Generate permutations for nested arrays or strings that offer one or more choices.
You can use it as a Rails plugin or as a normal ruby.
script/plugin install git://
sudo gem install permutations
You can permutate array elements:
require 'permutations' [[1,2],[3,4]].permutations # =>[[1,3],[1,4],[2,3],[2,4]]
You can also permutate choice sets extraced from strings. These choices are specified between curly braces:
"{1,2}{3,4}".permutations # => ["13", "14", "23", "24"]
It is possible to use a custom separator, and whitespace surrounding options is automatically removed to allow for more reader-friendly formatting of the choicees:
"{ 1 | 2 }{ 3 | 4 }".permutations("|") # => ["13", "14", "23", "24"]
By default (custom) separators are regexp-escaped, but this can be turned off to use a regexp to determine the separation; for example when there are multiple separators:
"{1|2}{3,4}".permutations("[|,]", false) # => ["13", "14", "23", "24"]
Bugs and feature requests can be added in Lighthouse. Pull requests on github are welcome, too. When you submit code, it is very much appreciated when have specs and perhaps a bit of documentation for new features.
Created by Wes Oldenbeuving. Licensed under the MIT License.