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Graphical Settings

Disable PostFX

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    "FFlagDisablePostFx": true

Change Rendering Mode

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For D3D11 (DirectX 11):

    "FFlagDebugGraphicsPreferD3D11": true

For D3D11FL10 (DirectX 11 but with the feature list of DirectX 10):

    "FFlagDebugGraphicsPreferD3D11FL10": true

For Vulkan:


Performance may vary (Worse on nvidia cards). Expect visual bugs and crashes.

    "FFlagDebugGraphicsPreferVulkan": true

For OpenGL:

    "FFlagDebugGraphicsPreferOpenGL": true

For Metal:


Only for MacOS.

    "FFlagDebugGraphicsPreferMetal": true

Better Light Attenuation


May cause lighting artifacts.

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    "FFlagNewLightAttenuation": true

Disable Baked Shadows

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    "DFFlagDebugPauseVoxelizer": true

Force LOD For All Meshes

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Remove Player Clothing Textures

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    "DFIntTextureCompositorActiveJobs": 0

Skip MipMaps


Set to anything below 0 to basically delete all textures.

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  "FIntDebugTextureManagerSkipMips": 0

Force Texture Quality


Set to any value from 0 to 3.

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    "DFFlagTextureQualityOverrideEnabled": true,
    "DFIntTextureQualityOverride": 3

Uncap FPS

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    "DFIntTaskSchedulerTargetFps": 9999,
    "FFlagTaskSchedulerLimitTargetFpsTo2402": false

FRM Quality Level Override


Forces graphics quality. Render distance will still incerase however. Values range from 1 - 10 and 1 - 21 if using 21 bars.

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    "DFIntDebugFRMQualityLevelOverride": 1

Enable MSAA


Values over 4 will cause viewports (3D Models) to be invisible.

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    "FIntDebugForceMSAASamples": 0

Low Poly Terrain

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    "FIntTerrainArraySliceSize": 8

Remove Player Shadows

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    "FIntRenderShadowIntensity": 0

ShadowMap Bias

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    "FIntRenderShadowmapBias": 75

UI/UX (User Interface)

Rename Charts Tab Back To Discover

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    "FFlagLuaAppChartsPageRenameIXP": false

Rainbow UI / Viewport

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    "FFlagDebugDisplayUnthemedInstances": true

Position Update UI/UX

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    "FFlagAXAccessoryAdjustment": true,
    "FFlagAXAccessoryAdjustmentIXPEnabled": true,
    "FFlagAXAccessoryAdjustmentIXPEnabledForAll": true,
    "FFlagAXAvatarFetchResultCamelCase": true,
    "FFlagAccessoryAdjustmentEnabled3": true

Chrome FTUX (First Time User Experience)

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    "FFlagDebugEnableVRFTUXExperienceInStudio": true,
    "FFlagEnableChromeFTUX": true,
    "FFlagEnableVRFTUXExperienceV2": true

Revert To Old Report Menu

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    "FFlagEnableReportAbuseMenuRoactABTest2": false,
    "FFlagEnableReportAbuseMenuRoact2": false,
    "FFlagEnableReportAbuseMenuLayerOnV3": false

Disable Beta Badge

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    "FFlagVoiceBetaBadge": false,
    "FFlagTopBarUseNewBadge": false,
    "FFlagEnableBetaBadgeLearnMore": false,
    "FFlagBetaBadgeLearnMoreLinkFormview": false,
    "FFlagControlBetaBadgeWithGuac": false,
    "FStringVoiceBetaBadgeLearnMoreLink": ""

Disable Chat Translation

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    "FFlagChatTranslationSettingEnabled3": false

Fix Beta Badge Dupe

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    "FFlagFixDupeBetaBadge": true

Disable Haptics Toggle

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    "FFlagAddHapticsToggle": false

Disable Self View

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    "FFlagCoreGuiTypeSelfViewPresent": false

Chat Keylogger

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    "FFlagDebugTextBoxServiceShowOverlay": true

Remove Home Button

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    "FFlagInGameMenuHomeButton": false

Chrome Pin Chat

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    "FFlagEnableChromePinnedChat": true

Hide GUI


Set to a id of a group you are in.

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    "DFIntCanHideGuiGroupId": 0

Set Custom Font Size

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    "FIntFontSizePadding": 1

Cleaner ESC Settings Menu

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    "FFlagEnableAudioOutputDevice": false,
    "FIntV1MenuLanguageSelectionFeaturePerMillageRollout": 0,
    "FFlagChatTranslationSettingEnabled3": false

Disable "Output device" UI from Escape Menu

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    "FFlagEnableAudioOutputDevice": false

Disable Fullscreen Titlebar

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    "FIntFullscreenTitleBarTriggerDelayMillis": 3600000

Chrome UI


May cause the game to not load in certain games.

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    "FFlagEnableInGameMenuChrome": true

QOL (Quality Of Life)

Disable VR Collision Fade

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  "FFlagViewCollisionFadeToBlackInVR": "False"

Disable AD Portals

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    "FFlagAdServiceEnabled": false

Scroll Speed

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    "FIntScrollWheelDeltaAmount": 0

Disable Telemetry


Does not disable all telemetry.

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    "FFlagDebugDisableTelemetryEphemeralCounter": true,
	"FFlagDebugDisableTelemetryEphemeralStat": true,
	"FFlagDebugDisableTelemetryEventIngest": true,
	"FFlagDebugDisableTelemetryPoint": true,
	"FFlagDebugDisableTelemetryV2Counter": true,
	"FFlagDebugDisableTelemetryV2Event": true,
	"FFlagDebugDisableTelemetryV2Stat": true

Voice Chat

Voice Chat Volume

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Default value is 1000 (in thousandths).

    "DFIntVoiceChatVolumeThousandths": 1000

Return Old Voice Chat Bubble [WARNING: DISABLES AVATAR CHAT]

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    "DFFlagFacialAnimationStreaming2": false


Enable New Camera Mode

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    "FFlagNewCameraControls": true

Enable Audio Occlusion

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    "FFlagDebugEnableDirectAudioOcclusion2": true

Make Your Flags Work On Certain Games Only

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Sky's Flag Collection

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Surfing The Web Inside of Roblox

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    "FFlagTopBarUseNewBadge": true,
    "FStringTopBarBadgeLearnMoreLink": "",
    "FStringVoiceBetaBadgeLearnMoreLink": ""


Roblox was supposed to kill fastflags like 6 months ago. Now here I am updating this collection again. Roblox really trolled me with this one.