For example, to create a project named fooproj
with everything else set to default values:
cookiecutter project_name=fooproj --no-input
You will probably also want to create a simple config file at ~/.cookiecutterrc
. e.g.:
full_name: ""
email: ""
github_username: ""
pypi_username: ""
The problem we're trying to solve: Python packaging is complicated and stupid. We want to be able to easily:
- Create a python package skeleton, based on a standardized template
- pyproject.toml
- Install linters and code formatters
- Install pre-commit and relevant hooks
- Create a virtual environment for this package
- Install our dependencies, and our package itself, into the new venv
This is basically an implementation of what I consider best practices, and what I end up doing by hand for most of my new scripts/packages. But hopefully it's useful for others too