Join and chat on the popular chat service - View other projects by GoneRogue Productions These policies should be abided. Failure to abide with lead to consequences. These include suspension / removal from the platform. The policies are located in the policies folder. These policies are open-sourced under the gnu gplv3 license (see
Contributions are curretnly welcomed from a select few users: @werdl @thisiscoding1234 @uimaxbai @2010person This repository is protected by a to make sure only the above users can edit, by the way. If you are not one of those people you can contribute to one of the repositories or you could consider contributing to GoneRogueProductions's programming language, Rosemary.
These policies are applicable to anybody who posseses a GoneRogue account that has been active on the chat_service Dispatch. These policies are enforceable under the laws of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
These policies are licensed under the GNU License (see the for details). Failure to abide with the licensing will result in a sanction that goes up to blocking your GitHub Account from this repo or reporting you to GitHub (it depends on what GoneRogueProductions deem fit in response to your untolerated actions taken on this repo).
On this repository you should conduct yourself in the following manner: • No offensive / discrimitory language to anybody • Respecting the CODEOWNERS and what they say is final • Following the terms of the GNU license
Anything you wish to discuss can be done on the discussion tab (this must abide by the rules).